I was totally down for this ridiculousness but I just couldn't...
2000 year old conspiracy? YAAAS. Lost gospel of Mary Magdalene? ABSOLUTELY. Cathers persecuted in France? OF COURSE. The holy grail? BRING IT. Templars? Honestly not sure if they show up or not (didn't read that far), but WHY NOT?
Plus a MC named 'Maureen'*?! Chef's kiss!
But this book is TERRIBLE. I mean the writing is truly god-awful (haha), plus Maureen is a TOTAL Mary Sue**.
**apparently this is true on a whole other level - the author, who physically matches her protagonist very closely 🙄, believes that she is a descendent of Mary Magdalene and these novels are her way of getting the 'truth' out into the world. Gotta love those Magdalena conspiracy theorists - they COMMIT! 3y