Constantly witty and dripping with snark, yet self-deprecating enough to be likeable and charming. David Rakoff is the only person who could pull this book off. I love it.
Constantly witty and dripping with snark, yet self-deprecating enough to be likeable and charming. David Rakoff is the only person who could pull this book off. I love it.
"The funny thing about being in your early twenties is that it's a lot like being any other age, except you don't know it. For a long time, you think you'll change and become a better version of yourself, but really you just wind up being a little more tolerant of the person you've always been."
Extensively researched and entertaining. I'm certainly learning a lot from this book.
I just read The Choke Artist by David Yoo and while I was cringing a lot of the time it was hilarious. Yoo's almost impossible not to like, or at least sympathise with. This book is uncomfortable and comforting in equal measure for anxious and awkward folks who might see themselves in the pages.