Only so long can you be in the head of a sex offender before somehow starting to emphasise... 😬
Only so long can you be in the head of a sex offender before somehow starting to emphasise... 😬
Imagine a version of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime where the main character is an adult and a serial sex-offender. What makes this book so challenging is that while it examines violence against women through a character with a mental disability, it forces you to generalize Martin John's self-rationalizations onto all men who commit sexual violence. If you liked reading Eileen for its creepiness and insight, then read this next.
This was a great book which delves into the mind of a very disturbed and mentally ill man. Worth the read.
Snuggled up on the couch with the bookbeanie. #handsfreereading. Love those beanies.
My reading pile for the next weeks. #christmasreading
Next up .... and this will be a really interesting read. Looking forward to it! #bookclubread
Wow. This is a disturbing, but amazing read. It's written in such a way that you feel like you are living the addled, crazed descent of Martin Johns mind. This is not for the faint hearted as there are many many triggers in here - there's a particularly harrowing scene in a dentists office, but this is a truly spectacular piece of work
This book has been on my radar for quite some time now - when I don't have work in the morning I welcome insomnia (current time 5:20am!)
This is totally the wrong book to read on public transit... 😨😱😖
What, you don't read between innings? ⚾📖⚾📖⚾
(Yokohama Baystars vs Tokyo Giants, League Championship Series)
Honestly, I've been stuck on the first 90 pages for a while and just haven't been grabbed enough to read the rest. Went back to reading old Poe stories instead, hahaha. Not a terrible book, but not gripping enough either.
Sunday morning in Garfield pajamas. I'm enjoying this book quite a bit. Reminds me of Patrick McCabe.