Outline of an unfortunate reaction.
Good thing we don‘t have to worry about censorship anymore…
Outline of an unfortunate reaction.
Good thing we don‘t have to worry about censorship anymore…
Finished this book via audiobook today while canning sweet hot pepper tomato relish. Excellent book if interested in the history of comic books or the fight against censorship. It highlights, as so many of the books I‘ve read recently, that the more things change the more they stay the same. The “won‘t someone please think of the children” rallying cry was used then as it was used in 80‘s regarding music and more recently regarding video games.
A well worn copy from the library. I‘ve used this book several times. A thoroughly researched account of a fascinating chapter in American cultural history.
I picked this up on discount, but it proved a good purchase. I grew up playing role playing games and remember all to well the satanic panic arising from this innocent hobby. This book shows that this was a classic example of history repeating, when in the 1940-50's the nascent comic book industry was the subject of a campaign by government and press vilifying the industry for creating a generation of juvenile delinquents. A fascinating history.
#numbertitles #riotgrams more numbers just for fun
The book was a pick, but about halfway though I was just a so so listener. I really wish I could be a little more consistent with audiobooks.
New audiobook. So far so good.
Well I couldn't resist. It's less than $4!