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An American Marriage | Tayari Jones
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Thank you dear Misty for sending me this book! I love getting a surprise and I love getting a book I‘ve had on my TBR for months! 😘

Crazeedi 💕💕💕💕 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!! You‘re welcome! It was supposed to be a birthday happy, but time got away from me!! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB Hi Mariann, just checking in, hope you‘re doing okay in these crazy times 💕 4y
CarolynM 👋Hello. I've missed seeing you around. Hope all is well🤗 4y
LeahBergen I‘m missing you, too! 😘 4y
85 likes5 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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This is an excellent memoir for those of you that are fans of James Taylor. He discusses his first 21 years, his influences, and reasons why he wrote certain songs. 5⭐️ I love that he includes music too.

#mandmchallenge2020 #celebrity

Aimeesue We used to go to his concerts every summer at Tanglewood. I miss those. 4y
Reviewsbylola I def remember a lot of JT growing up! 4y
Mdargusch You should check this out then @Aimeesue 👍🏼 4y
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Mdargusch I need to start listening to him again @Reviewsbylola 😁 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I grabbed this when it was free on Audible. Now you‘re making me want to read it ASAP. He‘s always been a favorite of mine! 4y
Mdargusch It‘s a quick one so do it! @BarbaraTheBibliophage It really makes listening to his songs so interesting since they are so autobiographical. 4y
66 likes6 comments
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Finally I read this book! Thankfully the #authoramonth2020 challenge inspired me to read the story of an escaped slave, Cora, and her travel on the Underground Railroad. I was a little disappointed the fantasy part was not developed more. I also was put off by the fact that Cora kept stopping in unsafe places knowing that a slave catcher was after her. Still, Cora‘s fierce will to survive, kept me turning the pages and rooting for her.

Djspens The Nickel Boys is also an excellent book of his. 4y
Soubhiville I love what you did with the banner. 4y
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Mdargusch Good to know @Djspens 👍🏼 4y
Reviewsbylola This is the only book of his I‘ve read. I really liked it. 4y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 2📚 4y
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Time for a #bathandbook. Today‘s read is a historical true crime murder/suicide!

Thanks to @Meredith3 for the beauty products 🥰

Meredith3 💞👻💖 4y
Reviewsbylola Omg I must borrow this when you‘re done. I love Greg King! 4y
Reviewsbylola Oh wow, that one sounds good too! 4y
emilyhaldi I need that bath bomb!! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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#newyearwhodis was so much fun! @Mitch and I were a match made in book heaven! I really appreciate being motivated and inspired to read books I might not normally read. Thanks @monalyisha for putting this together!

(I own The House on Mango Street and American Dirt)

monalyisha That‘s great to hear! Thanks for entering — & for participating in the event! 🙌🏻 4y
Reviewsbylola So much fun! 4y
39 likes2 comments
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This is a lovely cookbook that has recipes for a tea party and they all have literary references. There are savory and sweet choices that all look good. I tried this savory treat today for a family get together and it got rave reviews. Not only were these tasty, but they were easy! Thank you dear Leah for sending this book to me ❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks delicious 😋 4y
LiteraryinLawrence I was gifted this book a few months ago but haven‘t tried out any recipes. Have you made any others? 4y
MissAimz_55 Looks amazing 4y
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LeahBergen Oh, wow!! They turned out lovely. You‘ve inspired me to actually try a few recipes from this book now. 😆😆 4y
Mdargusch This is the only one I‘ve tried @LiteraryinLititz but there are others I have marked to try soon! 4y
Mdargusch I had the family over so I was motivated since there would be so many taste testers @LeahBergen 😊 4y
Reviewsbylola So yummy. Thank you @leahbergen!! 4y
Reviewsbylola And thank you mom for cooking for us. 🥰 4y
emilyhaldi Omg these were so good 🤤🤤 4y
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When I can‘t put a book down, when I‘m sad that I finish the book, and when I keep thinking about the book long after I finish - that‘s a 5⭐️ book for me. Renner wrote a disturbing memoir that intertwined with the strange disappearance of Maura Murray. He is definitely a true crime addict and it effects his life. The personal side was hard to read but the mystery and his theories on where Maura might be, made the book fascinating.

Mitch Sounds great - stacked! 4y
8little_paws oh wow, normally I am not into true crime but you've got me intrigued! 4y
Crazeedi Intriguing review, sounds good 4y
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Mdargusch I think you will like it @Mitch 🤞🏼 4y
Mdargusch I found it highly readable @crazeedi @8little_paws 👍🏼 4y
BarbaraBB Super intriguing review. 4y
Reviewsbylola I loved this. I read it in the airport on our first trip to England! 4y
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Maude is an 88 year old serial killer. These wickedly fun short stories follow her on her killing spree as she knocks off annoyances one by one. I wish there was a sequel. Thank you @LeahBergen for a terrific little book!

IamIamIam HAHA, that sounds wonderful!!! 4y
LiteraryinLawrence This was weird and funny and super short. 😋 4y
Reviewsbylola That sounds adorable, in a very sadistic way. 4y
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LeahBergen I‘m glad you liked it, too! I thought it was such a quirky little read. 😆 4y
Mdargusch So Quirky! @LeahBergen I‘m pretty sure I added it to my TBR after seeing that you read it. 😁 4y
Mdargusch It‘s very unique @IamIamIam 😂 4y
Mdargusch It‘s fun. I‘ll lend it to you @Reviewsbylola You could probably finish it while you are here Sunday. 😆 4y
Mdargusch I loved how short it was and how small @LiteraryinLititz - that made it even more fun. 4y
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I had such a wonderful surprise package in my mail today! Thank you @LeahBergen for the perfect birthday gifts! I opened the chocolate before I even took a photo 😂. What a darling cookbook with gorgeous photos! You are so sweet. I‘m starting Elderly Lady immediately!🤗

BookmarkTavern I really liked Elderly Lady! I hope you enjoy it! 😁 4y
LeahBergen You‘re welcome! I‘m so glad you like it. 😘😘 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉🎊📚❤️ 4y
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BarbaraBB Happy birthday Mariann ❤️🎈 4y
Mdargusch Thanks @BarbaraBB 😃 4y
Reviewsbylola That is so sweet! 4y
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I have read so many books on this subject, but I picked this up on a whim to honor Lincoln in the month of his birth. 🎂 I am pleasantly surprised- not only is this book highly readable, it is not bogged down in too many details, and I actually learned new information.

Bookdragon69 It‘s a great book with lots of interesting information. Glad you liked it. 4y
Reviewsbylola Hm I‘ll have to try this one! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thanks to my hibernation in January, I was able to check off 5 books on my #memoirsandmysteries checklist!

Bookish - The Fact of a Body
Far Away - The Monster of Florence
Home/house - A House to Remember: 10 Rillington Place
New Series - Case Histories
Classic - My Cousin Rachel


Suet624 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! ♥️👊🏻📚 4y
Reviewsbylola Was A House to Remember good? It sounds promising! 4y
rubyslippersreads Lovely book journal. 😍 4y
Mdargusch It‘s very short @Reviewsbylola and I‘m happy to share. 4y
61 likes5 comments
Case Histories: A Novel | Kate Atkinson
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Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 great month of reading titles!!!! 4y
Mitch What a great month! 😻 4y
Suet624 Fantastic selection! 4y
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Reviewsbylola Fantastic month! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Nute What a nice surprise to see Pollyanna!🙂 4y
MrBook #NiceStack!!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
77 likes7 comments
My Cousin Rachel | Daphne Du Maurier
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Rebecca is one of my favorite classics so I decided I need to read more Du Maurier. I struggled with the gullibility of the main character,Phillip, but I will chalk that up to his immaturity. That aside, there were no definitive answers to some of the mysteries in this book which I found intriguing. The ending was surprising and satisfying.


Reviewsbylola Glad you liked this one! 4y
BarbaraBB Glad you liked it! 4y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Book #2 for #authoramonth and I agree with other reviewers- this was not for me. I would‘ve bailed too if it wasn‘t such a short book. I thought the writing was awkward 🤷🏼‍♀️

LeahBergen That‘s a jaunty tartan jacket. ❤️❤️ 4y
Reviewsbylola Hmmmm. This sounds like it has potential. 🤔 4y
Mdargusch I will give it to you @Reviewsbylola 😂 (edited) 4y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 2📚 4y
62 likes4 comments
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I started reading this for #authoramonth challenge and discovered the movie on Netflix one day. After watching the movie, I was conflicted about finishing the book. Thank goodness I decided to keep reading because there are so many more layers to the book! Such a heartwarming story in the vein of A Man Called Ove.

Areader2 What a sweetheart, longhair chihuahua? 4y
JackOBotts I didn‘t know there was an adaptation of this one! 🎥 4y
Soubhiville I love your pup! 4y
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Mdargusch Thanks @Soubhiville @Areader2 - this is Rose. And yes, she‘s a long hair chihuahua! 💗 4y
Mdargusch @JackOBotts it‘s subtitled and they only touch the surface of things covered in the book. But still worth watching! 4y
LeahBergen Hello, Rose. 😘 4y
Reviewsbylola I still need to read this. What happened to Rose‘s tongue? 😆 4y
Soubhiville Logged 📚 4y
65 likes8 comments
Pollyana | Eleanor H Porter
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During the Book Depository sale I bought this for the cover and because I grew up loving the movie starring Hayley Mills. ❤️
It is a delightful book and we could all use a little more Pollyanna in our lives. 😁

#ReadWithMrBook #1wordtitle

BookishMe 💗 Polyanna and her infectious optimism! 4y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders I used to babysit a girl back in my teenage years that was obsessed with Pollyanna. We watched the movie over and over again! 😊 4y
Mdargusch Right? @BookishMe she‘s so inspiring! 4y
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Mdargusch @Penny_LiteraryHoarders I need to rewatch it! 4y
Reviewsbylola Oooooh I need to read this I think! 4y
LeahBergen This is such a sweet read. 💞 4y
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The Monster of Florence | Douglas Preston
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This is the strangest, most convoluted true crime that I have read! The judicial system in Italy is so scary and backwards that I see now why this crime has never been solved. The author decided to write this book after moving to the Florence area and ended up being charged with crimes related to the case! One of the inept ministers was also involved with charging Amanda Knox with murder and now those false charges make sense. Thank you @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Right ??? Wild beyond imagination ~ such a corrupt system 🤬 4y
Mdargusch It‘s very shocking! @Cinfhen 4y
Lizpixie I know right? This book made me very glad I live in Aus not Italy. They still believe in devil worshipping cults with wizard-pimps!🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
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Mdargusch I always thought the Amanda Knox case sounded crazy but now it makes total sense @Lizpixie 4y
Reviewsbylola It‘s bullshit. I am convinced Amanda Knox is innocent. She‘s a questionable human being—I don‘t think she always makes the best choices and something about her seems off, but clearly the one dude killed meredith and the only way they justified trying amanda was because of her behavior after the fact. I read this book so long ago so I don‘t remember the case from it at all. 4y
Mdargusch If you read this book @Reviewsbylola you will KNOW Amanda Knox is innocent. The Italians convict people with no evidence. 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Rainy and dreary here which seems to be the norm. ☁️🌧💧☔️🌫 Which is really perfect reading weather! I‘m reading The Monster of Florence, so the weather is fitting.

Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Same here... 5y
Butterfinger Thank you very much for entering. If we had moisture the same time as the jet stream dipped, but it is either frigid and dry or wet and warm. 5y
Mdargusch Yes @Butterfinger same here. I can‘t decide if I miss the snow or not. 🤔 5y
Reviewsbylola You need a 🦌 in that view. 4y
Mdargusch They usually take their morning nap on the other side of those bushes. You have to see them from upstairs @Reviewsbylola 4y
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My Cousin Rachel | Daphne Du Maurier, Dame, Diana Morgan
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Starting this today. Some reviewers liked it better than Rebecca, which is one of my all time favorite books. 🤞🏼

batsy I enjoyed it! Hope it's a good one for you, too 5y
LeahBergen Loved it (but not as much as Rebecca 😄). 5y
Reviewsbylola Echoing what @leahbergen said! 5y
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BarbaraBB Me too! 5y
Mdargusch Ok you all, I will keep you posted! @batsy @LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola @BarbaraBB So far its a very good audiobook 😁 5y
Linsy Oooh, I love Rebecca. One of my best randomly picked books from high school. And I liked the recent adaptation of this one. I need to try!!! (edited) 4y
Mdargusch Try it @Linsy I think you will like it 😁 4y
LeahBergen Yay! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir | Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
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Two heartbreaking stories that center around sexual abuse are told simultaneously and are interwoven. When the author alternated chapters about her life and Jeremy‘s murder, I felt the side by side stories flowed. When the sentences went back and forth between her experiences and those of Jeremy and Ricky, the story lost its power for me and became awkward. It is an interesting way to combine the author‘s life with a tragic murder.

Mitch Glad it was a interesting read! 5y
Reviewsbylola I disliked it so much I panned it. 😆 5y
Mdargusch I‘m surprised it was that bad for you @Reviewsbylola 🤔 5y
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Mapp and Lucia | E. F. Benson
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I 💗Mapp and Lucia!
Thanks to @Reviewsbylola and her influence, I decided to go on eBay and treat myself to the whole set published by Folio in 1994. 😁

Lcsmcat Nice! 5y
jillrhudy Major case of booklust 5y
AlaMich I‘ve heard about these and they sound like fun. 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💗💗💗 5y
LeahBergen Yayyyy! Isn‘t it gorgeous? I love my set, too. 💕💕 5y
Aimeesue Oh, so lovely! 5y
Mdargusch I didn‘t know you had one @LeahBergen but I‘m so glad you do because I thought you should have one too! 😂 5y
Reviewsbylola Yay!!! 😍😍 5y
batsy Wow! I covet this set 😍 5y
79 likes9 comments
The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir | Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
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Rose and I are reading and I‘m sipping on a cocktail. Such a perfect Friday night! 😊 This is book #3 for #newyearwhodis and 70 pages in, I‘m pretty obsessed. Thanks @Mitch @monalyisha

Reviewsbylola I hope you enjoy this one more than I did! 5y
Mdargusch I think I know why you didn‘t like it @Reviewsbylola but I‘m going to wait until I finish before I discuss with you. 5y
86 likes2 comments
The Hog's Back Mystery | Freeman Wills Crofts
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So far my book buying this year has everything to do with great book covers! 💁🏼‍♀️I was very excited to snag the set of British Library Crime Classics in hardcover from the Folio sale.

LeahBergen Oooh, pretty! 5y
robinb I haven‘t heard of this series...need to check it out. 👍😊 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 ❤️ 5y
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BarbaraBB All of them are gorgeous! 5y
batsy Oh wow 😍 5y
Reviewsbylola Jealous!! 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1) always.buying.books.
2) evening baths are the best for reading!
3) best book so far - The Five
Worst book so far - And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer
(Not that it‘s a bad book but it just ranks the lowest in my books read this year 😁)
4) please play along!

TheLibrarian 1. 👏🏻 perfect answer! 5y
Eggs Love your #1! 5y
Reviewsbylola Nos. 1&2 are the same for me! 5y
41 likes3 comments
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On to book number 2 for #newyearwhodis 👏🏼
I love that you and I love non fiction and reading in the bath tub @Mitch 💙 You did a great job @monalyisha matching me up with her!

monalyisha Thank you! I‘m quite proud of how the matches turned out. 😊 5y
Mitch Brilliant match! 5y
Kimberlone The documentary by Ken Burns is also incredible 5y
Reviewsbylola Ooooh this sounds promising! 5y
72 likes4 comments
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I‘ve been organizing my bookshelves and getting ready for all the 2020 challenges.
#classicschallenge2020 #readwithmrbook #mandmchallenge2020 #authoramonth2020

BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice! I just started Miracle Creek today. Have to read a little more and see if it fits a prompt! 🤪 5y
MrBook I‘m honored #ReadWithMrBook is included! ☺️🤗🤗🤗 5y
Mdargusch Of course! @MrBook 😁 5y
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Mdargusch Let me know if it does @BarbaraTheBibliophage so I can double use it! 😂 5y
Soubhiville I love doing this! 5y
Reviewsbylola You‘re much more organized than me. I sometimes plan a month ahead. I can never stick with it if I plan the whole year in advance. 5y
britt_brooke Love this! I need to get more organized. 5y
82 likes8 comments
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I just finished my first book for #newyearwhodis. For fans of Victorian England or those interested in Jack the Ripper, this is a must read!

Rubenhold meticulously researched the 5 women murdered by JTR and portrayed them and their lives with empathy and consideration. How, with decent upbringing, did they end up in the slums of London, wandering the streets? The author answers that question while humanizing the victims. Fascinating! 5🌟

JenReadsAlot I'm looking forward to this! 5y
Mdargusch It explains so much @JenReadsAlot 5y
Reviewsbylola Glad it was as good as I hoped! 5y
monalyisha Gonna add this to my audiobook queue, I think! ✨🙌🏻 5y
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The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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What should I do?!?!

I own three of the #boty finalists and I‘m not feeling the other two. But I can get a free one.
A) do I choose one that I don‘t own and hope I‘ll read it?
B) do I choose one I don‘t own and put it in my LFL?
C) do I choose one I own and that I think more people would like and put it in my LFL
D) do I pick one and give it to someone as a gift?
I own the three that are marked.

Reviewsbylola Buy Recursion!!! Put it in your LFL or maybe even give it a shot and read it. 😁 5y
marleed I‘m not a sci fi reader typically but gave Recursion 5*. Then I read Dark Matter and liked it just as much. Also I think DJATS is a great gift for anyone who loves 70s music. 5y
Mdargusch That‘s me @marleed - not into sci fi but Recursion sure gets great reviews! 5y
Mdargusch That might be the one I chose @Reviewsbylola 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
44 likes4 comments
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I am exhausted from all the festivities so it‘s time for a bath, a bath bomb, and a book! 🛀🏻 This book is fascinating! It is a lesson in Victorian England‘s lower class while telling the story of Jack the Ripper‘s victims. Thank you @Mitch for suggesting it for #newyearwhodis !

monalyisha I‘m interested in this book. Looking forward to your review! Also, your bath situation is my kinda situation. ✌🏻 5y
Mitch Yeah - so glad you started with this one 🤞🏼. Waiting for my books from your list to arrive then I‘m diving in! 5y
Reviewsbylola Still bummed I didn‘t find this when we were in England before. I‘ll have to borrow it before our next trip. 😆 5y
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LeahBergen I thought this was really well done. 👍🏻 5y
Mdargusch The history piece is as fascinating as the murder part @monalyisha @LeahBergen 5y
Mdargusch I have been wanting to read this for so long @Mitch Our family went on the Jack the Ripper tour last time we were in London. I wish I had read this first. 5y
Mdargusch It‘s really fascinating @Reviewsbylola 5y
Mitch @Mdargusch her level of research is amazing. 🙌🏼 5y
emilyhaldi How nice you finally get to relax 🤗🛀🏻 5y
85 likes9 comments
The Monster of Florence | Douglas Preston
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I love getting unexpected book mail! 💛. Thank you so much @Cinfhen for popping this in the mail and brightening my day. 🌝. My little granddaughters will be thrilled with their surprises when I see them later today! I‘m very anxious to read this one after seeing your review.

Reviewsbylola 🥰🥰🥰 5y
Reviewsbylola Btw @Cinfhen my kids loved their gift bags! They tore into them the second my mom handed them to them (at the nail salon 😆) so I unfortunately didn‘t get a pic but thank you!!! 5y
Cinfhen Yay!!! Sooo glad @Reviewsbylola and awesome photo @Mdargusch Happy New Year 🥳🥳🥳 5y
emilyhaldi So sweet!! 🧚🏼‍♀️ 5y
51 likes4 comments
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I‘m trying to relax a little today and get some reading done in this NF account of a fundamentalist Christian family in Alaska. Rose, my reading partner, apparently had too much Christmas as she‘s sprawled on my chest upside down as I read.

LauraBeth That is one comfortable doggo! 🐶 5y
AlaMich 🤣 5y
Eggbeater I have a canine reading partner named Rose also. She is a great snuggler. 🐶😍 5y
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LeahBergen Oh, Rose! 😆😆 She looks exhausted! 5y
LauraJ That is one content dog! 5y
Reviewsbylola Damn she went hard! 5y
emilyhaldi The face of an angel 5y
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Thank you Leah for gifting me my first Jolabokaflod present ever! Rebecca is one of my favorites so I can‘t wait to dive into this! Happy Holidays!

LeahBergen I‘m so glad it arrived in time! Merry Christmas to you! 😘 5y
Reviewsbylola Oooh I haven‘t read that one! 5y
emilyhaldi So sweet!!! And the book looks 👍🏻 5y
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I‘m so excited to start reading from my #newyearwhodis list of books recommended by @Mitch 🤗 The highlighted 4 are the ones I‘m starting with.

Mitch Im so excited for this - you‘ve picked some of my favs! 5y
Reviewsbylola Great list! 5y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
35 likes3 comments
The Santa Klaus Murder | Mavis Doriel Hay
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I‘m a sucker for classic British house party murder books and this one did not disappoint. There were so many characters that could‘ve committed a murder dressed up as Santa Klaus! 🎅🏼. I didn‘t guess the culprit until the end, so that‘s always a win. This is a perfect December read.

batsy Glad you enjoyed it! 5y
BarbaraBB It looks super attractive! 🎄 5y
Reviewsbylola I loved the one I read this year! 5y
kspenmoll I enjoyed this too when I read it last Christmas! Happy holidays! (edited) 5y
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I have now read all of Liane Moriarty‘s books and this is my least favorite. I give it 4 stars but it was 50 pages too long. Moriarty always does a wonderful job of taking relationships and adding mystery and misunderstandings and then brings everything to a satisfying conclusion. This was a sweet love story about a hypnotist and her boyfriend that must deal with his feelings about his dead wife and his ex-girlfriend that stalks them. #audiobaking

Reviewsbylola Ooooh save some for me! 5y
Mdargusch These are bourbon balls 🥃 @Reviewsbylola (edited) 5y
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Merry Christmas to me!
My Black Friday order from Book Outlet arrived today. 😄🎄💚

LeahBergen Ooo, you got some great ones! 5y
batsy I love Bowen and Crispin 😍 5y
Mdargusch I have never read them @batsy so I‘m glad you give them 👍🏼 5y
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Mdargusch I totally bought some of these because of the covers @LeahBergen 😁 5y
Reviewsbylola Nice!! 5y
emilyhaldi 🎉🎉🎉 5y
51 likes6 comments
Mystery in White | J Farjeon
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I finished my first Christmas themed book today - Mystery in White. It is a typical British Crime Classic with murders taking place at an English country home. This time a group of travelers leave their train that is stuck in the snow to try and find shelter and they come upon a deserted house that has all the fires lit and tea about to be served. Now they need to figure out where the residents went and who is the dead body in the snow.

aprilpohren I have Mystery in White and need to pull it out! 5y
Eggs Beautiful photo 👏🏻 5y
Mdargusch It‘s a fun one @aprilpohren 🎄🎄🎄 5y
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Mdargusch Thanks @Eggs 😁 5y
mabell I will be getting to this one soon! 5y
LeahBergen I love a good vintage Christmas read. ❤️ 5y
Reviewsbylola Ooooh love this! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️❤️ 5y
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I read a lot of nonfiction but these ten still stand out to me.
#Top10oftheDecade #NonFictionEdition

BarbaraBB I only read Zeitoun and In Cold Blood but I loved them both. 5y
Suet624 Such a great list. 5y
Cinfhen Such a good list!! I‘m intrigued by your tagged book!!!! I forgot about 5y
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Cinfhen And Glass Castles is iconic!!!! But I read it prior to 2010 5y
Mdargusch Ha! I probably did too @Cinfhen but no dates were coming up on my goodreads list. 😂 5y
Mdargusch The tagged book was one of my all time favorite. 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve read all but two of those. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m definitely adding a few of these to my list. #blowingupmyTBR with these posts! 5y
britt_brooke Definitely stacking the Eva Braun one! Great list. 5y
emilyhaldi You love your nonfiction!! 👍🏻 I must read that Romanov book... 5y
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Ice Palace | Tarjei Vesaas
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I‘m not a fan of metaphorical stories so this is a miss for me. This novella is haunting and atmospheric- a perfect winter read for readers that enjoy allegories.

Reviewsbylola Yeah that‘s not for me either. 5y
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The Ice Palace | Tarjei Vesaas
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Starting this today for the Goodreads read along with Karen. Seems perfect for this time of year.

Reviewsbylola ❄️ ❄️ 5y
BarbaraBB I loved this one. I hope you‘ll too 🤞😘 5y
LeahBergen Lovely cover! 5y
Mdargusch @BarbaraBB has so many 5⭐️ reviews (and it‘s short 😂) so I‘m optimistic 😁 5y
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I live part time in Wheeling,WV and I discovered the Hare Krishna Golden Palace is right down the road. This fascinating book chronicles the history of the Hare Krishna movement in the US, while highlighting the illegal things that went on in order to keep the cult thriving and the money flowing. The leaders resorted to drug smuggling, drug dealing, money laundering and murder. *for those of you interested in cults and true crime.

MicheleinPhilly Oooh, interesting! 5y
LeahBergen @britt_brooke Have you read this? 5y
BarbaraBB Fascinating!! 5y
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britt_brooke @LeahBergen I have not. Stacking! Thank you. 🤗 5y
Mdargusch I remember seeing these people in airports. The women were basically treated as slaves and were forced to go pan handle at certain locations. Lots of bad things were going on. @MicheleinPhilly @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB @britt_brooke 5y
MicheleinPhilly Really?? I had no idea they were anything other than a little cuckoo. I‘ll definitely be checking this out. 5y
LeahBergen Really? 😮 5y
Mdargusch I had the same impression @MicheleinPhilly and @LeahBergen Apparently the US leaders of the cult were trying to outdo each other so their competition led to so many dark things. 5y
MicheleinPhilly Interestingly the novel I‘m reading now has a whole storyline involving a house full of Hare Krishnas and their treatment of women. It‘s wild how the universe syncs up like that sometimes. 5y
Mdargusch So coincidental @MicheleinPhilly 😌 5y
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The Ice Palace | Tarjei Vesaas
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Queenie- Family Book Club
Mystery In White - just for fun Christmas book
The Ice Palace - Goodreads read along
NeedTo Know - Book Club


Twocougs Loved Queenie! 5y
Mdargusch @Twocougs I am listening to this one on audio and it‘s really well done. 5y
nichollinlove I did audio for Queenie also and it was amazing. The characters really come to life! Great story. I would love to see a second about her. 5y
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batsy Mystery in White was fun! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have Queenie! Let me know how it is!! I‘m in the middle of Before She Knew Him.. 📚💗 5y
Mdargusch I thought it would be perfect to read this month @batsy ! 5y
Mdargusch The narrator did a great job @nichollinlove 👍🏼 5y
Mdargusch Well.... @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I almost bailed. It was very much about her sexcapades the first half of the book. Then there were a few twists and I started liking it. 3⭐️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mdargusch good to know!! I won‘t rush to get to it!! Thanks!! 5y
Reviewsbylola The Ice Palace is beautiful!! 5y
Mdargusch It‘s a great cover @Reviewsbylola ❄️❄️❄️ 5y
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All This Could Be Yours | Jami Attenberg
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Family dysfunctional dynamics at its finest. Attenberg crisply depicts her characters with raw realism. I love her writing style. It‘s interesting that this book takes place during the 24 hours after the family‘s patriarch is struck down by a heart attack. In that short time, each family member is well drawn out and many family questions are answered.

BarbaraBB Now that this one has been longlisted for the #ToB I want to read it soon too. Great review! 5y
TheBookStacker I just finished it and it might be my favorite book I‘ve read all year. 5y
Reviewsbylola I was afraid there would be too much sex for you! 5y
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Mdargusch I definitely wish she‘d tone her sex scenes down @Reviewsbylola 5y
Mdargusch Thanks! @BarbaraBB 😊 5y
Mdargusch It‘s a good one @TheBookStacker 👍🏼 5y
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I‘m supposed to be doing a #botmbuddyread for this book, but I couldn‘t stop reading it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ This is a look at the factionalized account of what happened to a mob member involved in the JFK assassination after the job was finished. But it‘s really about the man and how his life changed completely with one decision.

Reviewsbylola Ok, I should prob borrow this! 5y
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All This Could Be Yours | Jami Attenberg
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I had a really great lunch today listening to author Jami Attenberg talk about her latest novel with @Reviewsbylola . I‘m looking forward to reading about family craziness that takes place in one of my favorite cities, New Orleans.

Alfoster Yay! I just won a copy of this from Goodreads! Can‘t wait to read it too!👏👏👏 5y
LeahBergen Oh, how fun for you two! 5y
Mdargusch I‘m getting ready to start it today @Alfoster Congrats on winning a GR giveaway! 5y
Mdargusch It is nice that the granddaughters are in school all day @LeahBergen so @Reviewsbylola and I can play. 😁 5y
Reviewsbylola So much fun! 5y
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Saint Mazie: A Novel | Jami Attenberg
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I loved the story of an unlikely hero, Saint Mazie, told through diary excerpts and interviews. She watched life pass her by as she worked in a ticket booth in NYC during the 20‘s and 30‘s. She found love in the most unlikely places but could never quite hold on to it. So she took the bums, the victims of the depression, under her wing and made them her passion.

Reviewsbylola I liked the format of this one! 5y
emilyhaldi I should have liked this one!! Love a retro NYC setting... unfortunately I listened on audio and it annoyed me 😕 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi I hope y‘all are doing great 💗💗 (edited) 5y
Mdargusch That makes me feel a little better @emilyhaldi since I was beginning to think we were polar opposites on books. 5y
emilyhaldi 😹😹😹 we have a lot of overlap!! Especially in the classics genre 🤓 5y
Cinfhen Reading this now/ reminds me of Daisy Jones but better writing. It doesn‘t feel like an Attenberg book, though. More Alice Hoffman vibes 5y
Mdargusch It is definitely different than her other books @Cinfhen I follow Jami on IG and she has an actual photo of the real life Maizie on her wall. 5y
Cinfhen That‘s cool! I ended up just feeling meh over this book. Something was off for me 5y
Mdargusch Oh well. I know you are a fan of hers so it‘s probably the historical fiction piece since her other books are so current. Time to move on. 😁 @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
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All Grown Up | Jami Attenberg
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Jack is as unimpressed with this book as I am. I am going to see Jami Attenberg with @Reviewsbylola next week so I‘m trying to read one of her books first. This one is so depressing that I have to bail. I‘m moving on to Saint Mazie. 🤞🏼 My daughter told me I wouldn‘t like this book and she knows me well!

Areader2 Your chihuahua 🤗 5y
BookNAround I didn‘t like this one much either. Saint Maizie was definitely better. And Jack is darling. 5y
Reviewsbylola Yeah I had a feeling you wouldn‘t like this one. 😬 5y
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BarbaraBB I felt the same about this one. Hopefully the meet up next week will be interesting! 5y
Bookish_B I haven‘t read this one but I loved Saint Mazie 😊 5y
Mdargusch I just finished Saint Mazie and it is so much better IMO! @BookNAround @BarbaraBB @Bookish_B 5y
Mdargusch Thanks @Areader2 😍 5y
Mdargusch You were so right @Reviewsbylola 🙃 5y
Reviewsbylola Glad you enjoyed SM! If you‘d hated that one too I would have been nervous about Tuesday. 😅 5y
emilyhaldi Aw man, I loved this one!! 5y
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A Hundred Suns | Karin Tanabe
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Yoyo and I had a reading marathon today. Once I got into this historical fiction about Vietnam in the 1930‘s, I couldn‘t put it down. Karin Tanabe does a good job of depicting the sense of place and time and I learned so much about French colonization in indochine. The conflict between the two main characters, Jessie and Marcelle, turned into intrigue and suspense that kept me turning the pages. Thank you for the ARC @StMartinsPress

LeeRHarry Glad to hear you liked this one - stacked! 😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! I‘m happy to know that you liked it!! 5y
Crazeedi This is a location and time frames I don't know about, I need to add this to my tbr, I love reading new things 5y
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LeahBergen Yoyo! ❤️❤️ I have my new Johnny sprawled on my legs right now. He‘s really thrown a wrench into my Litsying lately. 😆 5y
emilyhaldi So sweet 🥰🥰 5y
Mdargusch @Crazeedi I feel like all the historical novels I read are about the US and Europe and so many take place during WWII so this was an interesting look at something new to me. 5y
Mdargusch I have to admit I almost bailed around page 100 but I‘m happy I didn‘t @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LeeRHarry 5y
Mdargusch Since we got Rose and Jack - the chihuahua puppies- my reading has definitely declined @LeahBergen I‘m constantly on alert to what they are doing. Yoyo on the other hand, is a senior we just adopted. He‘s just a couch cuddler. I love your new little Johnny! 💙 5y
Mdargusch I was ready to send him back yesterday @emilyhaldi 🤣 5y
Crazeedi @Mdargusch exactly, that why I enjoy history about places not as known! 5y
Reviewsbylola You just got this one yeah? 5y
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A Hundred Suns | Karin Tanabe
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#weeklyforecast but possibly my #monthlyforecast as I‘m having a hard time getting into Auntie Poldi. November Road is for the month long #botmbuddyread and I‘m knitting more right now and binge watching Married to Medicine. 🤩

Cinfhen I find I get easily distracted as the days get shorter/ darker and I don‘t read as much 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
Mdargusch Odd how that works @Cinfhen - it should be the opposite. 5y
Cinfhen Yeah, it‘s weird. 5y
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BarbaraBB I love your picture! So sunny and cozy! 💕 5y
Mdargusch Thanks @BarbaraBB 😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Did you win ?? I did from goodreads 🙃 5y
Mdargusch Yes! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I usually win a book a year so I guess this is the one. I‘ve started it and am liking it so far. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mdargusch I‘ve won a few!! When I‘ll ever get to them who knows!! I may send some your way 💗 5y
Reviewsbylola AP looks colorful at least! 5y
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So many choices. So much for my book buying ban. Again. #BOTM
Our family picked Queenie for our December book, so it‘s very handy I can get it on BOTM.

tjwill I love that your family is reading together! I wish my family would want to read with me! 5y
Reviewsbylola I have How Not to Die Alone. Still have to read it! 5y
Mdargusch I am very blessed to have daughters that love to read with me @tjwill 😊 5y
Mdargusch I hope it is as funny as the blurb says @Reviewsbylola 🤞🏼 5y
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