Almost finished with the original James Bond
The good news, is that I‘ve finished my local library‘s reading challenge. The bad news, is that this was my last book. The other good news, is that at least this was mercifully short. Not the best James Bond book - at number 13, I think perhaps he was running out of steam a little, perhaps? Perhaps Bond was getting on a bit? Loved the film (Roger Moore!!), the book, not so much.
Ian Fleming's final James Bond novel is his weakest. The opening chapters are intriguing, picking up from the cliffhanger of You Only Live Twice, but that conflict is quickly resolved and mostly forgotten. Along the way, things are just too easy for 007. He finds his man by accident, gets bailed out of deadly situations by his allies, and just generally coasts through the mission. Glad I read this one for closure, but I can't recommend it. ⭐️⭐️1/2
I've been struggling with what to read after finishing The Secret History of Twin Peaks. Every time I thought I'd found my next book, I'd decide at the last minute that it just wasn't right. Finally, I settled on a genre: spy thrillers. After scanning my library, I realized I'd never finished off Ian Fleming's original James Bond novels. So I put the last one, The Man With The Golden Gun, on my Kindle and two days later I'm half finished with it!
My favorite #ninetiestoy was my N64, and my favorite game was Goldeneye. Some of my best family memories of the mid nineties involved us sitting around the TV trying to murder each other. I've never read an Ian Fleming book, and, due to their incredibly sexist nature, it's likely that I never will. But I will forever be grateful that James Bond exists so that my family could have so much fun shooting each other. #OctPhotoChallenge