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Joined October 2016

Author of West of Apocalypse and the young adult "Gidion Keep, Vampire Hunter" series www.billblume.net
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Uzumaki (Deluxe) by Junji Ito
Linghun | Ai Jiang
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This is a quick read, but the emotional journey in it will linger. This is a story of how the living haunt the dead, but that is almost too simple to convey what Ai Jiang accomplishes in this novella.

The story is messy in a way that explores the complicated emotions around loss and living. At times, the narrative turns brutal and horrifying while Wenqi goes on her journey.

I know this review is vague, but I don‘t want to spoil anything.

BillBlume I will add that Ai Jiang‘s afterword entitled “A Ramble on Di Fu Ling and Death” provides some helpful framing for the story that precedes it, so don‘t skip it. This is a story I won‘t shake anytime soon, and it‘s probably appropriate to say it will haunt me for a long time. 9mo
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Chambers has written a skillful, well-constructed story about a tea monk named Dex searching for meaning in their life, which pairs well with the robot Mosscap's journey to learn what it means to be human. If you aren't someone who finds value in therapy, this story might be tedious. Dex is asking "What's wrong with me?" because they feel like something is wrong with them. Chambers impressed me, and I want to read more of her work.

GondorGirl I've read all of her books and they all have a similar feel... the best way I can describe them is that they make you feel safe and seen. She's one of my favorite authors. 🥰 10mo
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West of Apocalypse | Bill Blume
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One of the scariest things about putting your writing out there is the question of whether the parts you love the most in your story will have as much impact on your readers. Seeing this reaction to one of the big twists in West of Apocalypse thrills me.


#AmWriting #WriterLife

West of Apocalypse | Bill Blume
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I‘m excited that we‘re less than two weeks away from this year‘s James River Writers Conference. I‘ll be talking about my novel West of Apocalypse on panels about writing action scenes and character development. Can‘t wait!



He Who Drowned the World | Shelley Parker-Chan
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Went to Fountain Bookstore‘s event for He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan, author Alix E. Harrow and audiobook narrator Natalie Naudus. The discussion was a blast: writing (and recording) in cubbards/closets, writing angry characters, and that Parker-Chan writes in Excel.

behudd Wow what a cool group! 11mo
BillBlume @behudd it was amazing. I went because of Alix (love her writing and this past October, I moderated a panel with her on it at a writers conference) but loved all of them. Always love getting to listen to other writers share their passion and thought process for their art. 11mo
SamAnne Sounds like a great event! 11mo
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Dustborn | Erin Bowman
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I‘m starting something new today on my blog. I‘m letting my Grumpy Dragon Windsor take over every Monday to post a more “dragony” version of an existing book cover. For the first one, he‘s giving DUSTBORN by Erin Bowman a makeover.


#bookcover #erinbowman #dustborn #grumpydragon #ya #youngadult #dystopian #weirdwest

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Saddened by the news of Anne Rice‘s death. INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE is one of the few books I‘ve read multiple times. I recently reread it again for the first time in many years and was still awed by what she created. I think you can rightfully argue that every modern vampire work written since it‘s release owes a debt to Anne Rice. Her vampires even influenced those in my “Gidion Keep, Vampire Hunter” novels. #RIPAnneRice

ReadingOver50 A brilliant writer 3y
Leftcoastzen 😢 3y
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James River Writers is partnering with Newbery Medalist MEG MEDINA to bring this important discussion. Hear from authors directly affected, and find out what you can do to advocate for the literary community. The deadline to reserve your virtual space is 12/5.


The Poet X | Elizabeth Acevedo
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ELIZABETH ACEVEDO will discuss the recent removal of THE POET X from a New Kent Middle School in Virginia, as James River Writers explores the harmful effects of book banning and the not so subtle patterns emerging in the books that are being targeted.


Suet624 Why did they ban her book?? 3y
Christine @Suet624 My thought exactly! 3y
Suet624 @Christine I just googled it. “Anti-Christian”. Wow, sensitive much? 3y
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I‘ve struggled to finish books this year, and while my reading of THE THOUSAND CRIMES OF MING TSU was slow going, I never felt the urge to abandon it. Tom Lin‘s voice is both lyrical and abrupt. His western has a certain magical realism quality to it, especially once Ming falls in with a circus group, all of whom have mystical abilities. Ming Tsu is on a quest for revenge, and it doesn‘t take long to realize it won‘t end well for him.

The Poet X | Elizabeth Acevedo
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This is one of the most important events James River Writers is holding this year. Banning books isn‘t about protecting children, it‘s about silencing voices that need to be heard. This is a chance to learn how to help protect the stories that need to be shared. The deadline to register is December 5th. #BannedBooks


Branwen Just signed up! Thanks so much for this! 💕📚💕 3y
BillBlume @Branwen yay! Thanks, and I hope you‘ll enjoy it. 3y
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Recently started THE HEROINE WITH 1,001 FACES, and I‘m enjoying it a lot. I‘ve struggled in my reading this, especially in my audiobooks, so this has been a welcome change.

Suet624 I just purchased this one! Excited to read it. 3y
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My wife Sheri and I voted this afternoon. Hoping the results will turn out as blue as my shirt. #VirginiaElection

BookmarkTavern Your wife has excellent taste in masks! 💙 3y
BillBlume @ozma.of.oz Sheri has always been a fashionable woman. 3y
Chrissyreadit 🙌🙌🙌🤞💙💙💙💙💙 (edited) 3y
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Got some #BookMail! This Sci-Fi YA debut from Claire Winn looks like it‘ll be a lot of fun.

BookmarkTavern I‘m reading this one right now! 3y
BillBlume @ozma.of.oz awesome! I was saddened I was the first to post this one. Glad you found it, too. 3y
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The Great Destroyers | Caroline Tung Richmond
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Gah! Just realized I never shared this here on Litsy. It was just Mocha and me one afternoon last week, so we walked over to Fountain Bookstore to pick up my copy of Caroline Tung Richmond‘s latest, an alt-history Cold War YA novel called THE GREAT DESTROYERS. Been looking forward to this one for a long time! #DogsOfLitsy

Chrissyreadit I love when dogs can be in bookstores! 3y
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Ghost Girl | Ally Malinenko
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Sheri, Wicket, and I took Mocha yesterday for her first visit to Fountain Bookstore so I could pick up my copy of GHOST GIRL by Ally Malinenko. Naturally, Sheri and I were having so much fun talking with Kelly that we forgot to get a pic of Mocha in the store. #MiddleGrade #Horror

The Casual Vacancy | J.K. Rowling
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While the dogs and I were walking my wife Sheri to work this morning, we came across a book review on the sidewalk.

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3y
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Wicket and I paid a visit to @FountainBookstore today so we could order a couple of books. One of the many things I‘m gonna love about living downtown is being within walking distance of my favorite bookstore.

#WicketsWorld #IndieBookstore #RVA #DogsOfLitsy

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I am struggling to get anything read these days, even books I‘m loving. Any free time I have needs to go to writing. I can‘t even make headway with audiobooks. I‘ve normally listened to them while walking Wicket, but now that I‘m walking two dogs with the arrival of Mocha, I have to think way too much while walking them to focus on an audiobook. I don‘t understand how other authors ever get any reading done. 😿

#DogsOfLitsy #ReadingSlump

marleed I bet it‘s difficult to take you head away from your own efforts. Maybe concentrating on 2 dogs during walks right now is just what your mind needs. 3y
BillBlume @marleed you might well be right about that. 3y
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It‘s alive! You can now read my latest adult fantasy serial “The Cold Shoulder” on #KindleVella. The first six episodes are posted and the first three are free to read. Hope you‘ll enjoy meeting Aden Murai, a bounty hunter with a price on his head.



Untitled | Unknown
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While it‘s not live (yet), you can find my new adult fantasy serial “The Cold Shoulder” showing up in the search results in the Kindle app. Sadly, if you click on the link, you get a picture of a cute dog with “SORRY” in big font. Hopefully, that‘ll change by tomorrow evening. 🤞

In the meantime, enjoy the cute dog pics.

#TheColdShoulder #KindleVella

Untitled | Unknown
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Next week I'm releasing a new story: THE COLD SHOULDER. It‘s an epic fantasy about a former spy named Aden. He's already on the run from the Order he used to serve, but when he's framed for assassinating an emperor, everyone with a dagger is out to get him. I‘m releasing it on Amazon‘s new platform for serialized fiction, #KindleVella. THE COLD SHOULDER is an epic fantasy with lots of twists & cliffhangers which is perfect for Vella. #NewRelease

Uzumaki (Deluxe) | Junji Ito
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So, this is a first for me. I‘m reading a book recommended to me by someone one of my children is dating. My son‘s girlfriend suggested I might enjoy this horror manga and let me borrow her copy. I‘ve also repaid the favor, lending her my copy of the first volume of the fantasy comic “Monstress.” Lord, I‘m getting old. Haha!

Ruthiella Book recommendations come from all different sources! 😀 3y
vivastory This is one of the creepiest books I've ever read 3y
BillBlume @vivastory I‘m already a quarter of the way through this book, and just dayum… this book is some serious batshit what-the-fuckery in the best way. 3y
vivastory 😂 Indeed. They're actually adapting this into a show on adult swim 😬 3y
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I‘m finally getting around to reading Victoria Schwab‘s novel THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF ADDIE LaRUE, and dear God, I am loving it. The book is witty and tragic. She‘s really created something special here, and I just hope the ending can provide a payoff worthy of the buildup. These two lines are among my favorite so far. #VictoriaSchwab #AddieLaRue

Dustborn | Erin Bowman
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Book mail! Looking forward to reading this one. Loved Erin Bowman‘s “Contagion” series and I can‘t resist a sci-fi western. #ErinBowman #BookMail

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Loved this audiobook. Annalee Newitz does a great job getting into the different and common reasons these four cities became “lost” and why they really weren‘t. The amount of racism and colonialism tied into this is fascinating and infuriating. Grateful to have read this, because it was eye-opening. #audiobook #AnnaleeNewitz #nonfiction

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Listening to the audiobook for this nonfiction, and it‘s been really good. Annalee Newitz is a very versatile writer. #audiobook #nonfiction

Cinfhen This sounds fascinating 😌thanks for posting and sharing. #Stacked 3y
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Dustborn | Erin Bowman
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Watching the book release event for Erin Bowman‘s latest novel DUSTBORN from Gibson‘s Bookstore with Susan Dennard interviewing Erin. Can‘t wait to read this. I‘m a sucker for a sci-fi, western mashup. #ErinBowman #Dustborn

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My signed copy of LAST NIGHT AT THE TELEGRAPH CLUB came in! Happy to have it added to my bookshelves. Love this book!

rachelsbrittain Jealous 😍 3y
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We Could Be Heroes | Mike Chen
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Just started Mike Chen‘s latest, WE COULD BE HEROES. The opening two chapters do a nice job setting the tone with a villain who has a conscience (and very good manners) and a hero with a drinking problem. This is gonna be a fun ride. 😸

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This is my favorite book of 2021, thus far. Malinda Lo has written a beautiful YA novel set in 1950s San Francisco. I realized very quickly just how invested I was in Lily and Kath‘s brewing relationship and Lily‘s self-discovery that she‘s a lesbian. The book ends on a happy note, a fact that relieved me. I went back and forth between the audiobook & ebook. Both are great. Emily Woo Zeller‘s performance reading the book is excellent as always.

rachelsbrittain My audiobook hold just got in on this one! 3xcited to finally start it 3y
BillBlume @rachelsbrittain look forward to seeing what you think about it. I‘m a big fan of Malinda Lo and Emily Woo Zeller (she does a great job bringing Lo‘s story to life). 3y
rachelsbrittain I'm not sure if I've listened to an audiobook narrated by Zeller before but I do love Lo's books! And I'm glad to hear the audiobook is a good one! 3y
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This line gutted me.

We Could Be Heroes | Mike Chen
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#BookMail Alert! Despite getting delayed by the recent winter storm, my copy of Mike Chen‘s latest WE COULD BE HEROES just arrived in my mailbox from Books, Inc bookstore. Can‘t wait to crack into this one. And seriously, delivery got delayed. It was on the truck on Saturday, and then the Post Office pulled a “take-backsy.” Stupid snow.

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Just got the email from Goodreads for the giveaway on the third book in Victoria Schwab‘s “Cassidy Blake” series. It‘s most kind of Supernatural‘s Dean (Jensen Ackles) to provide this dramatic reenactment of my reaction to the email.

kyraleseberg Same reaction here! 🤣 I haven't won a GR giveaway in over a year so I think my luck has ended 😩 3y
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Wildcard | Marie Lu
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I can‘t say I enjoyed WILDCARD as much as WARCROSS, but this is still a great read. Marie Lu knows how to write a great page-turner. The action drags just a bit more in this second book, though. Lu also leans into the melodrama a little heavy from the start, and it‘s been a while since I read the first book, so it was a bit much. I also felt the big showdown at the Warcross closing ceremony and fight in Zero‘s mind dragged in places.

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Borrowing Malinda Lo‘s, LAST NIGHT AT THE TELEGRAPH CLUB from the library. Love her books. She‘s one of those authors who is always doing something different.

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I enjoyed this book a lot. Can‘t say I enjoyed it as much as WILDER GIRLS, but once I realized this book was going to be more of a slow burn (I swear I‘m not making a pun), I got into it much more. There are lots of twists that keep your wondering WTF is going on along the way. Rory Power has a unique style of weird, and I‘m looking forward to seeing how her style evolves in her future books.

This Mortal Coil | Emily Suvada
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I think Wicket fell asleep trying to pick a book to read. It‘s okay, buddy. We all find that exhausting sometimes.

#WicketsWorld #dogsoflitsy #WhatToRead?

Hill We Climb: Poems | Amanda Gorman
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I hope the years ahead will be inundated with these kinds of historic moments. #MadamVicePresident #AmandaGorman

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Really liked this exchange between Margot and an officer in her family‘s hometown. Just gives things a western vibe, but it also really keeps building up the mystery of Margot‘s origins and why her mom fled the rest of their family.

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WILDER GIRLS was one of my fav books, so I‘ve been looking forward to diving into her latest, BURN OUR BODIES DOWN. So far, it‘s delivering on the batshit weirdness that is distinctly Rory Power. I‘m already about fifty pages into it; looking forward to seeing where things will go.

magyklyXdelish I adored this one. Hope you like it! 4y
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The Boneless Mercies | April Genevieve Tucholke
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This is a 4.5 stars for me. It‘s an interesting journey the Mercies take to claim their fame by hunting the Blue Vee Beast, but I wish the story got to Blue Vee quicker. The characters are great, and Tucholke had me cheering for the Mercies to succeed. The world-building is excellent. A friend recommended this book to me as a gender-bent “13th Warrior,” and that‘s accurate. I love that film, so this book was enjoyable for me.

The Gunslinger | Stephen King
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1.) The Gunslinger (Opened my eyes to how bizarre epic fantasy can get, and it‘s the first book my wife ever recommended to me when we started to date in high school)
2.) Fave Protagonist: Roland (such an interesting mix of lone wolf cowboy and knight)
Fave Antagonist: Barlow (from Salem‘s Lot, because he was almost always five steps ahead of the protagonists)

TheNeverendingTBR Your choices are great, I love all of those! Thanks for playing along! 😌👌 4y
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The Boneless Mercies | April Genevieve Tucholke
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About halfway through The Boneless Mercies. This was recommended by a friend of mine whose delivered on his previous recommendations. I‘ll confess that I‘m tepid on some of the book, so far, but there are aspects of it I‘m enjoying. That I‘m going back and forth from a hardback and an audiobook copy is helping me keep going.

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This turned out a pleasant surprise. Other than having read the first novella in the series, which I also loved, I went in blind regarding this second installment in the series. I didn‘t realize it was a prequel, and it‘s one that works incredibly well, so much so that I want to reread the first novella. Only gripe is that the start spends a lot of time in the lead up to Jack and Jill finding their door.

A Fistful of Dust | A. G. Carpenter
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I loved this book by A.G. Carpenter. In general, I‘m finding I enjoy sci-fi/fantasy westerns. The start of this book was a bit slow, but other than that, about my only real complaint would be the typos in this ebook. I wish the copyeditor had gone over it at least one more time.

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A Fistful of Dust | A. G. Carpenter
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For my last read of 2020, I‘m going for a space western written by A.G. Carpenter.

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I thought the fourth volume in this series lost a bit of its stride, the story getting too big. The fifth volume, though, is brilliant! Maika Halfwolf starts to embrace a bigger role for herself in the world. Watching this change in Maika is both exciting & terrifying (and I love it!). Most of all, Kippa is turning into an even more important character within this story with a mystery of her own to be unraveled. Can‘t recommend this series enough.

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Not as easy a read as more popular works by astrophysicists, but Clegg provides something for those wanting to learn more about Dark Matter & Dark Energy. He injects a little humor into his writing, and while the technical parts are challenging for me, I enjoyed some of the insight he provides into the competition between scientists within astrophysics. He also explains why makes the ideas of dark matter & dark energy are still only theoretical.