Caspian is helping the boyfriend read.
Caspian is helping the boyfriend read.
My treat to myself came in the mail. One of my favorite books and Subterranean Press did a limited SIGNED hardcover run back in 2008. Hughart passed away in 2019. I randomly went on eBay the other night to see what his books go for, since I have an older edition, and found this. $175+S/H but so worth it. My bookish heart is so happy and boy did I need that pick-me-up. Ginger would like to know how many cat treats $175 would have bought instead!
Day 4: #7Days7Covers #CoverCrush
Seems like everybody has done or is doing this. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play!
... the abbot of our monastery always said that fable has strong shoulders that carry far more truth than fact can. — I'm having fun reading this book
#booktober Day 13: Number Ten Ox is the #bestsidekick. An amazing trilogy of a fantastical ancient China that never was.
I first read this book when Asian representation in SFF sucked, so was very happy to find this book, even though the author was white. It's written in a classical Chinese style, and is laugh out loud funny. Still a favorite to this day.