I‘m so excited about this! I ❤️ Lara Jean.
I‘m so excited about this! I ❤️ Lara Jean.
1. Freelance Writer
2. Ride Operator at Six Flags
3. Weather Forecaster for the Air Force (both best and worst)
4. Novelist
Star Wars books have gotten so much better since Disney threw out the EU. This audiobook was well produced, and the story was engaging. I ❤️ Asajj Ventress.
I found the best Etsy shop and had to share. How cute are these card card catalog prints? No affiliation with the shop, I just knew my Littens would appreciate these. https://etsy.me/1bHEfvd #bookishbuys #etsy #novelart
That moment when a tweet makes you buy a new book. Ravenclaws unite!
She (in this case me) loves you (speaking directly to this pair of Captain Marvel high tops that I still need to think of a way to tell my husband that I spent $75 of my hard earned money on 🤫). Sorry for stretching the topic. I just really want to brag on my nerd shoes. #shelovesyou #shoes #HeyJune
#IWantToHoldYourHand Who wouldn‘t want to hold this sweet-faced Hand of the King? 😍 I have such mixed feelings about these books and this show, but Tyrion always makes me smile. #HeyJune
Day 3 of #HeyJune, I‘m actually posting something before 11:00pm (It‘s because I haven‘t gone to bed, yet, y‘all). What better to post for #EightDaysaWeek than book 8 in the October Daye Series. I even made a little collage. This series my absolute favorite in the urban fantasy genre. I‘ll tag the first book in the comments because absolutely everyone should read these, and you must start at the beginning.
#CantBuyMeLove, but you can buy my favorite book about behavioral economics and learn exactly why you can‘t buy that love.(Get it. It‘s a book about economics. 💰💰💰) #HeyJune
Hey, Jude[as]. Or maybe it works because John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus? I‘m stretching the Beatles tie-in, but it‘s late, and I just now remembered that it‘s June (It has been a very long week). This beat up gem has been with me for fifteen years and at least six moving days. It‘s been at least ten years since I reread it, so I‘m bumping to the top of my reread TBR list (TBRR?). #HeyJune
I still wish there was something between so-so and pick. This book was an okay sequel. There were some great parts, but I had guessed the entire ending by the middle of the book. I was hoping for more of the tricks and twists that were in Caraval. The story wasn‘t bad, but it felt more like a set up for a third book than a story that could stand on its own (and not in an awesome Empire Strikes Back sort of way).
Dukes in romance novels are dashing, handsome, and occasionally mysterious. The above photo is of the current Duke of York. Real life is so disappointing.
Just a reminder, though I know I‘m preaching to the choir. I‘m having an argument with a “White Feminist” on Facebook because she‘s trying to make a conversation about code switching in the black community all about her white self. If your brand of feminism doesn‘t take time to listen to the viewpoints of POC, you‘re not helping. Never turn a conversation about people of color into a conversation about white lady problems.
All right, @GypsyKat. I‘m ready to #buddyread!
I‘m honestly surprised that I read this many. There were some odd choices on this list... http://www.pbs.org/the-great-american-read/quiz/
1. The Aeronaut‘s Windlass by Jim Butcher. I have actually bailed twice. Wasn‘t any better the second time around.
2. Gummy bears, Cheez-its, and popcorn
3. I don‘t read a lot of biographies, but I agree with @GypsyKat about Born a Crime. I also like Yes, Please by Amy Poehler (I have signed copy)
4. It‘s getting close to the end of the day, if you haven‘t done this and you want to, go ahead! #TuesdayTidbits
Hey look! It‘s me with John Scalzi.
Does anyone have time this afternoon to alpha-read a YA romance short story? It‘s about 15 double-spaced pages, and I don‘t need line notes or editing, just comments about story and character.
That beautiful moment when there is a Star Wars joke in a your trashy Regency romance novel. 😍
It‘s after midnight! Opening my #potterheadswap box before bed was my treat for staying up so late to do homework. And wow, @Craftylikefox , what a treat it was. Thank you so much for your generosity. I love absolutely everything in the box. I can‘t wait to have a cup of Ravenclaw tea when I wake up in a few hours. 😍😍😍😍
Your package is on its way!
Thanks, @OriginalCyn620 This blanket is so soft! I wish I could snuggle under it all day with a good book and a cup of tea. Unfortunately, I have to work then write an essay about Beowulf. After that, I‘m going to snuggle up with this book. 😁 #bookandablanketexchange
I love creepy fairytale illustrations. Check out this beautiful werehedgehog man!
Of course I did. I‘d be rather off put if I had been assigned another genre. Thanks @AngelErin for posting this! https://www.buzzfeed.com/rinri/if-you-were-a-book-what-genre-would-you-be-3c8kx?...
My final papers have been turned in. One week until the next term starts. Time to binge listen trashy novels before I have read school books again.
This is the second book in the series. I kind of hated it, yet I‘m compelled to read the third one. I kind of hope that every single character dies horribly.
They are few and far between, but there are moments when I do enjoy my literary theory class.
I spent way too much acquiring the variant eye-patch version of this Pop and my husband is giving me so much side eye. #TotallyWorthIt
Wow. This was alt-world fantasy is way darker than I expected. I‘m not even sure if I like any of the characters. It‘s compelling, yet also confusing. I‘m going to start the second book in the series, so I think it‘s a pick rather than a so-so.
1. I love Ron and Hermione because they balance each other out. He needs her to motivate him to try harder, and she needs him to mellow her.
2. Ronan and Adam (Raven Cycle) also have a balancing influence on each other. I‘m developing a theme here.
3. October and Tybalt (October Daye) don‘t balance each other so much as kickass together. Watching them learn to trust each other a master class in building a relationship.
Shawn White looks like how imagine Bill Weasley.
1. I like Ronan and Alex‘s story in The Raven Boys.
2. Ron and Hermione
3. 🌷
4. Kinder Eggs. The real German kind, not the crappy US kind.
5. Depends on the day. Today is pink. Most days are red.
Here‘s some donuts to look at while you read my review. This book wasn‘t bad, but the conflict between the characters felt forced and there wasn‘t enough of it to keep me interested. All of the books in this series are roughly the same length. I finished rereading the first two each in a single day, then it took me five days to make time for this one. It just didn‘t hold my attention.
This one is taking me forever to get through. I want to finish it since it‘s the last one in the series, but there isn‘t enough conflict to keep me turning the figurative pages.
I was worried this unnamed creeper is secretly one of my favorite YA writers, and how much would that suck? Then, I remembered that I only really read four YA male authors, two of which are gay. Primarily reading books written by women pays off yet again.
Lilly, my nannybaby, is turning into quite the little litten.
@Gezemice My bookish bun, Colin, wanted to say hello to your bookish buns. #bunniesoflitsy
Life is full of beautiful surprises, like when there‘s a Buffy reference in my Squirrel Girl comic. 😍 Reading comics in bath is far better than watching whatever is currently on the television. #SuperReading
That feeling when your yogurt lid wants you to keep smiling, but you have to create a PowerPoint presentation for your literary theory class.
I would read all of these titles reimagined as specific.
A Clockwork Orange is my favorite reimagining (even though it was technically already sci-fi)
“A steampunk novel in which our hero must construct The Orange, a secret weapon disguised as a piece of fruit. He wears goggles to do it. The goggles are crucial for some reason.”
I love it when I reread/relisten to a book and have forgotten so much about it that I get enjoy the surprises all over again. This book is fun. The characters are engaging. The setting is interesting. And the plot is actually surprising.