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The Batman Files
The Batman Files | Matthew Manning
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Unearthed from the depths of the Batcave by Mathew K. Manning, The Batman Files begins with Wayne's childhood drawings and continues along a time line of significant events in Batman's life. Complete and authentic in every way possible, all of Batman's friends and foes--from Poison Ivy, Catwoman, the Riddler, and Penguin, to the Joker, Batgirl, Mr. Freeze, and of course, Robin--appear throughout the dossier to provide a framework of the Caped Crusader's entire career. Completely outlining Batman's war on crime, The Batman Files includes in-depth computer files, news articles, crime scene photos, blueprints, schematics, and actual maps of Gotham City that were collected, and in many cases even drawn, by the Caped Crusader himself. High production values include black matte gilding, as well as a high-tech fabric cover--complete with a metallic Batman emblem to secure the secret contents within. Each detail of Batman's life is carefully and faithfully detailed with the involvement of DC Comics inside The Batman Files--destined to be the must-have gift for every avid Batman fan and collector.
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The Batman Files | Matthew Manning
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Ugh, this list was a little depressing, TBH. So few original ideas.

The Avengers (A perfect build-up to the first team shot)
Inception (A masterful movie from a master filmmaker)
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness (I love Dr. Strange, I love how weird this movie gets, and that music fight is so unique!)
Bonus: Rogue One (A complex story separate but connected to the main movies. Plus Catalyst is an excellent lead-up novel, and Andor is amazing)

dabbe So many franchises/sequels! But what a WOWZA score! You totally beat my sorry 🫏! Thanks for sharing and playing. 🤩🤩🤩 4d
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The Batman Files | Matthew Manning
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Emma is debuting grunge Poison Ivy at work today. #BooksellerCostumes #BookishHalloween

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