Really enjoying this series. This volume, which had a few stories within the main story, had a bit of a Sandman-esque vibe.
Really enjoying this series. This volume, which had a few stories within the main story, had a bit of a Sandman-esque vibe.
I love these stories. Was so excited to see book 3 was out. I loved the people telling stories in the earlier issues. And the fight art was awesome.
I love this series and was so happy to discover that I hadn't read book three. Raven is a badass pirate captain of an all female crew.
Today's #PrideRec prompt is for queer comics and graphic novels and I'll be honest: there are very few I read that don't involve queer characters. RAVEN: THE PIRATE PRINCESS is currently my favorite (all lady pirate ship! so many ladies! all the ladies!!!), but I love SAGA and #wicdiv and BOMBSHELLS and JUGHEAD and LUMBERJANES and NIMONA and PRINCESS PRINCESS EVER AFTER and THE TEA DRAGON SOCIETY and BACKSTAGERS. What are some of your favorites?