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Joined May 2020

I desired dragons with a profound desire. - C.S. Lewis
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1. I wanted to reference dragons and being a bookworm, so I used the Old English wyrm. Then I was being facetious and decided to use as many synonyms for “big” as I could before using up the character limit. 😅
2. I don‘t typically listen to audiobooks. I honestly wish I could, it‘s just my mind wanders too easily and I snap back to myself and am completely lost.
3. Last book I finished was HEX by Thomas Olde Heuvelt.

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🩵🩷💙 2d
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1. No. I‘ve never been much for sports and the only one I actually enjoy isn‘t played in my country. So no one else really knows about it. 😅
2. The Only Good Indians- basketball plays a surprisingly significant role.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing 3d
Ruthiella Is it Sumo Wrestling? Do tell! 😅 3d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Lol, no it‘s AFL, Australian Rules Football. My dad showed me some clips of plays a few years ago and I was hooked. It‘s such a fun sport to watch. ❤️ 3d
The_Penniless_Author OMG, I was going to guess Aussie Rules Football! Before they filled all their spare time with men shouting at each other, ESPN used to show random sports from around the world. I remember being addicted to ARF highlights back in the 90s. Especially the refs in their white suits and bowler hats doing that double point thing whenever anyone scored through the center goalposts. 😂 3d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @The_Penniless_Author That‘s awesome! 🤣 I really wish the U.S. would get a professional league together. There are a few teams spread out across the country, but I want one in every state. 😅 3d
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HEX | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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3 ⭐️s
The scariest parts were the horrible townsfolk. The last few chapters are filled with some truly chilling violence. There were a lot of questions I had throughout and none of them are really answered in the end. Bit frustrated with how the story was told. The author originally wrote it in Dutch and then rewrote the ending when it was translated to English. I don‘t know if that impacted the story for me since I don‘t read Dutch. 🤷‍♀️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Read for #RoaringWolfFrightNight book club on Fable. 2w
Roary47 I feel the same way. I wish there was a little more depth to it. 2w
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Negative stars!! If I could go back in time and stop myself from wasting time reading this, I would. I HATE this book.

If you want my full opinion, here‘s the link to my Goodreads. Litsy doesn‘t have the character space for this level of rant.


Roary47 I‘m sorry you read it for as long as you did. At least it‘s off your shelves now. 3w
Leftcoastzen 😂 3w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 I feel like it was an abusive relationship where it gaslit me by keeping me interested JUST enough to lure me into reading up to the last 100 pages. Then it had turned into me just hate-reading it out of spite. 😅🤣 I‘m definitely glad it‘s off the shelves too. On to better things! 3w
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Leftcoastzen Your photo says it all. Like your goodreads review! 3w
The_Penniless_Author Hey, that was a lot of fun! 😂 Give me a furious review over a good one any day! (Unless we're talking about one of my books, the be nice. 😊) 3d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @The_Penniless_Author Lol! Writing the review was very cathartic. 😅 I‘m glad the book brought joy in some round about way. 🤣 3d
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Omg! Guys! Look what I found in one of my library loans! This one came from several towns over. I wonder if they do this with all of their books? I love it! It gave me such a nostalgic feeling when I opened it. Can‘t wait to add mine once I finish it. ❤️

KathyWheeler I actually like this idea. When I worked in a public library, we had patrons write their initials in books all the time because they wanted to know that they‘d read it before. This seems a good way to keep them from writing in the book itself. 3w
LiteraryinLawrence I agree! This reminds me of borrowing books from the library when I was a kid, and seeing who had read it before you. 3w
Ruthiella That‘s so cute! 😊 3w
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @KathyWheeler Oh wow, I can‘t imagine writing directly into a library book. 😱 3w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella I wish every library did this. I think it‘s so cool. ❤️ 3w
KathyWheeler @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Me either, but so many people did it! 3w
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There aren‘t words for how I‘m feeling about the book I‘m reading right now. Two characters just decided to make love in the middle of a shootout and the girl got shot right through the eye socket. What the fuck did you THINK was going to happen?!?!?!

LiteraryinLawrence Yikes. 😳 4w
Roary47 Whoa…😳 3w
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My bingo board for July-September. Modified a few spots again. Trying to find the perfect balance between Litsy and BookTube events, buddy reads and book clubs. 😅

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I‘m honestly surprised at how this bracket has been turning out. 😅 Halfway through the year! Hard to believe. So many good reads. So many more to come. ❤️

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My second quarterly bingo board. I don‘t think I‘ll finish my current read before July 1st. I‘ve definitely been enjoying doing my bingo boards like this. Now for July-September!

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Library holds came in today!!! 🤘😆🤘

Roary47 Yay! So ready for Hex. 🤩 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 Same! I‘m so glad it came in on time! 🖤 1mo
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Making It So: A Memoir | Patrick Stewart
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My choice off my wishlist is Making it So: A Memoir by Patrick Stewart. ❤️ Thank you @TheSpineView for doing a giveaway! ❤️

#Two4Tuesday #TuesdayGiveaway

TheSpineView Good luck 🤞 1mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My selection for July. I haven‘t been keeping up with these as well as I had planned. I‘ve joined multiple readalongs/buddy reads (which are all worth it, but tend to take me away from this list). Might get to Queer Magic before the end of this month, so I‘ll put a different selection up if I do. Good luck everyone!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm addicted to buddy reads 😂 1mo
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The Forever War | Joe Haldeman
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4 ⭐️s
I really enjoyed this one. The descriptions of the tech and time dilation were fun. I honestly liked Will for the most part despite his personal hang ups on a few things. I appreciate the fact that the violence/war wasn‘t glorified. The changes Earth went through over the course of the story were fascinating. There were a few things I rolled my eyes at, but they‘re mostly products of the time the book and author come from.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I saw the ending coming about halfway through. The Taurans seemed too inept to be an actual threat. But the clones were a surprise. I was extremely pleased with the happy ending for Will but the implication that people could just switch between hetero and homosexual when it suited society‘s needs definitely got on my nerves. 1mo
RamsFan1963 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yeah I found the idea that an entire culture would turn from hetero a little too far fetched to be realistic 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RamsFan1963 I can imagine an entire race changing how they view sexuality. For me it was more the fact that the conditioning to turn it on or off was viewed so casually. As if it‘s just a switch you can toggle and not suffer major mental ramifications for. It reminded me of one of my favorite Star Trek TNG episodes, The Outcast. The crew encounter an androgynous alien race that think gender expression is a mental defect. It‘s such a sad episode. 1mo
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Favorites in no particular order:

The Mummy
Lord of the Rings

#TLT #ThreeListThursday

dabbe 💚 your choices! Thanks for playing and sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 Excellent score, too! Is this your movie era? 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @dabbe Thanks! ❤️ Lol, I hadn‘t really ever thought about it, but I guess it is. 🤣 I graduated in 2006 so these were the years I went to the theaters a lot with friends and dates. I know I don‘t keep up with movies nowadays the way I used to. 1mo
dabbe @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Boy, neither do I! It seems like a lot of them are too depressing these days, or maybe that's just me. I love movies that allow me to escape--just like books! 🤩🤗😀 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @dabbe Yeah, I think movie makers are too hung up lately on making everything gritty and “realistic”. I don‘t mind a little bit of that, but movies definitely don‘t seem as fun these days. There are some hidden gems but all the high grossing ones seem lackluster. There are also way too many remakes/reboots. 1mo
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3 ⭐️s
There‘s a lot going on and also not much happens… Many of the characters (especially these three doofuses) are very different than their tv counterparts. Data shows too much emotion, I especially hated the moments where he seemingly got his feelings hurt. I LOATHED the part where Carey says he actually pouts like a child. Riker‘s an unprofessional lunatic. Geordi was just a tad bit too insubordinate. (Although I must say, his ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm protectiveness over Data definitely fed my inner Data/Geordi ship demon.) 😅

The plot was meh. I still don‘t understand how this entity swooped through Earth in the 1990‘s, plucked one ship out of the ocean, then apparently left our solar system and didn‘t come into human contact again until the Enterprise stumbled across it randomly out in the galaxy… 🤷‍♀️

I don‘t know that I can blame Carey for not having a better grasp on the characters ⬇️
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm mannerisms. The show premiered in late September ‘87 and this novel was published in July ‘88. She had to have been writing it either before it premiered or just as it was airing. So I don‘t know how much, if any, of the actors depictions she was able to see before writing this. Wesley especially seems like she wrote a completely different person in the role, down to his physical looks.

Book 2 of #BookTrek2024
Roary47 Eeee I think I‘ve read this one a long time ago. 🤩 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 Lol, it‘s almost as old as I am. 😅 Have you read any other Star Trek books? I‘m working my way through the TNG series. ❤️ 1mo
Roary47 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yes, I‘ve read a few. I need to get back into reading them. They seem to be the only Sci-fi I can actually get into. 😅 1mo
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1. Good, yes. Great? No. My husband is the tech head in our house. Sometimes I have to ask him to repeat some jargon in layman‘s terms because he‘s totally lost me. 😅🤣

2. Probably my current read, The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. I‘m loving all the tech descriptions so much I told my husband he needs to track down an audiobook of it so he can enjoy the story too. (He‘s not a big reader.)


Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author

Ruthiella Audio is available on Hoopla if your library has that ! 1mo
TheSpineView My husband is the same. He is an Electrical Engineer and writes code. He can loose me in a heartbeat. 1mo
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Honestly The Wyrmling could take up all 5 spots, but I whittled down to 2: 1.) he‘s 2 now!!! And 2.) he‘s sitting front facing in the car. His smile is so infectious. 🥰
3. I received the kindest/most inspirational comment on one of my fanfictions. Knowing my writing has actually helped someone through hard times is extremely humbling.
4. I‘ve saved up enough to purchase my dream BJD! She‘ll be mine soon. ❤️
5. We‘re watching Baki Hanma on ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Netflix and my anime husband has made some appearances. 😍


Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView
TheSpineView You're welcome! 1mo
DebinHawaii What a wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 The Wyrmling is a cutie! 😍 Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @DebinHawaii Thank you so much! ❤️🥰❤️ 1mo
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A man appreciating the fact that a woman can have a good appetite has always been a huge green flag for me. 😅❤️

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3 ⭐️s
(It barely squeaked over being a 2 ⭐️.)
This was a story about settlers/pioneers meddling with indigenous people and the consequences on both sides. I liked how Zane didn‘t try and make it seem like either side was evil or virtuous. His characters mostly acknowledged that the white invaders were the cause of most of the problems. I didn‘t like the constant fainting of females or the attitude that Christianity was going to save the “savages”.

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#Naturalitsy #MidsummerSolace #WednesdayWanderings

1. Most ambitious walk I‘ve done: 10+ mile hike in southern Indiana carrying a 50+lb pack. Ambitious dream: I want to hike the Appalachian Trail.
2. Rural
3. I like trails with lots of water, deep ravines/cliffs, etc. If I don‘t get wet, I‘m bummed. 🤣
4. I always feel exhausted but accomplished. One of my best friends is the only one crazy and fit enough to do the big long hikes with me. ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm No pics of her, so I threw in ones of my family and I in a different state park. But the terrain is about the same. 1mo
Bookwormjillk Pretty 😍 1mo
AllDebooks Such a pretty place x 1mo
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It‘s still a day that starts with “T”, so I‘m not really late…right? 😅 #Two4Tuesday

1. I have a convoluted system for organizing my TBR. If I allow myself to just mood read, I‘d stare at my shelves for hours and waffle back and forth. I keep a note in my phone to keep track of what books I‘m “allowed” to choose from at any given time. The order doesn‘t matter, it‘s just showing them from oldest to newest added. I also have a designated shelf ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm above my bed where these all sit so that they‘re not mixed in with the rest of my books. ☑️ = a book that I‘m currently reading. (This is just the tip of the iceberg. If I showed my entire various selection processes and every list in this note, you‘d all think I was crazy. 🤣

2. Probably Secret Santa, but I‘ve been saving that one for later in the year. I want to read it closer to the holiday season. 😅
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm above my bed where these all sit so that they‘re not mixed in with the rest of my books. ☑️ = a book that I‘m currently reading. (This is just the tip of the iceberg. If I showed my entire various selection processes and every list in this note, you‘d all think I was crazy.) 🤣

2. Probably Secret Santa, but I‘ve been saving that one for later in the year. I want to read it closer to the holiday season. 😅
TheSpineView Kudos for having a great system! 💜📖 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheSpineView Thanks! It keeps me sane. 😅🤣 1mo
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1. Not a specific one, but smaller mass market paperbacks tend to be what I associate with laying outside under trees or taking along on hikes.
2. Not anywhere overly exciting. Hope to visit the state parks a lot though.
3. My son and his budding sense of humor. The belly laughs he brings are priceless.

Consider yourself tagged if you‘re reading this! ❤️


TheSpineView 🤩😊🌞 2mo
Eggs #1 - excellent point! How is your little Wyrmlet? 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Eggs Growing way too fast! He turns two next week!! 😱 2mo
Eggs @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm oh my!! Time soars and flies ⏳ ✈️ 2mo
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1. A very difficult question. Tolkien created whole, working languages for his stories, it‘s hard to beat that. Robert Jordan is the king of world building. Douglas Adams has a way with the English language and humor that is, as yet, unmatched. Stephen King cranks out more unique stories than anyone I‘m aware of, and I typically love them. In the end, I‘d have to go with Tolkien.
2. The Lord of the Rings, obviously. 😅

TheSpineView ❤️ Tolkien! Thanks for playing 2mo
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Encounter at Farpoint | David Gerrold
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4 ⭐️s
A novelization of the first TNG episode. There are some obvious differences that they changed later during filming of the show. Riker goes by Bill in this, but Will in the show. Data‘s origin is different. Things happen in a different order and I definitely prefer the tv version of that better. But what I like better in the book are the thoughts of the characters. A fun look into how they think/perceive each other.

Book 1 of #BookTrek2024

Roary47 I might have read this a long time ago. 🖖🏼 2mo
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To Tame a Land | Louis L'Amour
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4 ⭐️s
I absolutely fell in love with Rye, such an unassuming badass. Westerns catch a lot of undeserved criticism for being gun worshipping propaganda. This story follows the reluctant gunman, Ryan Tyler, as he navigates growing up as an orphan in the dangerous Old West. He fights to hold onto the morals instilled in him by his late parents, even when faced with the ultimate betrayal.

Book 1 of #JuneontheRange2024.

A Clutch of Vampires | Raymond T. McNally
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3 ⭐️s
A decent collection of vampire lore from all the way back in antiquity up through to the 1900s. You can definitely see the evolution of these popular creatures of the night, especially the superstitions for dealing with them. My favorite was The Living Dead by Robert Bloch.

This was one of my February #Roll100 picks.

Candide | Voltaire
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3 ⭐️s
I love a bit of satire. Many parts of this book felt like a Monty Python skit or a Mel Brooks film. I‘ve never been able to get behind the whole “everything is as it should be” way of thinking, and Voltaire does a really great job of skewering that philosophy in this very short read. The “tend your own garden” line at the end really stuck with me. I think it‘s very important advice, especially in this time of social media oversaturation.

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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #BookSpinBingo list for June!

I have several events/challenges/buddy reads/etc. that I‘m doing in June, so I‘m not certain of what I‘ll be able to get to, but I‘m still very excited. 🥰

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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3 ⭐️s
This was…interesting, to a point. Probably my favorite parts were the interesting twist on linguistics and Sumerian history/mythology. I‘m a sucker for anything pertaining to ancient Mesopotamia. Probably the only reason I finished. The characters aren‘t likable, they‘re a Mary Sue and Gary Stu. 🙄 I really thought Stephenson was going to do more. The ending was so lackluster and felt very slapped together. Really hoped for more oomph…

TheSpineView I totally agree with you on the characters. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I need to check out this book club!!!! 2mo
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RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 It continues to not look promising 🤔🤔 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead Our previous read, Way Station, was AMAZING! This one was definitely a letdown after that one. 🤦‍♀️ (edited) 2mo
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead Snow Crash is getting put lower and lower on my To-Be-Read list… close to the portion of the list that is labeled “Maybe I‘ll get around to reading this one if I live to be 200 years old”! 😂 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I feel I definitely should join, but it might have to be in a month or so once I've finished planned buddy reads... also there's Camp Litsy to think about. I love classic sci fi though and since coming home I've not had a sci fi book club 😭 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 if you find the philosopher's stone (and the Noble collection replica DOES NOT COUNT (I've checked)) please share with me so I can read extra books too 😊 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead No worries! The group is VERY laidback. There‘s no pressure to read every book, you can sit out a readalong whenever. I myself don‘t really know if my reading plans for June will give me time to participate this upcoming month. 😅 2mo
Ruthiella We are on the same page. I liked all the Sumerian mythology. But I found the action scenes strangely uninteresting and Hiro and YT not very compelling. I feel like there were sections missing in the book. How did YT and Hiro become partners after the initial encounter? According to the afterword in the edition I read, originally it was supposed to be a graphic novel. Maybe it‘s that explains it? 🤔 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Yes! The action scenes felt like a rough draft before maybe expanding on them in rewrites. Some things felt like they just happened and we‘re supposed to just fill in the in between scenes. I saw that it was initially supposed to be a graphic novel too. I don‘t know whether that would have helped any of it or not. I was also uncomfortable with Y.T.s age. I don‘t understand why she had to be so young, especially given later scenes… 2mo
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I don‘t know how many of y‘all pay any attention to anything BookTube related, but there are two events coming up that I‘m pretty excited about.

June on the Range is hosted by Michael K. Vaughan and basically you just have to read at least one Western sometime in June.

Book Trek is hosted by Revenant Reads and runs June-August. You read Star Trek fiction, from whichever iteration you prefer. ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm My #JuneontheRange reads will be:
1. To Tame A Land by Louis L‘Amour
2. Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm by Max Evans
3. The Spirit of the Border by Zane Grey

My #BookTrek2024 goal is to start with the first TNG related novel and read as many as I can before September.

Live long and prosper, y‘all!
Soubhiville Have fun! 2mo
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This made me chuckle. I‘m getting ready to start Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson for #ClassicLSFBC and I was checking how many pages it has for tracking purposes. Finding David Brin books being suggested in the back felt like a very good sign that I‘ll likely enjoy this one too. 😅

It‘s a small world out there. 🥰

CatLass007 I always enjoyed David Brin‘s work. I‘m probably going to listen to as many audiobooks of his that I can find. I read them in print in the eighties and wouldn‘t mind a different perspective. Different not just because of the differences between print and audio but also different because I‘m forty years older. 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @CatLass007 I love revisiting old favorites and finding out if they hold up or are even enriched by my experiences. ❤️ 2mo
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Startide Rising | David Brin
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5 ⭐️s
I love this book SO much!! It‘s the 2nd book in Brin‘s Uplift series and I enjoyed it even more than the 1st, and I loved that one too! This story is set centuries later with an entirely different cast of characters. A spaceship with a crew of humans, dolphins and a chimp, stumbles upon a history altering find out in space. Now it finds itself the focus of countless dangerous galactic enemies. An epic science fiction adventure follows that⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm had me turning page after page. The multiple POVs is done really well, especially with the different species. I look forward to the next in this trilogy.

This was one of my #Roll100 picks for March.
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I love this app and the community it connects me to so much. I found it at the beginning of the pandemic. Life is so very different now, but Litsy remains a constant hub of happiness for me. Thank you all for making it my preferred social media “home”.

I find it sad that so often when I click on the other usernames on these that they‘re inactive. I hope those readers found a space that brought them joy. ❤️

IndoorDame Happy Litsyversary!!!!! 3mo
Librarybelle Happy Litsyversary! 3mo
AmandaBlaze Happy Litsyversary! 3mo
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AmyG Happy Litsyversary! So glad you joined. 3mo
JessClark78 Happy Litsyversary! 🎊📚🎉 3mo
wanderinglynn Happy Litsyversary! 🎉🥳 3mo
Deblovestoread Happy Litsyversary 🎉🎉🎉 3mo
Texreader Absolutely brilliant!! So glad you‘re here! Congratulations!! 3mo
Ruthiella Happy Litsyversary! 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
dabbe HL! 💙🩵💙 3mo
marleed Happy Litsyversary! I always smile when I see a Litten return after life forced a reading break on them. Like you, I can‘t imagine my journey through the lockdown with this wonderful community! 3mo
LeahBergen Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉 3mo
Roary47 Yay!!! 3mo
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5 ⭐️s
An absolutely amazingly well researched book that goes into the eight remaining bear species, their past, present and mostly bleak future. I cried several times. Had to stop taking it to work as my break time read. The bit about the sun and moon bears was especially hard to read. I knew the future of bears (like most things that share this planet with us) was dire, but this was certainly eye-opening.

April‘s #Naturalitsy read.

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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Woohoo!!! Fresh #BookSpin picks! Here are mine for May. Both have been patiently waiting on the list since last year. 😅

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 3mo
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A Canticle for Leibowitz | Walter M. Miller
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3 ⭐️s

I don‘t normally do this, but this book absolutely won‘t allow me to edit my thoughts down enough to fit Litsy‘s word count cap. So here‘s a link to my Goodreads review:


This was also my March #Doublespin for #BookspinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
Ruthiella I just sent you a friend request on Goodreads. It‘s been a while since I read this but I think I remember Rachel. She had the second head, right? I agree that there is the suggestion that humanity will go on and that is an optimistic view. 👍 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Awesome! Added you! ❤️ Rachel is the second head. But the book implies that she‘s an immaculate conception akin to Christ. 3mo
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My #BookBingoFromHell so far. I‘ve already read 10 new to me authors so I get a ☄️ and the number reset. My treat was to play Fallout uninterrupted for several hours. It was bliss. I hadn‘t touched a video game in over a year, since after the Wyrmling was born I dropped many of my hobbies. 😅

I got the blank template from Literary Diversions on YouTube/instagram.

5feet.of.fury Love Fallout! Have you seen the show? 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @5feet.of.fury YES!! We LOVED it! I‘m so happy they did a good job on it. I was worried with Amazon‘s reputation. 😅 3mo
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I really thought this process would be easier. 😅 I really had to deliberate with myself on which books got to move onto the next bracket. I can only imagine what it will be like once I hit the halfway point. I‘m trying to hold off on adding the first two bonus books until I get to the end of June. Then I‘ll select them from everything I read the first half of the year.

Thanks to @CSeydel for the original template!

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1. Farm.
2. Not necessarily a place but a process. I couldn‘t think of a book with a farm that I actually want to live on. Anne of Green Gables might be close but I wouldn‘t want to live in that time period. 😅


TheSpineView Thanks for playing!😊📖 3mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My May list for #BookSpinBingo. 🥰

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Can't believe May is almost here!!!! 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheAromaofBooks Same! It seems like ever since the start of Covid, time is more and more an abstract concept as each year goes by. 😅🤣 3mo
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My #Roll100 picks for May. Two continuations of a series and a nonfiction that‘s been sitting on my TBR for quite a while.

5feet.of.fury Wild is really good! I was really surprised by it! 3mo
Roary47 Wild was a really good one. 3mo
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A Canticle for Leibowitz | Walter M. Miller
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It‘s a gorgeous day out! Letting The Wyrmling play in his water table while I attempt to get in a few pages of this new read. Forecast says it‘s supposed to drop back down to the 30-40 range in the next few days so we‘re enjoying it while we can. 😔

Watching the last episode of Fallout tonight and ordering my favorite pizza. It‘s going to be a great day! 🥰

Way Station | Clifford D. Simak
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5 ⭐️s
After my first Simak merely a week ago, I was nervous about how much I might like this one. I ADORE it! It‘s a library copy but I love it so much it‘s been added to my list of books to buy for my collection. Enoch is such a wonderful protagonist. Just enough of the old fashioned without being a patriarchal ass. His relationships with all the supporting characters were so lovely. I will absolutely be picking up more Simak in the future!

Ruthiella I really liked this one too. BTW did you finally finish Dahlgren or did you bail? 😱🤔 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Lol, I bailed at a little over halfway. It was such a relief. 😅🤣 How about you? 3mo
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Ruthiella I bailed too! 🤣 3mo
RamsFan1963 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Dhalgren, and 90% of Delany's work IMO, is a very acquired taste. You either love it or hate it, there's no grey area in between. 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RamsFan1963 The parts that I did like in Dhalgren, I REALLY liked. It‘s what got me so far into the book. I might give another one of his a try in the future. My recent experience with Simak proved I can‘t judge an author by one book, for sure. 3mo
RamsFan1963 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm If you're going to read more Simak, can I recommend They Walked Like Men and Why Call Them Back From Heaven?. Those are two of my favorites by him, he also writes great short stories. 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RamsFan1963 Thanks, I‘ll definitely check those out! I really do enjoy his writing and want to read more of him. 3mo
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1. Stranger in the Mirror
It‘s been hard coming to grips with how much I‘ve changed since getting pregnant and having The Wyrmling. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Although it‘s still a surprise when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My mental image of myself hasn‘t updated to the new outer look…

2. Tagged. Excellent book about an adventure I could never hope to survive, but loved reading about.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Have a great day 😀 3mo
LiteraryinLawrence I totally relate to that feeling. Not due to pregnancy, just aging/body changes. It‘s jarring sometimes, isn‘t it? Sending hugs! 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @LiteraryinLawrence Thank you, sending hugs back! 🥰 It really is. I know I have extra pounds hanging around but I‘m not really aware of it until I walk past the bathroom mirror to take a shower. It honestly doesn‘t really get me down unless I‘m having a bad day already. I knew I wasn‘t going to have the same body after carrying and squeezing out a whole child. 😅 I‘m just surprised my brain hasn‘t caught up with it. 3mo
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Bridges of Madison County | Robert James Waller
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4 ⭐️s
I‘m surprised how much I enjoyed this. My heart hurt for the two characters but also I was happy for them and what little time they did have. It took some adjustment for me due to it being an affair, and I was a bit surprised how accepting I was of it. The quietness of the love is what I think did it for me. In a world where 99% of the romance books are just thinly veiled smut, it was refreshing.

This was my #BookSpin for March.

TheLudicReader I read this 30 years ago and I bawled like a baby. 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheLudicReader It‘s definitely heartbreaking. 💔 3mo
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Special Deliverance | Clifford D. Simak
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3 ⭐️s
My first Simak, I‘ll be tackling another once my library hold comes in. I enjoyed the writing and sped through the book. The ending was quite a letdown. I was especially annoyed with the blatant misunderstanding of evolution and how the entire narrative hinged on that misunderstanding. There were several loose ends that remained undone by the end as well. Still enjoyable enough for me to look forward to reading another by the author.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm One of my #Roll100 choices from March. 4mo
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A Memory of Light | Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
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1. There are many people that if I were to describe my feelings for them might fit the description of a personal hero, but I shy away from using such a label. Unfortunately I‘ve come to regret the ones I‘ve labeled as such in the past. In all honesty (as vain as I‘m sure it sounds) the person that is most likely to be my hero is myself.
2. This entire series has numerous heroes in it, so I chose the final book.


Deblovestoread That sounds like someone who understands their self worth not vanity. 🙌🏼 4mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Deblovestoread Thank you. ❤️🤗❤️ 4mo
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Special Deliverance | Clifford D. Simak
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1. Checked off the eclipse. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can go for a hike Saturday.
2. Coffee. I don‘t snack a lot while reading, but a good dark chocolate if I do.
3. I love matching my bookmarks to what I‘m reading. Whether it‘s by theme or color.
4. Currently reading multiples. I‘ll tag the one I‘m likely to finish this week then add the others in the comments.

Tagged if you were in the path of totality!


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Untitled | Unknown
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Totality. I‘ve seen an eclipse before but never been in the path of totality. Truly a unique experience. The pic is with my phone, so nothing great, just the universe doing its thing. To the right you can see the little spot of light, Venus, and the little light to the left is Jupiter.

The Wyrmling was thoroughly impressed. I don‘t think he‘ll be capable of remembering it, but that‘s what photos and videos are for. ❤️🌌❤️

Graywacke Fantastic. Unfortunately we were clouded over. 4mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Graywacke I was really anxious about that. Our forecast kept saying it was going to be cloudy, but it was just wisps. I‘m sorry you didn‘t get to experience the full effect. 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Blood Of The Fold | Terry Goodkind
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5 ⭐️s
I honestly can‘t help but love this series. 😅 This one really started to branch out the multiple POVs a lot more than the previous ones. I always enjoy that. I‘m so glad I saw through the bs at the beginning or I would have been awfully upset. I still adore Richard and Kahlan. Even though he is still a big doofus a lot of the time. Zedd was fun as always. The supporting cast continues to be fleshed out more and I love many of them as well.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm This was one of my January #Roll100, counts as a “Mini Chunkster” for #ChunksterChallenge2024, and is one of my continued #SeriesLove2024 reads. ❤️ 4mo
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