i didn‘t like the book, it just didn‘t really seem interesting,. But my picture book i have now is pretty good so it makes up for it
i didn‘t like the book, it just didn‘t really seem interesting,. But my picture book i have now is pretty good so it makes up for it
If you like sports you will like this book I finished it it was pretty good a kid that everyone called stick on how good he was at football but his dad is way to hard on him so he decides to turn down a scholarship and he's dad is an achoholic and abuses him sometimes so he quits and Joins a different team and he gets jumped by his old teammates. But now his dad is trying to get better taking AA to not be and achoholic
101 pages in. Stick got beat up and so did his best friend Preston . His best friend won‘t talk to him anymore. Prestons moms boyfriend is betting thousands of dollars on his next game and doesn‘t know he quit the team yet. It‘s ok so far
The book is alright, in forty three pages in. Stick is the best wide receiver in the schools football history but he‘s being pushed really hard and is going through troubles
Christmas holidays are super busy. I still had some time to finish my book though. I‘m really happy I finished because it was so good! I‘m sad it‘s over. The pacing was fast. Just read the book to know what it‘s about because it‘s a quick and enjoyable read.Overall I think I would rate this a 7.5/10.