For miss Ila, great niece #4, due in April.
So happy we brought a few books to our city‘s newest #LFL today. It was nearly empty! We love this playground so much. It‘s all inclusive and has tons of amazing equipment for children and adults of all abilities. Warms my heart. 💚💚
Reading for 30 minutes in order to earn their tablets. 😆🙌🏻 Super proud of my boys! My 5 year old, who will soon start kindergarten, can already read pretty well. We‘ve been working with him, but he‘s learned a lot himself. It helps that big bro is a fantastic reader, too. These guys never cease to amaze me!
Oh my!! We ❤ The Mayor!! Maybe because Daddy/Hubby is actually the mayor of our little town! 🤓
Little Blue Truck Leads the Way
One of the new board books we bought for the kid today. Just finished reading it and he liked it. Personally, I like the first Little Blue Truck book more 😉 But it was still a fun read 👍 🚚 📚 ❤
#toddlerbooks #littlebluetruck
Little Britches (aka my 2.5 year old) made himself at home at the library after story time this morning. Not sure what he's "reading" but I chose to post on Little Blue Truck Leads the Way because it's his favorite. #thesearethedays #proudmommy #raisingreaders ?