My smarty pants son picked this book out himself at Goodwill but wasn't thrilled about a picture. 😎
My smarty pants son picked this book out himself at Goodwill but wasn't thrilled about a picture. 😎
I read this book several years ago and really enjoyed it. In fact I have recommended it to several friends. But now the author is in the news for allegedly assaulting a woman. I am torn if I should change my rating on Goodreads and other review sites. Thoughts?
I really enjoyed this book. It is a little choppy but I appreciated the author's insights and perspectives.
Starting my Saturday off with a new book and coffee #readwhatyouown
So many different fonts here. I like the title font but the rest is too much. Particulary the author's name. #fortheloveoffonts. #readjanuary @RealLifeReading
“THE FIRST MORTAR round landed as the sun was rising.” #firstlines #amreading