I really enjoyed the first part of this.... But then when Beauty started time traveling, I found myself arguing with the book all the time. I usually love time travel stories, but I didn't think Beauty's reactions to the modern world rang true.
I really enjoyed the first part of this.... But then when Beauty started time traveling, I found myself arguing with the book all the time. I usually love time travel stories, but I didn't think Beauty's reactions to the modern world rang true.
The Suze does not look happy 😂
So my mom gave me this book. It was really weird. And strangely had me pulled in wanting to know what happens next.
The premise is not explained. Anywhere. So i went in blind and came out oddly entertained.
As a retelling goes, this was so much fun. It was a mash-up of sleeping beauty and snow white and cinderella mixed in with fantasy and sci-fi and it was definitely... interesting.
3.5 ⭐️
Y'all. I got 30 books today. I only spent $3 dollars. I'm dying. And hiding books under my bed. 😳😊😍 This is only one of them.
A mix of fairy tale and time travel with themes related to environment and feminism. Loved some parts (the fairy tale stuff), liked author's ambition in trying to incorporate themes related to environmental destruction. Uneven but ok.
To do list: a mile long. To read list: twice that. What do I do? Go out and get more books :) it's the library's fault for being so accessible and letting me check out as many books as I want. Because graduate student privileges.
Sheri S. Tepper (1929 - 2016)
This one really hurts. Beauty was one of the first adult SFF novels I read, and it helped shape my love of speculative fiction literature. It blew me away in 10th grade.