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Happy Weekend Littens! Unfortunately I won't be around too much as I'm driving to Seattle today to visit a friend for the weekend but I wanted to pop in and say hello. 👋🏻 And I'll do my best to join in on some conversations when I can.

This year I've been using a TBR Jar to try & read books from my own shelves & is the one I picked for February! Have you read it?

#readwhatyouown #mounttbr

MicheleinPhilly I have! I quite enjoyed it but Judy Blume is a queen so she can do no wrong in my eyes. 5y
Cinfhen Hi!!! Safe travels and I liked this one ☝🏾 I think you will too...it‘s a little trite but perfectly enjoyable 5y
Cinfhen Also, great photo 5y
valeriegeary @MicheleinPhilly @Cinfhen it's been a long time since I have read anything by her so I'm looking forward to it! 5y
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Sweetgirl | Travis Mulhauser
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Started this book yesterday hoping to read it while snow piled up outside but alas....Reports of a Portland snowpocalypse were greatly exaggerated. We got a dusting at my house. Some other neighborhoods got a bit more. But today it's all sun and shine. Still damn cold though so when Percy almost gets frostbite...girl, I feel you. ☃️❄️

February #readwhatyouown Kindle edition.

BookishMarginalia That‘s a lovely #DogsofLitsy picture! 6y
Suet624 Sweet, sweet pup. 6y
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The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir | Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
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A very unhealthy lunch for me today. You only live once. Also it was delicious.

Starting this #truecrime book today too. A little bit out of the box perhaps but I'm using it for my #femaledetective prompt. Also counting it as my Kindle #readwhatyouown for the month! So far it's good--I can't swipe the pages fast enough!

#booked2019 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

alisiakae Those tots look delicious! 6y
AmyG I loved this book. I lived near the author in NJ....same county. So I got a kick out of that. 6y
JennyM #Stacked - will use for the same #booked2019 prompt 😊 (edited) 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice choice. I‘m planning to read it for #genrebusting! 6y
Cinfhen I have this one on my kindle too!!! Thanks for the suggestion @BarbaraTheBibliophage 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen You‘re welcome! 😎 6y
valeriegeary @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen from what I've read so far, it'll make a great one for genre busting! It's a rough book to read though.... The content is heartbreaking 💔 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for the feedback....I find I‘m reading a lot more NF already this year...I find I really enjoy people‘s personal stories 6y
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I'm practicing Saturday morning chore avoidance. These kids just found a skull in the backyard. Vacuuming can wait. #setinireland #irishauthor #booked2019 #readwhatyouown

Lindy Ha! 💀=priorities. 6y
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Friday night plans! Make some progress with this one, my #irishauthor and also #setinireland pick for #booked2019. This one also counts toward my #readwhatyouown goal this month.

@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Julsmarshall Ooh, so does that mean I can count In the Woods as my Irish book? 6y
valeriegeary @Julsmarshall I would say definitely!!! 6y
Cinfhen Fabulous xx How‘s that ankle??? 6y
valeriegeary @Cinfhen still attached! 🤣 I'm not back to my normal running, biking, hiking self, but my walks are getting longer and less limpy and I started swimming again! 🤗 I'm still surprised at how much it hurts. Ugh. 6y
Cinfhen Wow!!! Talk about a set back!! Glad you‘re able to do some activities 6y
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A Pocketful of Crows | Joanne M Harris
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Yesterday I read the last book in my #yearendclearout library stack!! Book 4/4! Crows is a delightfully subversive fairy tale filled w/wildness, animals, love, betrayals, vengeance, spells, & lyrical language. I read it in 1 day.

Looking forward to 2019 now! I have made a few goals for myself & will be participating in a couple of challenges. I'll share all of that next week. Until then I'll be picking books from my own shelves. #readwhatyouown

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Picked this up from Powell's on a whim over the summer. Paulson, dog-sledding, Alaskan wilderness, survival, Man v. Nature v. Self. These are a few of my favorite things. And considering today is the first day of winter, it just feels right to crack this one open now.


BookInMyHands I saw him speak in Portland several years ago- flannel, suspenders- just like you would imagine. He was great! 6y
valeriegeary @BookInMyHands I'm not gonna lie..... I'm a little jealous of you right now. 😄🤗 And of course he would wear flannel! 😂😂 6y
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Broken Things | Lauren Oliver
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I spent all of Sept & Oct reading books from my own shelves. #readwhatyouown

Nov & Dec are all about clearing out my library holds! 3 of these were on pause for the past 2 mos, the other 2 jumped into my arms & walked out w/me. Oops! #sorrynotsorry #librarylove

I'm starting to think about what I want my 2019 reading year to look like & part of that is going to be starting the year with a clean library slate. So here we go! #readwhatyouhold

Crazeedi Way to go! I need to promise myself to do the same 6y
saresmoore Excellent idea! 6y
Reviewsbylola Tangerine is great. 6y
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And One to Die On | Jane Haddam
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Here‘s my final number from 11:59 last night for #24b4monday. Not bad, but I‘ll see if I can beat that next time. Tagged book is part of my reread of this series. #readwhatyouown

BeansPage Great job! 👏👏👏 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
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Everyone Knows You Go Home | Natalia Sylvester
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Started this one last night. Read about 20 pages before I feel asleep. It's my in-person book club's pick for October! Also one that was already in my Kindle so fits for #readwhatyouown. I'm really enjoying it so far. Closing in on 5 hours for #24B4Monday which doesn't seem like very much so far. 🤔 Trying to get another hour or in before I go see a movie with my husband.

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