Second time reading through this. I enjoyed it more than the first time around thanks to Ballarat National Theatre.
Second time reading through this. I enjoyed it more than the first time around thanks to Ballarat National Theatre.
I adore this book. This was an instant quick read, or a pick up and go type of book, and while some of the plot line was predictable, because of the story it was based on— I enjoyed it very much. I enjoyed the court scene a lot too.
Somehow I knew Wickham was part of this murder. What surprised me though was Lady Catherine is apart of it. I‘m not surprised Collins is, though it was unexpected.
I throughly enjoyed the book. Although I kinda liked the first part more than the second part. The second part dragged near the end of the book, though I do like the epilogue.
So… General Sorrengail is going to fall at Basgiath… at least that‘s what I‘m thinking.
I wish Brennan, Mira and Violet could telepathy talk to each other. They can still graduate even though they aren‘t in Basgiath?! I didn‘t think it was possible. Holy shit! Ridoc almost died?! Of course Violet holds him up to the promise they made earlier in the year.
How the hell is Jack -fucking- Barlowe alive? And he save Violet????
My thoughts are all a mess right now cuz I just finished the first part of the book. I can‘t wait till Mira finds out her brother is alive. Xaden said there were four teachers that joined them? Who are they?!
I‘m finally finishing Fourth Wing graphic audio. I did listen to the first half last year and then dropped in along with my reading habits. But these ‘theater of the mind‘ audiobooks are the best.
Why the hell did it take so long just to get good??? Also I want Fourth Wing and Mira to join the side Violet‘s on.
This was a cozy read. I kind of enjoyed it since it was something I don‘t normally read.
Why is this ebook 1000 pages long? It‘s tells me it will take me a month and a half to read especially since I‘m judging it with how long it took me to read “It” by Stephen King.
This was a fun read. I quite enjoyed it. It was refreshing to follow the Meredith family for once.
I posted about this series on Threads and some people said to skip this book all together. Yet, somehow someway I‘m enjoying it.
You have to suspend your disbelief on this one. I did learn a few things in this book about dnd though (mainly geography). This is a good book, if it‘s a stand alone fantasy book. My favorite character turned out to be the wizard— Cazrin.
I love this series so much, I‘m kind of sad that it now ended. I think my favorite thing about this is that Harley finds what she wants to do in life while discovering her friends were captured. She? Of course; saved them with a little help from Poison Ivy. I just love their relationship and trails.
I have to constantly remind myself that this takes place when Amy and Rory are stuck in the 1939s every time when River mentions them. Though, I'm kind of upset that her own comrade in the future (present?) has passed.
This was a quick read. I enjoyed this book a little too much — and I could guessed that Wickem would be an enemy.
This is becoming one of the most intriguing books I ever read even though I know the story of pride and prejudice… and so far I‘m loving it.
I‘m hoping this will be a short, fun romp. I love when the author reads their own books. They are always a joy to read.
I don‘t really know what to say about this book. Joan‘s secondary companion Nick I didn‘t like too much, and I wanted more Aaron and Joan moments. The story (at least to me) left me with a few questions.
I went into this book knowing nothing but the blurb that is on the Amazon's book page, and somehow was able to borrow a #skiptheline copy from my local library. I didn't know what I was getting into but I fell in love with this book and it's characters. Rebecca did a good job of making her readers fall in love with each of the characters even if we were suppose to despise them.
So each of the main characters are going to have their own book? First is obviously the main character Joan, and now Nick? Then Aaron will be the main focus of the next book??
I could see it coming a mile away Violet bonding with the black dragon, Tarin. It actually made me squeal in delight. Though her having two dragons surprised me. And, Jack being terrified of her is icing on the cake.
This was a fun little, a bit predictable but I didn‘t see the twist ending. It gets high marks from me.
I am absolutely loving this already. Violet is already a lovable character in my mind and I love the hate that is emitting off of Xaden already.
This was an intriguing book, and by the end of it I really couldn‘t put it down. The only thing I didn‘t like was the ending, but it is believable because I can also see it happening to some I might know.
I‘ve enjoyed reading this. I picked out a few favorite stories as I usually do. My favorites from this collection are ‘The Naval Treaty‘, ‘The Yellow Face ‘ and ‘The Greek interpreter.‘
I enjoyed this book, and it was a quick read. It was also different than what I was expecting it to be, but it was a good different.
I have no real words for this. It was beautifully written. I waited so long to read this, and I‘m wondering why. It‘s so good.
This is a beautiful book. I was pulled in by the murder mystery and almost dnf it because a new character by the end-although they weren‘t really a new character…. It‘s worth the read.
This has to be one of my favorite books I‘ve read this month. It‘s adorable, and a bit addictive. I couldn‘t put it down and when I did I couldn‘t stop thinking about it.
I‘m enjoying this book. It‘s been awhile since I read a romance novel, and it makes me squeal.
I love this book. It has one of my favorite sub genres under romance. It's also witty.
Second book in the series. I don't know what to really say about this book besides that I've enjoyed it. It did take me most of the year to read through it. I only wish I finished this sooner.
I feel liked I skimmed this, nothing really stuck in my head. I wanted to bail on this book so many times but I didn't, and I should of
I bought this book on a whim, and so far I am loving the book. Although I'm not finding the book as funny as it claims to be, but I can't stop smiling at all the cute moments between Calvin and Elizabeth.
Finally picked this up again. Started this in the beginning of the year just to finish it at the end of the year. I‘m excited for Grumph to have a proper mage‘s training.
I don‘t read very many non-fiction books, and the lessons in this book kind of went over my head (this is a self-help book). The stories in this book were entertaining to say the least, and it was quite a fun read. 3 out of 5 stars
I like this story. It‘s about a woman who meets her younger self and together they try to fix their own problems. This also feels like the ultimate second chance one would get in life, which we would all want.
Slowly, but surely I‘m getting through this. Not sure if I‘m biting more than I can chew here.
I enjoyed this one to an extent. In the end,l got bored with it and wanted it to be over. There was too much side story and not enough main story. Also, I feel I shouldn‘t be routing for the detectives to get together.
I think it‘s amazing that Jack can deliver a baby because the experience he received in one of the last books I read in this series.
So Leo left his son alone and Allie is punishing him for it? Why? Does Allie hate her ex-husband so much? Also, I‘m not sure why I‘m focusing on a side story rather than the main focus of the book, and I understand that the side stories make the main character/s a bit more human.
Not sure how I feel about this one yet, but the set up to it has me hooked.
I enjoyed this book to to an extent. It wasn‘t really my cup of tea, but I stuck with it. I‘m really glad I did, because I ended up loving the story as a whole. It reminded me that even if you come from different backgrounds you could still be family.
While this seems like an easy read, I can‘t help but fall more in love with the Retired Detective Club. All in all I enjoyed the story.
As of right now I‘m more invested in the background drama then the missing person‘s report. I‘m enjoying this book though.
I‘ve finished this book a few days ago. I am wondering why I liked Peter Pan so much… this book was about self discovery for our young Wendy Darling, and yet there were so many times i wanted to stop reading because I felt not to have invested into the story. And, I guess that is how it is with these Twisted Tales. I hope ‘Almost There‘ is a lot better.
I‘m not sure how I feel about this book. I now read half of it. The premise was interesting, but it‘s barely keeping my attention. This is the second book in this series that I‘ve read, and I‘m willing to finish it.
I started reading this on a whim, while rewatching the first season alone side it. So far it‘s interesting. I‘m kinda sad that they cut out all the other storylines in the Enchanted Forest besides Snow‘s and David‘s. #kindleunlimited #kindle