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Second Chance Pass
Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
7 posts | 18 read | 1 to read
The good folks of Virgin River decide to meddle in the lives of widow Vanessa Rutledge and former Marine Paul Haggerty when these two stubborn individuals need help realizing that they are perfect for each other.
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Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
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#2ndChanceRomance #SecondChanceRomance 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

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Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
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This book focuses on the love between Paul and Vanessa. It drags in the beginning, but once it picks up speed it takes you with it. Jack & Mel have some harrowing moments too.

Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr

I think it‘s amazing that Jack can deliver a baby because the experience he received in one of the last books I read in this series.

Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
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I really wanted to like Vanessa and Paul, but they didn‘t just click for me. However, Walt and Muriel intrigue me and I hope they have their own story soon! I was happy to see that my initial theory about the illegal grower was finally, actually stated as being possible. I want his story told too! Joe and Nikki were my favorite part of this book and I am excited to see where this relationship goes!

Octoberwoman Nice to see someone felt the way I did about this book! 3y
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Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
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Another great installment in the Virgin River series.

MsMelissa Have you watched the Netflix series? I‘m 1/2 way through the first season. 4y
Liatrek @Book_Fiend_Melissa I watched about 3 episodes and it just wasn‘t working for me. I plan to try again but right now I just love reading the books. 4y
keys_on_fire I have almost every Virgin River book and the series disappointed me. I understand that some changes were necessary to be able to condense, but others just didn‘t make sense... 4y
Liatrek @keys_on_fire Yes! After just watching a few of the episodes I really wasn‘t feeling the changes. But I absolutely love the books. 4y
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Second Chance Pass | Robyn Carr
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Not my favorite in the series. I didn't connect with Vanessa the way I did with Mel, Paige, Marcie. But there was plenty of Jack and Mel. I enjoyed their story more than Vanessa and Paul's. I was also happy that the illegal grower made a brief appearance. So hoping he gets his own book later. And then Joe came to town and met Nikki and oh my god I wish this had been their book! Loved loved Joe! He singlehandedly bumped my rating from 3 stars to 4.