Chalk this up as another book doing battle with its own subtitle 'a monument to the book as object', based on the introductory discussion of The Thing periodical, it's clear that non-traditional formatting is key in the minds of those putting together the magazine. So when they decided to make a book, what you get is partly an exploration of books, their components, the way they tell stories, 1/?
There are a number of written pieces I find interesting for different reasons, but I'd argue there were an equal number of entries that I can't review because I didn't interact with them as I do with a book. As little as I might find myself qualified to discuss the merit of a book, that dwarfs my readiness to talk about the relative values of art. 1mo
Footnotes by Jonathan Lethem, yep, the entire text of the essay is in the footnotes. Terry Pratchett would be proud. 1mo