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I've just published a second edition of Moristoun, having got the rights back from my publisher. You can find it here on Amazon
Interesting audio critique of Moristoun from the good people at Book Reviews Anon. Really gets to the heart of the book
Moristoun is up for the Readers Choice awards. Any votes would be gratefully received
Win a signed copy of Moristoun plus 10 other books and help a great cause at the same time? Sounds good to me
Here's a little film I put together about Moristoun..enjoy
McSorely was either inept as an interviewer or had managed to light Sergeant McLeish's notoriously short fuse by deviating from the suggested script. If the latter had transpired then McSorely was likely to wear the same haunted look as someone who had just been asked to deliver the best man's speech at Stalin's wedding