At first I didn't see why a 5th book was necessary, but as an epilogue to the story, it was entertaining, even though it did contain vampires. The ending was surprising down beat for a fantasy/quest series. 3 💥💥💥 1/2
At first I didn't see why a 5th book was necessary, but as an epilogue to the story, it was entertaining, even though it did contain vampires. The ending was surprising down beat for a fantasy/quest series. 3 💥💥💥 1/2
"Dean Thobicus drummed his skinny fingers on the hardwood desk before him"
The last book of The Cleric Quintet. I've really enjoyed the series, but I'm ready for something new. I plan on finishing this today.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
Well, I was a little wrong. A few small, loose ends had to be tied up. While it might have been a little excessive (most of the book is played out in fight scenes), it's not that bad of an epilogue. Now, onto other series!