1. Tagged book featured a killer who was 😱
2. I don‘t read much horror but I like the occasional creepy ghost story.
3. The Shadow of the Wind
1. Tagged book featured a killer who was 😱
2. I don‘t read much horror but I like the occasional creepy ghost story.
3. The Shadow of the Wind
This was actually a re-listen. Apparently I did remember whodunit but no real details so there were still some surprise moments.
Wow, this one was a tough read! Cults and captives and children, psychology and psychopaths. An excellent story, excellent writing, but difficult subject matter for sure. I love the character of Anna Pigeon And it's interesting to see how she's changing, evolving, and even mellowing a little bit as she ages through this series.
Thanks to @kaye and @Samplergal for the inspiration! I‘m doing a #50states #mystery challenge. To keep it manageable, I‘m including books I‘ve already read. OTOH I‘m only counting one book per author. I could easily fill half the slots with Ranger Anna Pigeon, but I chose the tagged book because I still remember it so well several years later. Very haunting.
More later, and at some point I will probably need some suggestions!