Second half of my advent books. Out of the 24 books opened I‘d only read 3- which is pretty good going.
Second half of my advent books. Out of the 24 books opened I‘d only read 3- which is pretty good going.
Meh. A farcical story about what happens when a meticulous man asks his slovenly college chum to watch his place for a couple weeks. The escalating chaos that ensues brought to mind Weekend at Bernie's, and I actually could envision this story as a slapstick comedy out of Hollywood. I think I would have enjoyed it more in that format.
While I don't think I'd ever be accused of being a neat freak, I find myself relating to Oskar's need to maintain order and routine in his home while away. I, myself, have left annoyingly detailed instructions for pet sitters and felt an odd sort of guilt while reading our narrator's reaction to being micro-managed in such a way. I do find it odd that Oskar did not deem it important to inform his housesitter which cat is which. 🤔
Has anyone read this? It's been on my #kindle for ages. I don't even remember getting it. Of course, most things on my Kindle were impulse purchases that were either #free or #bargainbuys, so there are a lot of books on there that I know little about. Guess I'm going in...