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Joined December 2016

Reading books since 19somethingorother
The Husbands | Holly Gramazio
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I did the audio version, which had quite a good narrator. I don‘t think I would‘ve enjoyed it as much in print.
The premise of a new husband emerging from the attic whenever Lauren sends the last one up is frothy fun, and this is a good light choice for a summer read.
#summerread #audio

Live by Night | Dennis Lehane
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for this baby!! Lehane does an amazing job creating believable characters. His descriptions evoke the images, but he doesn‘t ramble. I‘m on to the sequel, The Given Day, so I can stay in 1930s Florida and Cuba.

My photo skills leave a lot to be desired. Yeah, maybe don‘t cut off the title! 🤪
I‘d retake it but I already returned it to the library.

Sace Sometimes my picture is fine but when I add it to Litsy it gets wonky and bits get cut off. 3w
AlaMich @Sace It‘s so annoying! 2w
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Talk Story | Hanapepe, HI (Bookstore)
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We went to this excellent bookstore—complete with a bookstore cat named Natalie—on Kauai during our trip. It‘s the only bookstore on the island, as far as I know. I bought a book on Hawaiian grammar because I‘m a nerd! 😂 #hawaii #vacation

Ruthiella Every bookstore should have a cat (or two) ! 😻 1mo
AlaMich @Ruthiella I whole-heartedly agree! 1mo
LeahBergen That looks wonderful! I would be dragging who ever I was holidaying with there, for sure! 1mo
AlaMich @LeahBergen The owner had a ton of vintage paperbacks that were hard to resist. 1mo
LeahBergen Ooo! 👀 1mo
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I‘m enjoying this series a lot, but the constant references to this character‘s size (once she was described as having a “massive head”) are irritating and a bit sexist. The author doesn‘t do this with any other character, but he makes this woman sound like she‘s 7 ft tall and built like a linebacker.

The Expanse: Origins | James S.A. Corey
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Man, this irritates me! These are all I have of the series so far, so I don‘t know what the rest look like.


mcctrish My husband LOVES this series, now I need to go look at his 3mo
AlaMich @mcctrish I mean, I think they‘re the same editions, but maybe my book 3 is a later printing or something. I have no clue. 3mo
shortsarahrose It looks like maybe book 3 is a mass market paperback while the other two are trade paperbacks? 3mo
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AlaMich @shortsarahrose It definitely looks that way, but don‘t MM versions usually have different covers? These are otherwise identical 3mo
shortsarahrose Not always. I think it‘s really just the size that has to be different. 3mo
Ruthiella Two are trade paperbacks and one is a mass market paperback. They are sized differently. You should be able to find book three in the right size if you want them to match. (edited) 3mo
AlaMich @Ruthiella I suppose I‘m not annoyed enough to hunt for one, but thank you. 😊 3mo
Centique I have a few sets like this! I keep my eye out for the trade paperback versions in the second hand shops so i can swop out the littlies eventually 😂😂 3mo
AlaMich @Centique That‘s what I should do. I ordered all three used from AbeBooks, and it‘s very hard to tell exactly what you‘re ordering on their site. (edited) 3mo
Centique @AlaMich yes! I bet it is. I managed to do it on Book Depository and they even tell you the measurements 😂😂 I ordered a classic in hardback and thought it was a great price. When it turned up it was a miniature and only about 10cms high! 😂😂 3mo
AlaMich @Centique Well, easy to carry around I guess! 😂 3mo
Serenity_34 I have the whole series, I got them all second hand and wasn't picky about the sizing when I was buying them so it's not a perfectly matched collection. In my collection 1 and 2 are tall, 3-8 are short, 9 is tall. 😅 2mo
AlaMich @Serenity_34 It‘s just that I can‘t NOT notice it every time I look at them and I get irritated every time. It‘s so silly of me! 2mo
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I‘m very excited about the release of Katherine Arden‘s new book. I adored her Winternight trilogy and although the premise of this book is intriguing, I had sort of been hoping for another Russian setting. But I‘m happy anyway!

Starter Villain | John Scalzi
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My current view while I wait for a tow truck. My car just lost power as I was driving to work because I think I ran out of gas 😣. Fortunately, I have John Scalzi to entertain me! Thankfully, it is FRIDAY!!! #tgif

AmyG Oh no! Scalzi is your silver lining. 6mo
AlaMich @AmyG Yes he is! 6mo
Suet624 Yikes! 6mo
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AlaMich @Suet624 It would be the first time it‘s ever happened to me. 6mo
Ruthiella Oh no! Hope it gets alleviated soon! 6mo
Suet624 I can imagine it‘s so shocking when it happens! 6mo
AlaMich @Suet624 It was! I was so lucky not to be on a busier street and that there was a kind crossing guard who helped me. 6mo
Monica5 Oh no 6mo
mabell Oh no! 6mo
41 likes9 comments
Snow Day | Mercer Mayer
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Woohoo!!! It doesn‘t look too bad in this pic, but our district called it last night because we were going to have blizzard conditions in the morning.

Whatever shall I do with my bonus day??? 🤔

BarbaraBB Hard decision 😉. Enjoy! 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❄️ 6mo
AlaMich @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Not anymore. It‘s been raining a lot of the day and now it‘s all one big slushy, flooded mess out there. 6mo
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Surfer Girl | Monika Davies
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I discovered these highlighter pencils recently and have come to love them. It feels like I‘m doing less damage to my book than when I‘m using marker highlighters. And you can control how intensely a word is highlighted. They‘re called Textsurfers (and you‘ve gotta love the name!), made by Staedtler.

JamieArc Fun! I like that brand of pens. I‘ll have to check those pencils out. 7mo
AlaMich @JamieArc Hope you like them! Just fyi, they require a pencil sharpener with a larger opening than regular pencils. (edited) 7mo
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Matrix | Lauren Groff
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Do any #nunlit or #nunlitquarterly folks have resources to clarify the whole convent vs. abbey and prioress vs. abbess thing? I‘ve always found these religious and clerical terms (rector, vicar, curate) baffling. Someone really needs to write a short handbook!! 🤓

DrSabrinaMoldenReads Convent is where nuns reside and abbeys are where monks reside…I‘m pretty sure 7mo
batsy I would appreciate a little handbook like that, too 😆 7mo
AlaMich @DrSabrinaMoldenReads That‘s what I thought, but this novel is set in 12th century England and it involves nuns living in an abbey. 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
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AlaMich @batsy Right? Every time I think I‘m starting to figure it out, I read something contradictory. 7mo
jlhammar I think a prioress is one rank/level below abbess. And that an abbey is a convent supervised by an abbess. But I agree, it all gets confusing and I‘d love a handbook! 7mo
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Well, I went to mass at an abbey the other night and there were only monks there 🤷🏽‍♀️ But maybe that‘s who is in residence there at this time 7mo
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Essays Two | Lydia Davis
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Davis is a translator and writer. This book contains essays which are a sort of journal of her translation process. She has translated Flaubert and Proust, and the essays discuss how she makes choices and solves problems. She also records her adventures in teaching herself Norwegian by reading a difficult novel without any resources.
I found it fascinating, but then I think I am a frustrated translator.
#translation #French #classics

Bullet Train | Kotaro Isaka
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I enjoyed the heck out of this book! I only had a minor quibble about how much time Isaka spends inside The Prince‘s mind, to the point where I felt it took me out of the story. The ending was a bit anti-climactic as well, but otherwise I loved the very unique characters and the unique setting.

#thriller #trains #Japan

RamsFan1963 I watched the movie version of this, with Brad Pitt, while stuck on a 14 hr flight to Tokyo. I enjoyed it for the non stop action, although the plot made little sense. 10mo
AlaMich @RamsFan1963 The plot was definitely bonkers AF. But I did love Thomas the Tank Engine. 😂 10mo
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Bullet Train | Kotaro Isaka
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Probably one of the last few reasonably warm mornings to sit out on the patio with some cold brew and my book.

I don‘t read many thrillers because they tend to feel very samey to me, but this book sucked me right in. The translation is marvelous, the characters are a bit bonkers, and I can‘t wait to see where it‘s all going.

I‘m also listening to the audio version, read by a very good narrator.

#thriller #sundaymorning

Ruthiella I liked this one a lot! 👍 11mo
AlaMich @Ruthiella I haven‘t gotten really into a book as quickly as this one for a long time. 11mo
LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! ❤️ 10mo
AlaMich @LeahBergen Thank you!! ☺️ 10mo
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Reading this delightful book at a heavenly spa in Santa Fe. I‘m reading and listening to the audio version. Warner‘s language is lovely, and the narrator of the audio is excellent.

#summer #summervacation #spalife

batsy I keep saying this every chance I get, but I adore this book! 😆 13mo
KathyWheeler I loved this book. I listened to it, but I may read the print as well. 13mo
AlaMich @batsy @KathyWheeler I also loved The Corner That Held Them, and I think the narrator is the same person. I may have to do that one again. (edited) 13mo
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Tamra Santa Fe? So jealous! 13mo
KathyWheeler @AlaMich The Corner That Held Them is the reason I listened to Lolly Willows. I loved it. 13mo
AlaMich @KathyWheeler Have you read any other of STW‘s books? I have not. 13mo
KathyWheeler @AlaMich Just From The Corner That Held Them. I want to read more. 13mo
35 likes7 comments
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1. When little, a “stewardess” 😂 because I flew a lot to see distant family and thought it looked exciting. When a little older, an Egyptologist.
2. I am an extremely over-educated paraprofessional in a kindergarten class.
3. Lately, a lot of 70s music because reminds me of simpler times and it soothes me.


Eggs #3 Music for “simpler times” Totally understand 🎶 1y
LeahBergen I wanted to be an Egyptologist, too. 😁 1y
AlaMich @LeahBergen It was that darn Zilpha Keatley Snyder who put that idea into my head! (edited) 1y
LeahBergen 😆 Yep! And I was obsessed with this one, too 1y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I think I missed that one! I don‘t see how it‘s possible and I feel very sad for 10 year old me. 🥺 1y
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I don‘t really think this was a thing in 1946, the not drinking when pregnant, much less anybody noticing if you refrained. I was enjoying the book but I think the author was a bit lazy about researching the setting, and not only because of this. It really takes me out of the story.

MicheleinPhilly I quite like the first sentence of the next paragraph though. 😂 1y
AlaMich @MicheleinPhilly 😂 The book is definitely funny, can‘t argue with that. But if you‘re going to write historical fiction, you should commit yourself to getting the details right. 1y
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The ‘hound is ready to get this show on the road NOW PLEASE!!!

I‘m doing the print and audio versions of the appalling saga of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. I‘ve already seen the documentary series and the drama series but I‘m still hooked by this story.

#nelson #greyhounds #dogsoflitsy

Ruthiella That pup is prepared! ❤️🐶 1y
DogMomIrene She fascinates me too. I watched the documentary, but I couldn‘t get into the series. May try again. Looking forward to seeing how you like this book. 1y
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AlaMich @Ruthiella Custom made coat because greyhounds have such wacky bodies. (edited) 1y
LeahBergen Bundle up! 😆 1y
AlaMich @LeahBergen Today is warm! 35° baby!! ? 1y
batsy It's fashion! 😁 1y
AlaMich @batsy If it were up to me, Nelson would have a wardrobe of winter wear! 1y
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This writer is one of the main subjects/interviewees in the first season of the podcast pictured. It‘s about the Missionaries of Charity order, founded by Mother Teresa. I just finished listening and found it fascinating. The tagged is her book about her experiences joining the MCs and eventually leaving.
#nunlitquarterly #nunlit

jlhammar Sounds really good - both the book and podcast. Thank you for sharing! 1y
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Who Is Vera Kelly? | Rosalie Knecht
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My #libraryhaul for the New Year. I‘ve read the first few pages of the tagged book, Cranford, and The Secrets We Kept, and those are the ones I‘m leaning toward. But I‘m also feeling in a #chunkster mood, so maybe Bleak House?

Decisions, decisions…

Happy New Year all!!! 🎉🎊🥳

batsy Great haul! 😍 Happy New Year to you 🎉🥂 2y
AlaMich @batsy Happy New Year! 2y
Centique Bleak House is my favourite Dickens. I hope you like it! I‘ve just started the audio of Middlemarch as my chunkster for the New Year - so far it‘s really good. Happy new year! 2y
AlaMich @Centique Happy New Year to you! 2y
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The narrator for this is fabulous!! I would like him to read all the books, please.

The book itself is pretty good, too!

#audiobooks #newbooks

LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! 📚❤️📚❤️ 2y
AlaMich @LeahBergen Thank you! 2y
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Angel | Elizabeth Taylor
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It‘s as if Miss Havisham moved into Grey Gardens with Big Edie and Little Edie.


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This might be an #unpopularopinion but this is not feeling very thriller-y, and I‘m at the halfway point. Not much has happened, and the things that have happened are not very creepy.

I hope it picks up!

Texreader Love that new adjective “thriller-y”! I think it works! 2y
AlaMich @Texreader I heard it on the Get Booked podcast. Definitely a word in need of coining! 2y
janeycanuck The “thrills” all come right at the end - I found it a bit of a slow burn. 2y
AlaMich @janeycanuck Ok, I will stick with it then. Thanks! (edited) 2y
janeycanuck @AlaMich I hope it pulls through for you! 2y
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Lock Every Door | Riley Sager
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My first Riley Sager!


mcipher Such a good one!!! 2y
AlaMich @mcipher I‘m enjoying it a lot so far! 2y
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Hoopla | Harry Stein
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A Hoopla question…is there a way to select chapters from a list when listening to an audiobook? It seems like the app has been updated somewhat, and I can‘t remember if there ever was a way to do that in the past. The scrubbing bar is basically useless.

Am I missing something? Any tips appreciated!

DGRachel You should be able to. On my iPhone, at the bottom of the screen, there‘s an image with the numbers 1-3 and a line next to each number and it says “chapters” below the image. 2y
Ruthiella I think it depends on the book/publisher and not the app. If you can choose chapters, it is found when you swipe to the left side of the book image, whereas the speed is on the right. 2y
AlaMich @DGRachel @Ruthiella Thanks for your replies! I just realized, however, that I didn‘t mention I was referring to audiobooks. I think both of you were referring to ebooks. I just edited my original post. (edited) 2y
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DGRachel @AlaMich I have that option on the two audiobooks I currently have checked out. I‘ll post an image of what I see and tag you. 2y
DGRachel @AlaMich I checked the book in your image and the chapter options aren‘t there. I think it‘s like @Ruthiella said - if the publisher provides chapter break information, then you can access it. 2y
Ruthiella I am referring also only to audio books. 👍I pretty much only us Hoopla for those. (edited) 2y
AlaMich @Ruthiella @DGRachel It‘s very frustrating because with some books, I listen and read the print version concurrently, and it makes it difficult to catch up the audio version to my print location. Thanks again for your help! (edited) 2y
Kimzey Is the Sebastian St. Cyr series a good one? 2y
AlaMich @Kimzey I wound up DNFing the book, though at the moment I can‘t remember why. It was probably a me problem, not a book problem. 😊 2y
Kimzey @alamich Thanks 2y
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I just learned about Uli Beutter Cohen, who has been wandering the subway system in New York for years, asking people about the books they‘re reading. This is her new book about her experiences, and I can‘t wait to check it out! #booksaboutbooks

EvieBee Thanks to your post, I was able to place a library hold. 3y
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The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. | Neal Stephenson, Nicole Gallan
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Thoroughly enjoying this wacky time-travel chunkster.

Gratuitous pic of #nelson with his lovey/pillow, Lambchop. 🐑 ❤️

TrishB Aww 🐶♥️ 3y
Leftcoastzen Aww so cute! 3y
LeahBergen Nelson, you handsome devil! ❤️❤️ 3y
EvieBee 😍😍 3y
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In a Holidaze | Christina Lauren
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I rarely read romance but I picked this up on audio because it has rave reviews. And I see why; it‘s an original premise for romance and it‘s quite funny. The narrator is excellent, but I have learned that audio sex scenes make me cringe 😳. #romance #audioromance

DGRachel I do not do romance novels via audio for just that reason! 😂 3y
AlaMich @DGRachel It‘s a dilemma because the narrator really is so fantastic and does such a great job conveying the humor in the story. But yeah, I may have to do some fast forwarding. 3y
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Clinch | Martin Holmen
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I requested that the library purchase this right before the pandemic and then forgot about it. This first of a trilogy is gritty noir set in Sweden in 1932, with a queer protagonist. So yeah, I‘m pretty sure it‘s a one-of-a-kind!😄 #lgbtqia #nelson #dogsoflitsy

Bette What a glorious dog! ❤️🐶 3y
wanderinglynn Someone seems to be trying to ignore you! What a beautiful pup! ❤️🐶 3y
AlaMich @Bette Thank you! He‘s our big goofy greyhound baby! 3y
AlaMich @wanderinglynn He‘s trying to be all nonchalant, like he‘s not super excited that his pic is going up on Litsy! 😂 3y
elkeOriginal What gorgeous coloring your dog has! 😍 3y
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Oy! At the 80% mark this book is really starting to feel like a slog. The paperback is over 700 pages and I haven‘t been that enthusiastic about it since I started. I enjoyed The Lies of Locke Lamora—the first book in the series—much more than this. #isitoveryet

Eyelit Agreed! 2y
AlaMich @Eyelit Thank you! It has such great reviews and ratings and I just don‘t get why! 2y
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Current location ☀️📖
I was a teenager of the 80s so all the references to that time are a lot of fun for me. 😊


Megabooks It is a fun book!! 3y
AlaMich @Megabooks The Claw!!🤣 3y
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Bluebird, Bluebird | Attica Locke
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I‘m visiting my dad in California and brought the tagged book for his partner. I got it out of a #LFL and passed it on to her; I‘m currently reading the sequel. Attica Locke has created a complex MC in Darren Mathews. I especially appreciate her depiction of his toxic relationship with his emotionally abusive mother, having some secondhand experience with this myself. #summerreading

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After falling into a Gutenberg rabbit hole, I discovered this. I‘m still reading the fourth Poldark novel, Warleggan, but I need a little non-fiction in my life as well at the moment. #patioreads

AlaMich @LeahBergen I have not! I am stacking it. I have read the novel Gutenberg‘s Apprentice and The Gutenberg Revolution, however, both of which I liked very much. (edited) 3y
LeahBergen I have Gutenberg‘s Apprentice waiting on my shelves. 👍🏻 3y
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Patio reading on this breezy morning with #nelson my reading buddy. I am enjoying this series so much. Graham has created such memorable, complex characters in a beautiful setting. I can see why Cornwall became a popular destination for Poldark fans.
#greyhounds #dogsoflitsy

Lesanne Nelson is beautiful!! I miss my greyhounds so much. 3y
AlaMich @Lesanne Thank you! We think he‘s quite handsome, and he‘s a very sweet boy. 😊 3y
Leftcoastzen So beautiful!🐶 3y
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AlaMich @Leftcoastzen Thank you! 3y
batsy He is very handsome indeed 😍 3y
LeahBergen *boop* 👉 3y
Fr3NcHtOaSt I‘ve read the first book and seen some of the first series of the PBS show. I really enjoyed it. 3y
AlaMich @Fr3NcHtOaSt I haven‘t seen the series, but maybe when I‘ve finished the books. Though I have a feeling I won‘t enjoy it nearly as much as I do the books. 3y
AlaMich @LeahBergen Nellie says 👋 3y
Fr3NcHtOaSt @AlaMich wasn‘t sure I‘d like the series but I really loved it. Yeah books are usually better then the series/movies but this is really good 3y
UwannaPublishme Sweet pup! 😍 3y
Desha Such a cutie! 💗🐶 3y
elkeOriginal That face! 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Chicago
2. Chicago, but I spent ages 2-college in California.
3. One brother, 9 years younger.
4. Don‘t remember being read to. My dad was a big reader and encouraged me, but I don‘t think he liked to read children‘s books. The first book I remember in general is Richard Scarry‘s Busy Busy World (I think).
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Thanks for the tag, @wanderinglynn

Eggs 💗Scarry💗. Thanks for playing 💕💕 3y
BarbaraBB Chicago ❤️ 3y
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The Corner That Held Them | Sylvia Townsend Warner
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“He was looking at the spire. As the web of low-lying cloud scurried under the wind it seemed to breathe like a living thing. Sometimes it inhaled the light of day, and then its pallor enriched to the colour of a primrose; a moment later it waned, and pulled the misty air over it like a veil; and whether it brightened or waned it seemed to be flying towards him against the scudding sky so that he felt that ⬇️

AlaMich “in a moment it would bend down to his embrace.” I am absolutely loving this book. #dogsoflitsy #nelson #greyhounds (edited) 3y
batsy I so want to read this! 3y
AlaMich @batsy I recommend it highly! It‘s the most absorbing book I‘ve read in quite awhile, and STW writes so beautifully. 3y
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LeahBergen Nelson! 👉 *boop* 3y
AlaMich @LeahBergen He has a big ol‘ boopable snoot! 😂 3y
Centique @batsy I want to read this too! 3y
britt_brooke Oh my goodness. Just now seeing this ad I creep on your feed. 😂🙈 Nelson is a beauty! I may have mentioned this before but we used to have a retired racer. She was such a special dog. 🐾 3y
AlaMich @britt_brooke Thank you! We‘ve had him since Christmas and we love him to bits. He‘s a big, lovey, goofy boy! ♥️ 3y
britt_brooke @AlaMich Goofy seems to be a common greyhound trait, lol! Too funny. What a sweetie. 3y
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This book is thoroughly delightful and the narrator is perfect! Highly recommended!


The Corner That Held Them | Sylvia Townsend Warner
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“Drawing his hand over his chops Sir Peter assumed an air of patience, and began to expound in easy language the doctrine of the sacraments, of the sacramental virtue which sets the priest apart from the ruck of the world. Pedantic fool! thought the prioress, saying courteously: ‘Of course Undoubtedly. How clearly you put it.‘

‘We shall miss your explanations,‘ added Dame Helen with sturdy malice.”

Mansplaining, 14th century style

LeahBergen I have this on my shelves. How are you liking it? 3y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I am loving it so far, but I‘m only on page 30. I am a very slow reader and she writes dense, meaty prose which I love. I‘ve also had a lifelong fascination with nuns and the life of a convent (maybe odd for a Jewish girl 🤷🏻‍♀️?) especially during the Middle Ages. But I absolutely recommend it if those things are in your wheelhouse. (edited) 3y
LeahBergen That sounds like my cup of tea. I‘ve always been fascinated by nuns, too (maybe it‘s a non-Catholic thing? 😆). Have you read this one? 3y
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AlaMich @LeahBergen I haven‘t but I will definitely check it out! I would also recommend this one, although it‘s not precisely a nun nor a convent. But it‘s fascinating. 3y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Ah, yes! I have that on my shelves as well. I‘ve also recently bought this one (so I should be good for a while 😆) 3y
AlaMich @LeahBergen One last rec on the subject is this non-fiction book, which I thought was amazing. If you‘re not familiar, Karen Armstrong writes on many religious topics, but this is her account of entering a convent and her decision to leave 3y
LeahBergen Thanks! I‘ll add that to my list. It sounds fascinating. 3y
Centique @AlaMich @LeahBergen just to say that thanks to this conversation I now have a corner of my TBR for Books about Nuns 😂😂 3y
LeahBergen @Centique 😆😆 I love it! 3y
AlaMich @LeahBergen @Centique 🤣 I‘m almost finished with The Corner (I‘m a VERY slow reader) and it will be the first five star read of the year for me. I think you both would enjoy it. (edited) 3y
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The Wee Free Men | Terry Pratchett
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I‘m enjoying the heck out of this audiobook!! I already loved Terry Pratchett but I had never read any of his children‘s books. The narrator is hilarious when he reads the dialogue of the Nac Mac Feegles (Wee Free Men). I read somewhere that they speak with something of a Glaswegian accent, though I‘m sure Stephen Briggs is laying it on very thick and funnifying it. #audiobooks #childrensaudiobooks

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I loved this sub-series with pict-sies. 4y
Traci1 The Nac Mac Feegles are awesome. Ach, crivens! 4y
AlaMich OMG, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Traci1 I‘ve been listening to this at night while I‘m falling asleep and I just lie there giggling to myself. Fortunately, my wife can sleep through anything. 😂 (edited) 4y
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Blackbirds | Chuck Wendig
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Miriam Black knows how and when you will die.
This was the first book in the Miriam Black series, and I will definitely be reading the second. I realized after I began that it was just what I needed at the moment: very little description, just action and dialogue and a plot that never stopped moving forward.

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But in the midst of the chaos and violence, there is this. 💙💙💙

#georgiarocks #democracyinaction

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thank god! First thing the need to do is dig through McConnel‘s desk, dust off the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and pass it.... because after this the suppression laws and loopholes are going to quadruple from state legislatures and once they are passed it takes forever to overthrow them through the courts. 4y
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Blackbirds | Chuck Wendig
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“Car lights strobe through busted motel

My first Chuck Wendig, and I think it‘s just what I needed right now. Nelson graciously offered his services as bookmodel! 🐶❤️
#dogsoflitsy #greyhounds #nelson


ladym30 Nelson is adorable!❤️ 4y
AlaMich @ladym30 Thank you! We think so too! ☺️ 4y
LeahBergen Hello, sweet Nelson. 😘 4y
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AlaMich @LeahBergen Nelson says Happy New Year!! 🥳 4y
Reggie He did so well! 4y
AlaMich @Reggie He‘s handsome AND talented! 😄 4y
mabell So cute! 🐶❤️😍 4y
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We have a new family member!!! This is me with Nelson. He is a four year old retired racer from Florida. We had been on a waiting list for him since July and we got him earlier than we expected to, and we are so excited! He is very sweet and super chill, basically a couch potato. And did I mention that he is the size of a pony?! Eighty pounds, and you can see how long he is in this picture. ❤️ #greyhounds #dogsoflitsy #nelson

TrishB Beautiful ♥️♥️ 4y
DGRachel Congratulations! I‘ve always hear that Greys have two speeds - 45 mph and dead stop. They love couches. 💖 4y
LeahBergen Ohmygawwwd!! Hello, Nelson ... you handsome devil!!! 😘😘😘😘 4y
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AlaMich @TrishB He is beautiful! Thank you (not that I had anything to do with it)! 4y
AlaMich @DGRachel Basically. His foster mom told us that he‘s not even that enthusiastic about walks. 🤣 4y
AlaMich @LeahBergen He‘s so handsome! My brother asked if we chose him because he matches our couch so well! 😂 4y
DGRachel 🤣🤣 He must figure he‘s earned his retirement and comfy couch! 4y
Jas16 That is so awesome! He is gorgeous. 4y
AlaMich @DGRachel Yep! And when an 80 pound dog lies on the couch, he lies on the WHOLE couch! 4y
MsMelissa Awww, he looks like a sweetheart 🥰 4y
Megabooks Retired racers are some of the best pets! (I say this as a vet. I‘ve never met one I didn‘t like!) So cute! 😍😍 4y
dylanisreading He is adorable! Congratulations! 4y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 💙 4y
Reggie I almost couldn‘t see him cause he blends so well with the couch. For a sec I thought this was a selfie. He looks great! 4y
AlaMich @Megabooks I‘ve wanted one for probably 15 years and I‘m so grateful to finally have Nelson! (edited) 4y
AlaMich @Reggie Thank you! 4y
AlaMich @Bianca Thank you! 4y
Mollyanna What a beauty. I have friends that also adopt retired racers and they constantly mention how lazy they are... enjoy! 😉 4y
AlaMich @Mollyanna That definitely seems to be the case! 😂 4y
Bookzombie He is so handsome! 💕🐶 4y
AlaMich @Bookzombie Thank you, we certainly think so! 😊 4y
KVanRead What a big beautiful guy 😍 so nice you can give him a lovey lazy retirement. 4y
PaperbackPirate Congratulations! 💙 4y
Centique He‘s so BIG! Wow! Hello Nelson and hope you‘re having a good time settling in to your new home 😍 4y
AlaMich @Centique Thank you! And yes, he‘s big and STRONG! I already have a nasty bruise I got from roughhousing with him. 4y
AlaMich @KVanRead Thanks! Lazy retirement is definitely the plan for him! 😊 4y
UwannaPublishme How sweet he is! ❤️ 4y
AlaMich @UwannaPublishme Thank you! He is a very sweet boy. 4y
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The Red Slippers | Carolyn Keene
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A gift from one of the kids I work with. Aren‘t they awesome!! 😃

#kindergarten #paraprofessionals #holidaygifts

BethM I have these too! 4y
Prairiegirl_reading Amazing! 😄 4y
AlaMich @BethM I love them! The little girl who gave them to me is one of my favorite kids in the class. 🤫 4y
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Leftcoastzen So cool! 4y
LeahBergen Ruby slippers! 4y
Jas16 So awesome! 4y
TheBookHippie Love them!! 4y
Megabooks Awesome! 4y
batsy Fab! 4y
42 likes9 comments
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Waiting for the ortho doc in the fancy new medical offices, wearing paper shorts (as one does😆) so he can look at my knee.
This book is of a genre I knew nothing about until recently, classic Japanese locked-room mysteries. There are rules to this genre. The author has to include a list of characters, provide all the clues so that a reader could, in theory, solve the puzzle herself, and there are usually maps and/or diagrams.

MicheleinPhilly Sounds fun! 4y
AlaMich @MicheleinPhilly which, the book or the paper shorts? 😉 4y
LeahBergen Paper shorts 😆 4y
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AlaMich @LeahBergen I looked stunning! 4y
Centique This genre sounds fascinating. Also laughing at the paper shorts! 😂 4y
Suet624 Wow! Sounds fascinating. 4y
AlaMich @Suet624 Meh. I DNF‘d it. 4y
Suet624 Oh! Good to know! 😂😂 4y
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I just started listening to this. It‘s my first Agatha Raisin and why did no one tell me how delightfully snarky she is??? 🤣


Andrew65 A great series! 4y
AlaMich @Andrew65 I‘m always so excited when I discover a new series that I think I‘ll love! 4y
Andrew65 @AlaMich Plenty of them to read too. Also recommend her Hamish MacBeth series. 4y
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AlaMich @Andrew65 Thanks, I will check it out also. 😊 4y
LeahBergen I‘ve watched a few episodes of the TV series, too. It‘s very silly and fun. 4y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I‘ve never seen the TV series. I didn‘t even realize when I borrowed it that what I thought was the audiobook version is actually part of a BBC dramatized version of her books. It‘s hilarious! 4y
MsMelissa I really need to try this series! 4y
AlaMich @Book_Fiend_Melissa Well, I can definitely vouch for the BBC dramatizations. The woman playing Agatha is perfect! 4y
MsMelissa I‘ll probably have to go with print. I don‘t get along with audiobooks. Reading on paper isn‘t an issue, but my mind wanders terribly when trying to listen to books. The only time I‘ve ever managed audiobooks is when I suffered from a prolonged period of vertigo and could do nothing but lie in bed and listen to them. When I recovered I went right back to being distracted again 😂 4y
Suet624 @Book_Fiend_Melissa I‘m with you. 4y
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I finally remembered to dig this T-shirt out of the closet today, courtesy of Out Of Print.

Fingers crossed 🤞💙🤞💙🤞💙


Heideschrampf Fingers crossed from germany! Couldn‘t imagine the suspense if i were living over there... 4y
MsMelissa Love it. My fingers are crossed for you from across the northern border 🤞🏻 4y
Traci1 💙💙 4y
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AmyG 🤞🏻🙏🏻 4y
LeahBergen 💙💙 4y
AlaMich Thank you @Book_Fiend_Melissa @Heideschrampf We need all the help we can get over here!! 4y
KVanRead Yesss!💙 4y
Bette Great shirt! 👍 4y
AlaMich @Bette Thank you! 4y
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Call Me Clumsy | Matthew Weinrich
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I have dropped my Kobo Clara approximately 384 times, and this is the result. I know it doesn‘t look like much, but it‘s driving me 🍌!! #bookwormproblems

Suet624 Oh no! 4y
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Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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Halfway through this and I‘m hanging in there mainly to find out what the big twist is. I‘m annoyed by the male narrator, who uses his Serious Ominous Voice for the entire book, even when it‘s very inappropriate for the line he‘s reading or the whole scene.

The Bookshop | Penelope Fitzgerald
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I just recently learned that our Barnes & Noble closed back in May (haven‘t been getting out much lately 😷). The space is going to be converted into doctors‘ offices. ☹️ I didn‘t even shop there much but I liked knowing it was there.

KVanRead 😔 I‘m worried about how many bookstores will survive this. 4y
BethM :( we lost our last book store a year ago. It sucked. 4y
AlaMich @KVanRead @BethM Their lease was up and they decided not to renew. We are even a Big 10 university town, and they didn‘t think it was worth it to stay here. 4y
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DGRachel That‘s so sad. I hate seeing bookstores close. I just saw a go fund me on Twitter today-an attempt to save an independent bookstore in Boone, NC. It‘s only been in business 4 years. I don‘t know how it will survive. 😔 4y
AlaMich @DGRachel It is sad. Yet another reason to avoid reading the news these days. 4y
Hollie That‘s so sad. I wish I lived near a bookstore. The closest one is a three hour (one way) drive for me. Ugh. 4y
AlaMich @Hollie Good grief! That‘s a long drive!! 4y
wanderinglynn 😢 so sad. 4y
LeahBergen Boo! 😒 4y
Sace Our closed in 2009(?). Just so sad. I can remember a time when there were 4 chain bookstores and several locally owned new and used bookstores in town. Now we are down to 1 BAM. 😢 4y
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I am really trying to have compassion for the parents in this tragic story, but they are also making me very angry. Am I a horrible person?

Megabooks No 4y
Megabooks The parents are quite strange 4y
AlaMich @Megabooks They wanted to have all of these kids, but then they failed to protect them from each other. 4y
Megabooks Exactly. They were really neglectful parents. 4y
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