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Source of Magic
Source of Magic | Piers Anthony
4 posts | 21 read | 1 to read
Ordered by King Trent to determine the source of Xanth's magic, Bink and his companions were harried by an unseen enemy determined to thwart them. When even their protector turned against them, Blink still managed to reach his goal and carry out the King's orders...but the king did not expect Blink's next act--to destroy utterly the magic of Xanth! From the Paperback edition.
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The Source of Magic | Piers Anthony
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3 ⭐️s
I didn‘t enjoy this one as much as the first in the series. I know it‘s dated, but it seemed Anthony injected a lot more chauvinism into this one than the last… and I don‘t throw that out there lightly… Bink was also much less likable in this one.
I still enjoyed Anthony‘s use of vocabulary (added plenty of new words to my Bookly app), and especially enjoyed the playing around with math/equation humor in the backstory of the source of magic.

The Source of Magic | Piers Anthony
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I couldn‘t decide which one of my favorite mugs out of my huge collection to feature for today‘s #LittensDressedInBlood prompt, so I just photographed my top three. 😅 I guess technically the Marauder‘s Map one is a soup cup, but it gets used for hot chocolate and coffee too. 😜
I‘m hoping to finish up the tagged book before the end of August, but this past week‘s been crazy busy and today‘s no different. I think I‘ll manage, but it‘ll be close.

Beatlefan129 The one on the left made me laugh out loud, I love it! 3y
MidnightBookGirl I read this series (well, most of it) when I was a teen! 3y
Ruthiella The punny one on the left is great! 😂 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Beatlefan129 @Ruthiella My husband‘s the King of Puns and gifted it to me last year. I believe he special ordered it from Etsy. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @MidnightBookGirl I read many of them back in middle school, but all out of order. 😅 3y
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Source of Magic | Piers Anthony

My next slow read (kidding) is this tale from the world of Xanth. Finding I shouldn't reread these as an adult. But the damage is done...

#xanth #piersanthony #bink

klarusu I loved these as a youngster. Approached a reread as an adult and in consequence, purged them from my library. Issues with sexism, racism, bad writing. I wish I'd left them as a fond memory. 7y
gilroyc @klarusu I'm running into the same issue. 7y
esanderson I acquired quite a bit of Anthony on recommendation from a friend. I'm finding the same things you mentioned, and reconsidering that friendship 😉 7y
SqueakyChu I never read any, but I remember searching for every book in this series to get for my daughter when she was a youngster. They didn‘t leave any lasting harm on her! 😃 7y
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