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Lies They Tell
Lies They Tell | Tuvia Tenenbom
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The USA is the world's empire and its actions will influence us all for generations to come. But who are the Americans, the people who make up America? Tuvia Tenenbom travels through America to find out. His wanderings take him across regional frontiers, partisan lines, and socioeconomic boundaries in a fearless quest for the flesh-and-blood American. He visits black ghettos and white gated communities, megachurches and Indian reservations. He schmoozes with robbers who teach him the true meaning of love and meets Jews who dedicate day and night to hatred of their brethren. He finagles his way into a prison where skinheads pray, goes to the Senate where no Senator seems to be working, experiments with drugs on American streets and ponders the deeper meaning of life with rednecks. He mingles with soldiers who teach him how to invade foreign countries and intellectuals who teach him the beautiful nature of Mother Earth, the goodness of man, and the sadism of the Israeli. The characte
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Lies They Tell | Tuvia Tenenbom

Not book related, but an article I read that... wow. It's me. 150%. From the diagnoses on, it's definitely me. I wanted to share because it's important to realize that you can't "just think positively" when you have these issues. If it were that simple, no one would ever be unhappy about anything.


(Tagged book is just because. Telling me all it takes is thinking positively is wrong)

Rachel.Rencher If you ever need a supportive community, Litsy is the place to be! We're always here for you, so never hesitate to reach out if there's anything we can do. 🤗 6y
Eggbeater I think we might be twins or something. Yes to all of this. We don't tell someone with a broken leg to be more positive and it will heal their leg. 6y
CarolynM Looks like great resource. Thanks for sharing. 6y
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Lreads Thank you for sharing this article. If only more people could understand we are fighting our brains chemistry every day and doing the best we can. Sure we use all the resources we have but it's a long and exhausting fight. 6y
shadowspeak17 Yes 100% 🙌🏽 6y
AmyG If only it was just a matter of positive thinking. Thanks for posting. 6y
Scurvygirl The Mighty is a great resource for all sorts of warriors fighting not just mental illness, but chronic illnesses, pain and autoimmune diseases that so many people just don‘t understand.💜💜 6y
vkois88 @Rachel.Rencher thank you, Litsy has been such a supportive group of friends to talk to... and I appreciate it ❤ @Eggbeater @QuietlyLaura I really needed this post when I saw it. I had a tough weekend, and not feeling so great today. Instead of talking to anyone about it, I turned to the Internet for people who would actually understand. The mighty sometimes posts things that are so spot on, it hurts. 6y
vkois88 @Scurvygirl The Mighty is indeed a wonderful place. I find things on there relating to some of the other medical issues I have as well. There are people on there who get things on a totally different level. I know doctors are meant to help, but a majority of them still aren't properly educated on some (most) illnesses that seem to need more of a voice. If that makes sense. My brain is foggy today 😑 6y
Scurvygirl @vkois88 ?my brain is foggy all the time! The doctor thing totally makes sense. My neurologist didn't want to treat my fibro or chronic fatigue, but now that I was diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome, she is super helpful. Plus she won't do anything when my MS is in remission. ? My Rheumatologist is much better, thank god! 6y
vkois88 @Scurvygirl it's so frustrating when they can't put a name to things, and thus refuse to treat you for anything else you have a firm diagnosis of. Or when the doctors simply haven't heard of what you have, or haven't studied up on it. I have had to explain PCOS (polycycstic ovarian syndrome) and IC (interstitial cystitis) before. And on top of those, I have been sent to therapists who haven't worked with anyone with BPD before 6y
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Lies They Tell | Tuvia Tenenbom
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It's that time of week again, when I find too many more books to add to my TBR!

Mdargusch Sweet kitty. 😻 7y
Cinfhen Have you read 7y
Cinfhen I hear it's pretty eye-opening! 7y
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Cinfhen Hey Tink😻 7y
Suzze @Cinfhen No, and I only chose this title because it was on the cover. But now that I've looked into them, I think I want to! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon ❤️ that face! 7y
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