Intriguing mystery sprawling between the Moon and Earth. There's a hint at the end that this may be a trilogy.
Intriguing mystery sprawling between the Moon and Earth. There's a hint at the end that this may be a trilogy.
The latest in the sequence that began with Seven Anxcienr Wonders. Read it in one sitting (Reilly can be relied upon for page turners) but I'm wondering how he's going to resolve the plot twist at the end. It's hokum but enjoyable hokum.
In some ways, this trilogy is the culmination of the story that began with Magician, only here it is not just a few worlds at risk but the entire multiverse. Feist can be relied upon for a good story and his Midkemia nivels are unusual in featuring a multiverse.
Jodi Taylor is one of the very few authors who can make me laugh out loud. Her latest short story is no exception.
Interesting world building that spins off from Ancient Egyptian mythology but not obviously so. Not sure how I feel about the Gatherers.
For the die-hard Tolkien fan. Also of interest to anyone who likes translations from Old English or old Nordic languages.
Enjoyable enough. Thriller about the hunt for genetic proof of the existence of God.
Slightly dreamy and poetic, which is at odds with the story, but nonetheless enjoyable
Fforde has been absent for a few years but is back with a new universe. Fforde is very good at evoking worlds that are slightly askew from our own and, like Gaiman & Pratchett, he uses them to point out the absurdities of our existence.
5th bk in the Invisible library series. Have been and am wondering where it goes next as Irene begins to consider the true purpose of the Library