An intriguing book. 3.5/5 Read for #ReadHarderChallenge2021
This book was crazy! A true story that reads like a spy novel. I loved it. #audiobook #nonfiction
When you don‘t mind a long line at Starbucks because your #audiobook is so awesome.
I read this to fulfill the "True Crime" requirement for Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge. It was really interesting and made me want to read more about codes and ciphers.
😂😂😂 the true and ridiculous details in this story are amazing!
This title OMG... I don't know anything about this book but I literally couldn't pass it up.
I was visiting my parents when this book showed up in the mail! The book I didn't know I needed, right there! Yay! Now I don't have to buy it my self!
The book I didn't know I needed!
This was a great spy/thriller with bits where I'd say this isn't believable and then I'd remember it's non-fiction and it DID happen. I especially liked seeing how the FBI really handles thinking there is a traitor and all the information about creating and cracking codes. If you wish you could read more mystery/crime without violence this book is perfect. And I rec to fiction and non-fic readers.
This true story starts out like a spy/thriller movie and I'm 100% here for that. Also keep thinking I'd make the most paranoid spy ever--I wouldn't even trust me!