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Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook | Elena Craig, Kristen Mulrooney
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"Roquefort puffs would complement that dish quite well!"


wordslinger42 I‘ve debated on getting this! Are the recipes good? 5h
TheBookHippie @wordslinger42 70 percent yes! 30 percent is EH but I just adapt. I‘ve been cooking every Friday all year from this cookbook it‘s my plan for 2024. 5h
wordslinger42 @TheBookHippie Oh, that‘s fun! I‘ll have to give it a try for September! There‘s a Gilmore festival in MI at the end of the month, so I‘m thinking of making Sept. Gilmore-themed 😄 4h
Tamra Gorgeous! 4h
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My #20BOOKSBYBLACKWOMEN is going well 🎉

vlwelser Do you have a favorite so far? I only read 2 of these. 8h
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I love BOTH Renee Watson books, Madness was 🤯 you know it wouldn‘t be good news but man people are evil… We are all so good at smiling and Bright Red Fruit and Imagination: A Manifesto - - all excellent. Magic Enuff: Poems also good. The rest were just okay -but I struggle with fiction in general. Renee‘s skin & bones probably my favorite. 8h
vlwelser Adding skin & bones to my hideous tbr. Thank you. Also now intrigued by Madness. 7h
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vlwelser Oh. Madness is actually on my shortlist for IRL NF book club. 7h
TheBookHippie @vlwelser It is fascinating, heavy and so sad. Necessary to read though. 7h
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘m still thinking about skin & bones. 7h
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1. KAMALA 💙💙💙💙💙
2. Pickled Red Onion https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/pickled-red-onions.html
3. Bon fire 🔥
4. Another sweet Danielle Steel read #213
5. Peacock from Mr BookHippie 🦚

Winnie is sleeping soundly which is wonderful 🐾

PS I use the block and delete functions 😘 these are MY JOYS. MINE. #5JOYSFRIDAY

AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 21h
AnnCrystal 🐶💝💝💝💝💝. 21h
Jari-chan Kamala! 💪 20h
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Mimi28 🩷🩷🩷🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽Kamala and the peacock 🦚 20h
IndoorDame YES to all of these! Esp Kamala! 17h
Lesliereadsalot Yeah Kamala! 17h
5feet.of.fury So many great things! 11h
S3V3N Kamala 💙💙💙💙 9h
dabbe #mamakamala! 🤩🤩🤩 6h
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English Bulldogs | Susan Heinrichs Gray
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Trust has been broken- vet has been visited 👀

My poor old girl has very bad arthritis in her right knee and minor in the left. So pain meds it is. Her eyesight is failing a bit too. She was not a fan of the car ride today which is long (70 minutes one way) and even longer in construction 😭😭😭😭

Home now and we‘re both exhausted 💤

Time to just rest.but she isn‘t doing it close to me. AS IF.

Aimeesue Aww, poor puppa 🐾 1d
BookwormAHN Poor baby, I hope she feels better soon 💗 1d
Tamra Speedy recovery for you both! 1d
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kspenmoll I am so sorry for Winnie- & such a long ride for you both. Hope u are resting.🩵 1d
Lcsmcat I‘m sorry! I hope the pain meds help. 1d
Read4life Exhausting day. I hope you both get rest and that Winnie feels better soon. 💙🐾💙 1d
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie hope you both get some rest and feel better soon💙🐾🐾 1d
JenReadsAlot So stressful! Hope you both get good rest 1d
dabbe Oh, sweet Winnie! If you only knew how much your mama loves you! You just rest and get feeling better ... you, too, Mama! 🖤🐾🖤 1d
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 1d
Ruthiella Poor baby! ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 1d
vlwelser I love that face. I hope she feels better. 1d
mollyrotondo Awww poor Winnie! That‘s a long day! I hope she rests and finds relief! 1d
AlaMich I hope the pain meds help! 🐶 23h
AnnCrystal poor baby 💕🐶💝. 21h
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Untitled | Untitled
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#staycationswap arriving via Amazon Saturday to @LeslieO 🧳💙

Chrissyreadit 💛🎉💛🎉💛 1d
LeslieO Can‘t wait! 14h
TheBookHippie @LeslieO 🎉 looks like it‘s 3 boxes 😵‍💫😅🤣 arriving all on tomorrow. 🧳 13h
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2. Black Hole Sun SOUNDGARDEN
3. California Love 2PAC

So many good ones!!! 🎵🎵🎵

wanderinglynn Same! 🚫TS! 2d
AmyG Ripple ❤️ 2d
dabbe #thequeenofmusicwinsagain 🛼🩵🛼 What if TS makes it to the top ten? 😱 1d
TheBookHippie @dabbe I don‘t have to listen to it 🤣😵‍💫 1d
dabbe @TheBookHippie That's one right we still have in this crazy country! 🤪 1d
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Albert Einstein Quotes | Albert Einstein
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Untitled | Unknown
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#WhatsNewWednesday 🌸🌺🌷🌹🪷🌱🪴

Finally tomatoes turning 🍅
🦚 New lawn friend from Mr BookHippie
New flowers blooming and plants are growing WILD 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

kspenmoll A peacock? 💙 2d
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll yes. Has special meaning to me. 2d
Read4life Beautiful!! 💙💙💙 2d
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Hippie | Barry Miles
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1. I received the name ‘The Book Hippie‘ from a little girl who gave me a few weeds as a present when she “caught” me filling a Little Free Library one day. “You‘re the Book Hippie that fills the library, and I caught you!!! ” “Here‘s some flowers, they‘re really weeds, but you can pretend they are flowers.” The name stuck I‘m known all over town for rescuing books and mentoring&tutoring reading & literacy..
2/3 I don‘t do audio 😵‍💫🤣🚫

lil1inblue I love #1! That's a beautiful story. 😍 2d
youneverarrived Love that story 🩷 2d
TheSpineView Such a sweet story! 2d
kspenmoll Great story! It fits you! 💙 2d
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The Joys of Yiddish | Leo Rosten
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vantz (VAHNTZ)

n. A bedbug.
n. By extension, an annoying person.

"My family always affectionately dubbed my brother, Howard, a vantz."


#weirdwordwednesday ?

AmyG A word used alot by my grandmother and Mom. 3d
lil1inblue Ooh! This is an excellent word. 3d
CBee Hmm. I can think of a few 😂😂😂 3d
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dabbe A new (ahem) slogan: Vance is a Vantz. 😀 2d
willaful How topical. 😂 2d
TheBookHippie @willaful I try to behave, alas it‘s a struggle… 2d
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Toy Story | Disney
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Woody is napping ….

Tamra Mine likes to strew toys everywhere - at least she has a neat pile! 😆 3d
AnnCrystal 💕🐶💝. 3d
dabbe Winnie's on guard. #cutenessoverload #icanteven 🖤🐾🖤 3d
TheBookHippie @dabbe babysitting the grand baby who‘s no longer a baby 😅 3d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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#hashtagbrigade ready for AUGUST 🖤

BarkingMadRead Our covers are so similar‘ 3d
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I noticed that!!! I‘m so excited to read this. 3d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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See you Sunday to discuss the ENDING 😅🤐

Soubhiville Creepy! 3d
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Mood. 🖕🏻

Also I‘ve always loved Elizabeth Taylor ♥️

AmyG Mood indeed. 👊🏻 3d
Deblovestoread 🙌🏼 3d
Leftcoastzen Add my finger as well! 3d
dabbe Liz knows how it is. Add my finger as well. 🤜🏻🤛🏻 3d
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Édith Piaf &
Legendis Orchestra
French Pop • 2024


I‘m in love with this

Édith Piaf is a favourite of mine ♥️

IndoorDame This is mind blowing, I love it!!!! 4d
Cuilin Fabulous, it‘s funny how sounds become popular on TikTok. I‘ve heard it before, but I had no idea what it was so thank you. 4d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame this came out last year it‘s played here often https://music.apple.com/us/album/symphonique/1708147155 4d
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TheBookHippie @Cuilin We had a whole lesson on who she was with my son‘s XC team. 🙃 The last couple years she‘s been redigitalized it‘s so wonderful. My husband‘s fellow coworker in France says he grew up with her music and that everyone does. (edited) 4d
Cuilin How cool. I knew a few of her melodies. It‘s nice to see the popularity of the remix. 3d
TieDyeDude I don't know a lick of French, but I love listening to French music, and you can't go wrong with Edith. Thanks for sharing! 3d
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This is SHHHHHHHH on our 2025 schedule for JANUARY


1.99 across digital platforms THIS WEEK ONLY

So this is The Godmothers author we loved and 😵‍💫😅 Cooking for Picasso which was her first book.



TheBookHippie Everyone welcome as always!!! 4d
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Librarybelle Oh! Thanks! Grabbing it right now!!! 4d
kspenmoll Thanks! 4d
mollyrotondo Oooo definitely up for trying her again! Loved The Godmothers. Also loved the past storyline in Cooking for Picasso. The present storyline was 😵‍💫 but excited to try another one! Thank you for the sneak peak! Lol 4d
vlwelser The Godmothers was great. We'll just pretend Cooking for Picasso was someone else. 4d
UwannaPublishme Yay! Thanks for the heads up! 4d
mcctrish And I could get the deal 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4d
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 🎉🎉🎉 4d
AmyG Ahhhhhhhh thanks! 4d
Karisa Snagged it! Thanks 😊 4d
Deblovestoread Got it! Thanks! 4d
slategreyskies Got it! Thanks! 📚 4d
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread oh yay!!! Phew ! I kept forgetting ppl. Lots going on here.. 4d
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo 🤞🏻🤞🏻 4d
TheBookHippie @vlwelser yes this is the plan! 4d
Sargar114 Woo woo! Thanks!!!! 4d
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Snagged my copy! 4d
Read4life Got mine! Thanks. 3d
julieclair Woo hoo! Snagged it. Thanks for the heads up! 3d
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Vilest Things | Chloe Gong
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5feet.of.fury Sooooo pretty 4d
TheBookHippie @5feet.of.fury I know!!!! I already preordered another one and want this one too 🤣 4d
vlwelser 😍😍😍😍😍 4d
Meshell1313 GORG! 😍 3d
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I always enjoy memoirs. Good weekend read.

Untitled | Untitled
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📒 https://a.co/d/9dWFv7w

A little tip from me to you
Every night before bed I fill this out
It helps with memory
It‘s helps with anxiety
It helps with sleep
Also -if eating meals, taking meds and resting is all that‘s on your list -it‘s enough.
Don‘t forget can be I am love I am light I am enough

Blank side you can add all the books you want to read 😅😂🤣😘

Happy Monday 🥰

Cuilin 🩵🤍💙 needed this. I have something similar, I should start using it. 5d
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie this is perfect-thank you❤ 5d
dabbe What a lovely reminder. It definitely would help with feeling some sort of accomplishment every day! 🩵💙🩵 4d
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TheBookHippie @Cuilin 💕💕💕💕 4d
TheBookHippie @dabbe 💕💕💕💕 4d
vlwelser I do this at work. It's magic for the anxiety. 4d
LiteraryinLawrence 💗💗 4d
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Cuilin Right? The balance between keeping informed and sane is certainly challenging. 5d
dabbe #oytotheultimatevey! 🤩😂🤗 4d
Liz_M @Cuilin perfectly stated! 4d
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What did you all do with your book??
Also does anyone want this 🫣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😱😅😬😝

dabbe Maybe a bonfire in the fall? 🤩😂😀 5d
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slategreyskies I actually knew someone once who named his daughter Clarissa because of this book. 😳 5d
TheBookHippie @slategreyskies NO NO NO NO … OY 5d
Lcsmcat @slategreyskies 😱Had he READ it??? Although better than naming a son Lovelace, I suppose. 5d
Lcsmcat I bought an ebook version, so no stashing it in an unsuspecting Little Free Library. Oh well. 5d
TheBookHippie @Lcsmcat 🤣🤣🤣 I never thought of a LFL 🤣🤣🤣😱 5d
slategreyskies @Lcsmcat yes! He was an 18th century literature professor! 5d
Lcsmcat @slategreyskies Let‘s hope _she_ doesn‘t read it! 5d
TheBookHippie @Lcsmcat I still can‘t believe we read it all!! 🤣 5d
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Untitled | Untitled
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Avanders I still struggle with this 🫣 I‘m better! But not great - still working on it… 🙂‍↕️ 5d
CBee I‘ve gotten SO much better about this since joining Litsy 😅♥️ 5d
dabbe #ALLHAILTHEBAIL and be a #FANOFTHEPAN!!! 🤩🤩🤩 5d
Cuilin I‘ve definitely gotten better with this the older I get but I have a harder time when it‘s a buddy read. I love #FanofthePan Denise @dabbe 5d
dabbe @Cuilin 🤩🤩🤩 4d
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I plan to sit on the back patio with mocha and catch up on my flower a day reading 💚📗💚

AllDebooks Perfect 💚 6d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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We get to finish !!!!!!

Early morning for me -Winnie and I were awakened by cats fighting outside 😵‍💫😱🫣🪟🐈🐈‍⬛😾
We are not amused.

Sundays. The best with all of you!!! I have no clue to how this will end. Loving it!!

Librarybelle I plan to finish this as soon as I can! I‘m loving this! 6d
kspenmoll Happy Sunday Christine & all my fellow buddy readers. I hope it‘s a peaceful one after your loud start of the day! 6d
kspenmoll @Librarybelle I am reading this right now! What a book! 6d
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IndoorDame Bad cats! Tell Winnie I‘m sorry! I‘m so excited to read the end of this!!!!!! 6d
AmyG Everyone enjoy their Sunday! The husband plays golf this afternoon (joy)….so I can finish the book in peace. 6d
vlwelser I saw these posts coming through at 6 (my time) and was like oh no that's not good. Then I went back to sleep. I am so ready to finish this. I do need more Simone books. I hope she's got one ready for us soon. 6d
CoffeeNBooks I'm ready to find out how this story ends! I keep thinking Rose must know more than she's saying- I hope we find out what she knows. I hope she isn't involved somehow- I've grown to like her. 6d
Sargar114 I agree in that I have no idea how this will wrap up but have complete faith in Simone and it will be satisfying. Love to @TheBookHippie and all my fellow sundaybuddyreaders ❤️❤️❤️ 5d
Sargar114 @CoffeeNBooks I also wonder about Rose, at times she is on their side and ready to flight the power, but other times she is a bit odd and creepy, not sure what to think 5d
Karisa 🥰 5d
TheBookHippie @vlwelser ha we went back to sleep at 8 EST for a few hours. 5d
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 💕💕💕💕💕 5d
TheBookHippie @AmyG mine too!!! 🏌🏼‍♂️ 5d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I can‘t get over how LOUD it was. 5d
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll 💕💕💕💕 we went back to sleep for a few hours! 5d
TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks Rose is just a smidge OFF 😱 5d
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I hope she is writing!!!! 5d
BookwormAHN So excited to finish 😺 5d
DebinHawaii It was hard to stop but I am going to try for delayed gratification & wait a week to finish. We‘ll see if I make it! 😉😂 5d
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I wait until everyone chimes in…. 😅 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Can‘t wait to finish! 4d
mollyrotondo Finishing it tonight! 4d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Have to say I‘m missing the awkward sex scenes from her early books 🫣😬🫠😂

Lost girl
Who is she
And how is this all related ?!?!

Librarybelle You just know that St James will wrap this up well! 6d
kspenmoll This post brings back a stupid move I made in my life that was terrifying.When I was in college,a friend & I broke down on a highway into Boston.We did not hitch per say but when a man stopped & offered us a ride to the nearest station we accepted.My friend was in front,I was in back. Next to me was a gun on the seat.I was beyond terrified,rooted to my seat.He did bring us to the station& offered to wait & bring us back. My friend started to 🔽 6d
kspenmoll Say “Sure”, but as we hot out,I interrupted her with sone babbling story about my brother being nearby & we could call him from there.I pinched & she shut up, knowing my story was untrue. When he left, I told her about the gun. Maybe he was just a nice msn but I was not going to get back in that car. This was in the days before cell phones. 😱😱 6d
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TheBookHippie @kspenmoll 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 6d
IndoorDame @kspenmoll that‘s terrifying!! I‘m glad you and your friend were fine! 6d
AmyG @kspenmoll Oh, the stupid things we do in our youth. Yikes! And I do not miss the awkward sex scenes. 🤣 6d
vlwelser The awkward sex scenes are pretty epic but this is better. You just miss having something ridiculous to laugh about. 6d
Sargar114 I was thinking how I‘m not missing them when she‘s brushing over them in this book. I think it would be way too distracting for the main story and spook factor if they were there. 5d
Sargar114 @kspenmoll that is terrifying! Glad you made it out okay, like you said might‘ve been fine but still 😨 5d
Karisa @vlwelser 🤣🤣🤣 5d
Karisa The Lost Girl is Shannon, right? Or is she a red herring? St. James has a lot of wrapping up to do with this book if they need to solve the murder to placate her ghost, deal with their own pasts, and figure out what Quentin‘s deal us too—whew! 5d
BookwormAHN Those sex scenes 😸😸😸 5d
TheBookHippie @vlwelser the glove, a stocking, I miss the laughter breaks 🤣🤣🤣 5d
TheBookHippie @Karisa I don‘t know who the lost girl is🤣 but I think it‘s Shannon. Simone can really twist a tale so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5d
vlwelser It would be pretty funny if she managed to get a sex scene with a glove or a stocking worked into a 1990s Michigan setting. Though we wore the craziest shit during the grunge era. 5d
TheBookHippie @vlwelser that‘s all I‘m asking 🤣🫣😂 5d
DebinHawaii Hah! I kind of miss those scenes too! 😂 5d
DebinHawaii @kspenmoll That is very scary! 😱 The stupidity of our youth! (edited) 5d
mollyrotondo @kspenmoll so glad you did not get hurt! Some people can be nice but more often than not people are not Good Samaritans. 4d
mollyrotondo Every time her newer stories start to bring up sex I hold my breath thinking oh no is this going to be a St James awkward sex scene? Is she bringing it back? 😂 I miss our conversations about it but think it‘s a good move that she learned she doesn‘t not write a good sex scene 😂 4d
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder if someone told her!!! 😱 4d
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie maybe her editor was like “you know Simone…” 😂 🤣 someone must have broken it to her lol 4d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Seventeen magazine …

These teenage sleuths are fun🤣🫣😵‍💫😅😬

Librarybelle Hilarious! The Seventeen years…memories! 6d
kspenmoll Of course I loved & read this magazine as a pre-teen, teen. I have an older sister who exposed me to cultural teen life.😀 6d
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll @Librarybelle I loved this magazine so much!!! I remember waiting for the fall issue. Although I gotta say Teen Vogue is amazing their articles are the best out there currently in newsland. 6d
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IndoorDame OMG I loved Seventeen magazine!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I‘m so hoping our little Nancy Drews stay totally fun and funny and some dire connection tying them to the darker parts of our story never materializes. 🤞🏼 6d
AmyG These girls are a riot. I, too, read Seventeen. @TheBookHippie When Teen Vogue (and Rolling Stone) is better at journalism than the NYT and Washington Post….😳. (edited) 6d
vlwelser I adore the teen sleuths. That Alicia Silverstone cover was epic. I remember seeing that everywhere. 6d
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Now I have to check out Teen Vogue- B & N has a magazine section. 6d
CoffeeNBooks They're an interesting addition to the story and trying to find out what's going on. 6d
Sargar114 I loved this! Really put you back in the 90s!!! I remember reading these and cutting out pictures to put on my wall in my room. 5d
Karisa The sisters are my favorites. We need to see more of them, but I‘m also worried that they are the most in danger of Lost Girl. @kspenmoll I loved Seventeen too! My family was ultra conservative so books and magazines were my window to the outside. 5d
kspenmoll @Karisa Those sisters are wonderful characters- glad you could get hold of books &magazines to fill your soul! 5d
BookwormAHN I loved Seventeen and YM, I miss Metal Edge though. 5d
CBee I totally had a subscription to Seventeen 🥰 5d
DebinHawaii I loved Seventeen magazine too! I used to read my older sister‘s copy & then subscribed myself in the late 70 into the 80s. I think the sisters need their own book! 5d
vonnie862 The sisters are fun and smart. 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I like the sisters! 👯‍♀️ 4d
mollyrotondo @DebinHawaii I agree! I want the sisters to have their own detective series! They are so much fun! 4d
mollyrotondo I also loved seventeen magazine growing up lol always felt so mature reading it when I was a preteen 😂 4d
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo YES the sisters!!! A whole book series!! 4d
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie that should be St James‘s side writing project! Lol 4d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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April goes on THE ROAD

Librarybelle OMG…this whole scene had me with my hand to my mouth in horror. I would not have gone back on my own, but I am not April. It shows how the Lost Girl can manipulate people. Also makes me wonder about Eddie and the timeline… 6d
kspenmoll This was SCARY!!!! I cannot believe she had the guts to do this ALONE. And Eddie- his story seems suspect now. Everything keeps changing in this book…. 6d
IndoorDame So this version of the ghost/murder/possession/urban legend thing that gets revealed is SUPER creepy on so many levels! My first thought was the police would never believe this as a defense and they should leave town immediately before they‘re implicated in one of the old murders all over again or in a brand new one (that they actually commit). 6d
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AmyG Again….I have no clue. It was very hard to stop reading. I am so going to finish this today. 6d
vlwelser So creepy. Love it. 6d
CoffeeNBooks This was so creepy! I can't believe April went back to the road by herself! I was hoping this part would help me make sense of the story, but it didn't- it just added more layers of confusion. 😁 6d
Sargar114 So creepy!!! @IndoorDame 💯 💯 💯 5d
Karisa This part was so over the top! I thought April finally was having a dream/haunting by the Lost Girl. Only in a Simone St. James book is the heroine going to be that bold! Poor Trish! Nice that April had someone check on her after all that… 😅 5d
BookwormAHN I don't get why a dead girl would turn vengeful spirit to that extent 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5d
CBee This part was BATS*** CRAZY BANANA PANTS 😱😳😰 5d
DebinHawaii Very crazy & creepy stuff! I could so not go there alone! I still have no idea how this is going to resolve! @BookwormAHN I agree! What happened to make her so vengeful?! 5d
vonnie862 Why?! And ALONE!!!! 5d
vonnie862 @BookwormAHN I wondered this too. Why is the ghost killing? 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This made me 😱 ⚡️❌ 4d
mollyrotondo I loved this scene! Another fantastic scene! I think Trish was just another victim of the Lost Girl‘s possession. And April is so tough I love her! She doesn‘t let fear stop her! I think it‘s very plausible that innocent people are being forced to kill people by a ghost but not sure how we resolve something like that other than putting the ghost at rest. But not much justice can be done for the victims. Love this story! Lol 4d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Eddie seeing things
His birth mom?
Librarians know everything …
Shannon Haller
Carla her friend
So while listening to Carla I think Shannon is Eddies mom
Your thoughts ????

Librarybelle Librarians do know everything (speaking from former professional experience) 😂 But, so good to have a name now for the Lost Girl. 6d
kspenmoll @Librarybelle Yay for librarians! Finding the Lost Girl‘s name is a great leap for April & Eddie 6d
IndoorDame I feel like there must be a connection between Eddie and the Lost Girl for her to drag him to town from so far away, but he said he was 8 years too old to be Shannon‘s kid which seems like a lot, but that makes him way too young to have been a major player in her murder, so if she‘s the Lost Girl I‘m not sure what the connection is yet . 6d
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AmyG Ghosts! Who knows why they do anything? I have no clue about why the ghost called them to her. IS there a connection to him? (edited) 6d
vlwelser I think she might be his mom also. He's got some weird shit going on. Like did he kill that 1993 girl? 6d
CoffeeNBooks This part had me so confused! I thought maybe Eddie was Shannon's son, but then we find out that he's too old to be her son, so I don't know what's going on at this point! @AmyG - I agree, who knows why ghosts do what they do! 😆👻 6d
Sargar114 I thought they already ruled that out because he was too old to be the lost girls kid? I‘m more worried that he‘s one of the accidental murderers 🫣 @vlwelser @CoffeeNBooks (edited) 5d
Karisa @IndoorDame Right?! There‘s just got to be a connection. The Lost Girl felt way too connected to Eddie somehow when they tried to leave too. @Librarybelle Hurray for librarians! 😊 5d
BookwormAHN I also agree. There has to be a connection. Did April and her mother ever drive through there? 5d
CBee Ghosts - just when you think you have it figured out, they make sure you don‘t 😂😂😱😱 5d
DebinHawaii This is interesting. Is the age difference of her son & Eddie correct or is someone lying about that or just had misinformation & he is Shannon‘s son or did she possess him in 1993 & he just doesn‘t know/remember it? We don‘t have a lot of pages left to resolve it! 🤔😱 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I was thinking the timeline was off for Shannon to be his mom… 4d
mollyrotondo Initially I thought Shannon could be Eddie‘s mom but I‘m not sold on it now. I‘m thinking he was possessed by Shannon because he was clearly possessed to return to town the second time. I have not been able to piece any clues together 😂 4d
mollyrotondo And Libraries are f***ing awesome!!!! 4d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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April‘s dad abusive
The mom killed him
and also took her money…
From prison ?!
Also I KNEW the phone was tapped!!! Ugh.
Girl. Think.
😅How does this tie in ?!?!

Librarybelle I suspected one of them killed the father. And yes…the tapped phone! Ugh! April was not too careful with that! 6d
kspenmoll Although April comes across as on top of everything, making that phone call was a stupid move- but then the shock of having all her savings wiped out I am sure left to this folly. I figured dad was killed. (edited) 6d
IndoorDame Is anyone else concerned with how exactly she got the money from inside prison? She must have had outside help and if I were Eddie and April I wouldn‘t be trusting Mommy Dearest‘s choice in friends and confidants just now… 6d
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame THIS!!!!!!! Who is out there!!!!! Yes. I had multiple thoughts. I think her mom is unhinged and dangerous. 6d
AmyG @IndoorDame I thought the same thing about the money. I just feel bad for April. What a horrible life she had led. 6d
vlwelser Poor April. But also dumb for contacting the prison from Rose's house 6d
CoffeeNBooks It seems like April would have known to be more careful, but I agree that maybe the shock of the money being gone led to her not thinking this through. And I'm definitely curious about how her mother got the money from the bank. 6d
Sargar114 For as on top of everything April seems to be, this really showed her age. I felt bad for her as her fear and emotion got the best of her to make this snafu. Makes sense and helps the story along though…what a difficult life she‘s had 5d
Karisa April‘s backstory is a whole other story in itself! Wowza, I agree @TheBookHippie April‘s mom seems dangerous. Quentin is feeling more dangerous too. They were at the house so fast after the call. It feels like they knew April and Eddie weren‘t going to be able to leave the town. Strange in every direction! 5d
Deblovestoread I suspected about the father, too. And the “us against the world” until it wasn‘t. April continued a live on the run even after mom‘s in jail so seems like something else is going on there. Since they were no longer suspects why was the phone tapped? 5d
Sargar114 @Deblovestoread phone wasn‘t tapped. All prison calls are recorded. They traced the call back to rose‘s using outgoing long distance records and made the connection 5d
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 they were tapping Roses phone I‘ll bet 😵‍💫🤣🫣😝 5d
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread I think they were watching Rose too but who knows 😅🫣🤣 5d
Deblovestoread @TheBookHippie of course 🤦🏻‍♀️ Rose! 5d
BookwormAHN I would almost be more worried about her mother's friends then the idiot local cops. What I don't understand is why April didn't move the money as soon as her mother was convicted. 5d
TheBookHippie @BookwormAHN mothers name probs first on the account but yes she should have drained it! 5d
CBee @TheBookHippie definitely unhinged. And April absolutely should‘ve moved that money. C‘mon people 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 5d
DebinHawaii It seems too fast for them to get the information for it just to come from the prison calls unless her mother is on some kind of watch list, so I lean to Rose‘s phone being tapped. Her mom is definitely a piece of work! 5d
vonnie862 I suspected that her mom killed her father but not how she did it. Yikes! And then having that money wiped out from prison really shows that mom is not trustworthy. 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This was my suspicion! But how did she steal the money so easily out of the bank? (edited) 4d
mollyrotondo I figured the mother must have killed him but I did not suspect that her mother couldn‘t be trusted. It‘s so sad that she had an abusive father and a shady untrustworthy mother. I feel bad for Eddie too in all of this. To have the cops out your wife when there are some things that aren‘t always easy to share and in this circumstance have nothing to do with April being a killer. Maybe the mother is up to something but not April. Cops on wrong track 4d
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Untitled | Untitled
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Bumpy bumpy ride apparently I think it‘s okay I‘ve not opened it. @LeslieO I will let you know when yours ships #staycationintime

I‘m excited!!!! 💙💙💙

Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 6d
LeslieO Uh oh. I hope everything is ok in there. 6d
LeslieO At least it made it! 6d
LeslieO Everything is wrapped except maybe the one breakable thing (can‘t remember if I wrapped that) so you can check it if you want. 6d
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Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook | Elena Craig, Kristen Mulrooney
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Friday Night Dinner

Cashew Chicken

Graciouswarriorprincess I need to get this cookbook! 1w
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🍽️ I love a good table top. Love. It's a fun piece of zen for me. This book was so much fun to browse through and get ideas from. It doesn't have to be pricey either. I've used fancy towels with vases and fake greenery atop of it from the dollar store along with fun thrift store finds. It's a piece of fun and whimsy and light. I recommend it wholly.

This library book was so much fun 🍽️💕

IndoorDame Love this! I have a friend who suggested as a relaxation technique picking a small surface in the house and resetting it with completely different found objects you already own. It‘s so much fun and totally free. 7d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame YES!!! And it‘s fun to switch it up again I do this monthly. It‘s a fun look forward to thing. 6d
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie oooh, monthly is a great idea! That would be a super fun look forward to thing!!! 6d
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Summer Fridays: A Novel | Suzanne Rindell
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1️⃣ Yellow squash flowering
2️⃣Baby birds are HUGE
3️⃣Back forest beauty
4️⃣ La foule (Symphonique, orch. Nathan Stornetta)Édith Piaf & Legendis Orchestra -French Pop • 2024
5️⃣Hot Cocoa and molasses cookies outside after supper on a cool evening


Jari-chan Awww, baby birds 😍 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🌸 🐦 ❤️ 1w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 1w
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dabbe #lovelylist 🤩🤩🤩 1w
DebinHawaii Wonderful list! 💛💛💛 Look how big those babies are now! So cute! 🐦🩵 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 6d
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii yes I‘ve forgiven them for stealing my herbs to make their nest… grandbaby hippie notsomuch 🤣🫣 6d
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The Joy of Journaling | Bonita Wasniewski
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CoffeeNBooks Thank you! 💙 1w
Jari-chan Thank you so much ❤️ 1w
dabbe Thank you! 🩵💙🩵 1w
Cuilin Love these!! 🩷 1w
Read4life Thank you! 💙💙💙 1w
RaeLovesToRead I will start in August properly! 😊 1w
quietlycuriouskate Thank you! ❤️ 1w
TheBookHippie @Jari-chan 💕✍🏼 1w
TheBookHippie @dabbe I‘m so glad you pushed me to publish these monthly 💕✍🏼💕😘 1w
TheBookHippie @Cuilin 💕😘✍🏼 1w
TheBookHippie @Read4life 💕✍🏼💕 1w
TheBookHippie @RaeLovesToRead I hope you love it! 1w
julieclair Thank you so much for this! This will be a great boost to my new collage journaling practice! 😘 1w
TheBookHippie @julieclair 💕✍🏼💕 I hope you‘re loving it! 1w
dabbe @TheBookHippie You've helped all of us be better journalists! 🤩🤗😘 1w
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie thank you for these-i love this!!❤ 7d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Librarybelle Oh! Thanks for this! 1w
AmyG Yikes! 1w
Deblovestoread So many young missing girls 💔 1w
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vonnie862 Yikes! 1w
mollyrotondo So many young people go missing. At work we get the notices about people searching for missing persons in Newark, NJ and so many are kids. There have been a few notices that keep getting sent out about young people missing since last August. Almost a year. So devastating. 6d
46 likes6 comments
Pearl Jam Twenty | Pearl Jam
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1. Eddie ♥️ I‘ve heard this live many times
2. Everyday I‘m California Dreaming
3. Jam skating song 🛼🛼 love love love

dabbe Holy guacamole, Batman! You win! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
TheBookHippie @dabbe I grew up in a roller rink 🛼🛼🎵🎶🎵 1w
dabbe @TheBookHippie “I've got a brand new pair of roller skates ...“ 🎶 1w
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All Fours | Miranda July
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I can‘t do it people I‘M OUT #ALLHAILTHEBAIL 🫣😬😝😵‍💫


dabbe That's even better! Instead of “All hail, Caesar,“ it's #allhailthebail! 😂😂😂 1w
TheBookHippie @dabbe this book requires it 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 1w
Susanita 😆😆😆Me too! She‘s just…too much! 1w
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willaful I haven't started yet but I feel in my bones I won't make it. 😂 1w
BarbaraJean 😂😂 Posts like these are reassuring me that I made the right decision in turning it back in to the library unread! 1w
BarbaraBB We‘ll have an intimate camp meeting I guess @Megabooks @squirrelbrain 🤣 although I really enjoyed it! (edited) 1w
TrishB @BarbaraBB it‘s made for very strong feelings! 1w
Lesliereadsalot A crazy one for sure! 1w
Megabooks Sorry! You‘re still welcome at the discussion if you have something to say. This is a very marmite book! 1w
TheBookHippie @Megabooks HA. So many things to say. 1w
TheBookHippie @BarbaraBB 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😬🫠 1w
TheBookHippie @BarbaraJean 😬🫣🫠😂 1w
peaKnit I made it through but barely, it was a struggle. 1w
TheBookHippie @peaKnit I just couldn‘t do it 😝🫣😬😵‍💫 1w
mollyrotondo Is this like The Book of Two Ways? Women leaving their children behind to build relationships with men instead? It sounds like it shares at least that particular problematic message of that Picoult book 😂 6d
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Hannah Arendt was a German-American historian and philosopher. She was one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century.

Hannah was complicated and complex and I believe a necessary read.

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Fifteen | Beverly Cleary
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Roary47 Yummmm! 🥰 one of my favorites! 1w
TheBookHippie @Roary47 Mine too!! 1w
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Fun word lots of thoughts

Fun article https://momentmag.com/jewish-word-zaftig/

The Yiddish word zaftig (zoftik) means "juicy" or "succulent" and comes from the word zaft, which means "juice" or "sap". It entered the English language between the mid-1800s and the early 1900s and became a common adjective in the 1930s

What does Zoftig mean in slang?
-having a full rounded figure
-pleasingly plump.


LiteraryinLawrence When I lived in Boston there was a great Jewish deli/restaurant called Zaftig‘s. 💗 1w
julesG German word "saftig" means succulent/plump/juicy - mostly used for fruit and some vegetables, but can be used to describe certain juicy body parts. 1w
CBee 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1w
TheBookHippie @julesG ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1w
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Personal History | Katharine Graham
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1. Ha . Why yes, yes I do. Lists, schedules, calendars….

2. Katharine Graham has always inspired me.
One of her books is tagged.



TheSpineView 👍✒️🗒 Thanks for playing! 1w
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Julio Iglesias: Spanish Singer | Elizabeth Martino
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☕️🎶🎵🎼☕️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWXwFBjiwJA

Coffee tunes #TUESDAYTUNES

ElizaMarie He is one of my favorites! My mother and grandmother used to listen to him a lot! So this has a nostalgia feeling for me (as I heard them singing along to his songs growing up) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 1w
TheBookHippie @ElizaMarie 💕💕💕💕💕💕 1w
TieDyeDude Love it! Thanks for sharing 1w
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👩🏻‍🍳 https://www.chilitochoc.com/adana-kebab-turkish-lamb-kebab/

Turkish Lamb Adana Kebab


GatheringBooks My family‘s favorite while we were in turkey last year. Delicious. 1w
TheBookHippie @GatheringBooks my weekend cooking plan!! 1w
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☕️ https://www.foodandwine.com/coffee/how-to-make-turkish-coffee

Tradition dictates that Turkish coffee is prepared with finely ground Arabica coffee, resembling the texture of flour, and is known for its concentrated and aromatic qualities. Turkish coffee is not simply a drink for Turkish people. It is also a big part of the culture. Here, people drink coffee when they want to share their problems and happiness with their friends.

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#foodandlit 🇹🇷 TURKEY

One of their favorite meals is kebab made from grilled lamb. Their diet includes lamb, eggplant, and yogurt. A sweet flavored candy with rose petals called Turkish delight, or lokum, is sold in many flavors and colors.

JenniferEgnor My husband and I had the pleasure of tasting Turkish Delight when a group of Whirling Dervishes came to Charleston several years back. It was a beautiful experience watching them. 1w
JenReadsAlot I really hope to visit Turkey some day. 1w
TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot it fascinates me! It would be so cool to see! 1w
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Loved it !!! 💚📗💚

kspenmoll This sounds special! 2w
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll it‘s so good. 2w
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The Forty Elephants | Erin Bledsoe
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August 4 Ch 1-5
August 11 Ch 6-11
August 18 Ch 12-17
August 25 Ch 18- END

Everyone welcome 💕



vlwelser Where the heck did you find this one? It sounds spectacular. 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘ve had it on my wish list since 2022 and thought hmmm this would be fun to read together. Initially I was looking for female mob books 😅😱🤣🖤. I am always hunting for books for us. 💕😄💕 I‘m excited. I hope it‘s good. I‘ve seen zero press, but I didn‘t look either. (edited) 2w
vlwelser It doesn't even seem to have a litsy rating 2w
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TheBookHippie @vlwelser 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😅 I‘m a good researcher. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I get a lot of my book ideas from reading reviews from the Jewish Book Council -not too many peeps reading those. 2w
vlwelser I'm going to keep leaving that source to you. Though whoever you got that Dorothy Parker book from hadn't read past the first half 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser that was an Amazon rec based on my Dorothy love but man 🥴😭😬😵‍💫 2w
vlwelser Amazon recs are trash. 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I know lesson learned 😬😵‍💫 2w
vlwelser I trust the Jewish Book Council. This one is bound to be good. 2w
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Poetry and Commitment | Adrienne Rich
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I love her. And she‘s right.

IndoorDame ♥️♥️♥️ 2w
Cuilin 🫶 2w
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1. Read tagged cookbook for #mtcookbook decide on a recipe or two
2. Enjoy my wildflowers
3. Eat fried green tomatoes
4. Watch the turkey family in my yard 🦃🦃🦃

Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍😍 2w
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