A little reading before work starts... it‘s and oldy but a goody. 💕
A little reading before work starts... it‘s and oldy but a goody. 💕
Sitting here trying to catch up on my reading while eating an apple... I now feel like I have committed some horrible crime... Please, fruit... Do not look like you have arteries, it freaks me out and makes me feel bad. #theshadowcabinet #shadowcabinet #appleaday #macintosh #creepyfruit #maureenjohnson I love this series 💕🖤
1.) I don't really drink alcohol. Maybe a cuppa or water.
2.) I guess cover art, first page can be slow but cover art shows the intent of the author.
3.) Forest, I don't like the idea of sand getting in my books; although I could use a good tanning.
4.) Fantasy!!! It is most of what I read anyway, but I would miss murder mysteries something fierce.
5.) Darcy/Bennet... sorry I have t read Jane Erye... yet, don't hate me!!!
Can't believe it is over already. Good news is the third book arrived in the post yesterday... Bad news, they have released the fourth book or even the title yet... 😱😩 #wattpad #digitalreading
Currently reading this also. Figured I would save the digital book for when I don't have a physical book with me. :3 #borrowedbook
Prequel time... I'm just not ready for the story to end and I just ordered the 3rd book but it won't be here until the 27th. Reading via the Wattpad. #digital
A little heartbroken... I didn't want the book to end yet... I do home Maureen Johnson changes her mind and makes more that 4 books and the prequel to this series. It is just so addictive.
Baby snuggles, a hot cuppa, and reading time 💕
Back to the Shades of London... the adventure is always waiting.
This was a really good story... a bit touch and go sometimes, but captivating. It took me a while to finish reading because life. Boop (my son) had his circumcision this week and before and after the surgery were a bit hectic (he was born with extra skin down there that could have caused some problems as he got older if we left it intact and that's why we had to have an actual surgery.) I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
When one adventure ends... Another awaits... All you have to do is turn the page. Borrowing from @Ccjldfm
It's 0117 and I just finished a book, but I can't sleep... so, on to the next adventure.
"Can they hear me, the corpses beneath the little gravestones in what I call my Forgotten Garden? There are only about thirty, from a long, long time ago. Nothing but dust now, not even memories. Most of the headstones are illegible, sentiment that even stone wasn't strong enough to hold. I told you. Forgotten Garden, full of skeletons, like depressing seeds that will never flower."