Round 46. #tenatatime TBR
#tenatatime round 43. I‘ve had a crazy past few months, but finally getting settled and ready do dive into these.
Round 42 of my #tenatatime TBR. I‘ve been reading so many library books lately, so it‘s been awhile since I‘ve gone back to just picking from my own stacks! Most of these are pretty recent purchases.
My new #tenatatime #tbr A mix of old and new on this one. This is round 39.
My next #tenatatime #tbr. Number 37 already. I‘m looking forward to all of these.
My library hold finally came in! I‘m so excited to dive in.
Round 36 of our #tenatatime #tbr. Most of these are one I picked up quite recently.
Round 35 of the #tenatatime #tbr project. Too bad I seem to keep adding more books than I‘m reading! Lol.
After a long run of library books, I‘m finally back to picking from my own shelves. #tenatatime #tbr round 34. I‘m looking forward to these.
Round 33 of the #tenatatime #tbr project. It‘s come in handy having so many unread books in my house while the libraries have been closed. At least I‘ll never run out of stuff to read.
Round 32 of our #tenatatime #tbr project. I‘ve been getting through my never ending piles of books, but I still really want the libraries to open back up soon!!
I‘ve had this book for a long time but kept putting off reading it because it‘s 900 pages. I‘m so glad I finally dived in. This book was amazing!
This book was so good. Dark subject matter, but so well done. 4.5 🌟
My next pile of ten books. I‘m so glad I already have so many books at home to read, with libraries and shops closed. #tenatatime #tbr Round 31
Here‘s my next TBR. Mostly new stuff this time. #tenatatime #round27
I just got back from my annual trip to Portland and this is what came back with me.
My next #tenatatime #tbr pile. Number 26! I‘m excited to dive into some of these!
#tenatatime #tbr #25. A couple of Halloween type books on this one since it‘s my fave holiday.
Round 22 of the #tenatatime #tbr project. It‘s always so fun to pick ten new books. Now where to begin....
Round 21 of the #tenatatime #TBR project. I‘m really looking forward to all of these!
Now that the Readathon is done it‘s time for me to pick a new TBR. Still doing our #tenatatime #tbr piles and this is round 20! Here‘s my picks.
I hit 22 hours! That‘s it for me, I didn‘t make 24, but I did beat my time from last year, so that‘s good enough! #24in48 #24in48readathon
My third book of the Readathon done! This is such a fun, juicy, guilty pleasure series. I think I‘m hooked. #24in48 #24in48readathon
I‘ve got a stack ready and lots of snacks. It‘s almost time! #24in48 #readathon
This was my first Agatha Christie book since reading And Then There Were None in high school, and it was so fun!! I‘m excited to read more now. At least there‘s a lot to choose from!
Round 19 of our #tenatatime #tbr. One of these will be my first book of 2019! I just have to decide which one.
Round 18 of our #tenatatime #tbr project. A lighter load for this time of year. Even a couple of Christmas reads.
My background music while I dive in to my most anticipated book of the year.
Round 17 of the #tenatatime #tbr project. The last round took forever because I got distracted by library books, but I finally got to pick another round. I‘m trying to not take out too many library books, but all my favourite authors have new books out! #toomanybooks
Round 16 of our #tenatatime #tbr project. A lot of these ones I just picked up while on vacation in Portland, so I‘m pretty excited.
How can you tell we just spent nine days in Oregon? #Powells #Titlewave #Portland #nosuchthingastoomanybooks