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Mystic and Rider
Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn
7 posts | 15 read | 13 to read
Gillengaria seethes with unrest. In the south, hostility toward magic and its users has risen to a dangerous level, though King Baryn has ordered that such mystics are to be tolerated. It is whispered that he issued the decree because his new wife used her magic powers to ensnare him The King knows there are those in the noble Twelve Houses who could use this growing dissent to overthrow him. So he dispatches the mystic Senneth to assess the threat throughout the realm. Accompanying her is a motley band of magic-users and warriors including Tayse, first among the King's Riderswho holds a hard view of mystics in general, and Senneth in particular. But as the unlikely allies venture farther into the south, they will face death in a land under the sway of a fanatical cult that would purge Gillengaria of all magic users. And they will come to realize that their only hope of survival lies in standing together
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Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn
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My third time reading one of my absolute favorite adult fantasy series, this is such a wonderful story to settle back into. I meant to read it slowly, on the side of other things, but it quickly became what I was most interested in.
I love Shinn's work so much, and wish it got more of the credit it's due.
If you like fantasy, I highly recommend.

Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn
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“Kardon stood at the back of the tavern, surveying the night‘s clientele, and smiled with a brutal satisfaction.”


Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I have such a book hangover from this one - really struggling to get into my next read because I just want to be back with Senneth, Tayse, & the rest. There are so many good things going for this book: strong world building, adult heroine (as opposed to a teenager), some romance, some magic, very well written. If you like fantasy, this is one I *highly* recommend!

Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn

I've read this book every year since I was about 13 years old. Every single time I read it, I fall deeper in love with these characters and the message of this story. I don't even know how to describe how much this book means to me.

RaimeyGallant That is a lot of re-reads. :) Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you're interested. :) 6y
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Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn
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The big man smiled as if he was genuinely amused. "We're not mercenaries," he said. "We're King's Riders."

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Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn

Like the unlikely band that comes together. Anti-magic sentiments reminded me of X-Men for some reason. Read the whole series!

Mystic and Rider | Sharon Shinn

Not bad. It isn't all that fast paced, but still interesting. World building was pretty good and I finished relatively quickly. Shinn's Archangel is still my favorite though.