"Kell wore a very peculiar coat.
It had neither one side,
which would be conventional,
nor two,
which would be unexpected,
but several, which was, of course,
V.E. Schwab
A Darker Shade of Magic
"Kell wore a very peculiar coat.
It had neither one side,
which would be conventional,
nor two,
which would be unexpected,
but several, which was, of course,
V.E. Schwab
A Darker Shade of Magic
"He would see her again. He knew he would.
Magic bent the world. Pulled it into shape. There were fixed points. Most of the time they were places.
But sometimes, rarely, they were people. For someone who never stood still, Lila felt like a pin in Kell's world.
One he was sure to snag on."
Victoria Schwab
A Darker Shade of Magic
I am dying for Kell and Lila's reunion in AGOS!!
I need them together again!
"Ned was clad in a white linen doublet with the direwolf of Stark on the breast;
his black wool cloak was fastened at the collar by his silver hand of office.
Black and white and grey,
all the shades of truth."
George R.R. Martin
A Game of Thrones
"Plenty of humans were monstrous,
and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human."
VE Schwab
So. Much. Nostalgia! Okay let's be honest here. The writing could be so much better, the characters could have more depth, and less petty teenage nonsense. This is my first time rereading this book since high school and it still just sucked me back into the world of gorgeous, sparkling immortals.
So after finishing up act 4 last night I have a lot of mixed feelings about this script. I wanted to love it, I wanted it to answer all the questions I had after finishing the deathly hallows. There were parts I adored! The scenes with Snape and the conversations Harry had with Dumbledore's portrait were fantastic. Scorpius was a favorite for me, but I felt the other characters were so-so. I don't regret reading it and I'm sure I will again.
Okay guys I'm freaking out here. Act 4 better explain all of it!
This may be far from my favorite Harry Potter book but it's still hitting me right in the feels. Dumbledore you always get to me😭
I can't say enough about the Harry Potter series. It has always been there for me when I feel nothing else is. I read it again every few months or years this story and the amazing characters in it will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart ❤️⚡️✨