I just grabbed this off the shelf at the Air BnB where we are staying. Read his famous trilogy and wondered about the real Steig Larson? I didn't know there was a book by his life partner... I'm intrigued.
I just grabbed this off the shelf at the Air BnB where we are staying. Read his famous trilogy and wondered about the real Steig Larson? I didn't know there was a book by his life partner... I'm intrigued.
#marchintoreading #shepersisted Written by his life partner, this book details the fallout of Stieg Larsson's (author of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy) death. Together for 32 years, they never married for safety reasons. Control of Stieg's estate went to his estranged family on his death. Eva never stops fighting in her attempts to keep the estranged family disrespecting the late author's wishes in regards to his books.
"In our homes an honorable reputation did not depend on money and success but on integrity. Once given, a person's word was sacred. These rules were inviolable."
That pretty much sums up how I was raised and it's not the worst way to live. It's weird, I didn't even like Stieg Larsson's books but this book is still in my thoughts days after I finished . #booktober #memorablememoirs
Must-read for anybody who loves the Millennium trilogy or is interested in Stieg Larsson's life & work. Gabrielsson doesn't give us an in-depth biography but touches stations and moments that she deems important to understanding the "real" Stieg and his work, creating a moving & heartfelt memorial.
The drama surrounding the Larsson-estate is discussed, but never makes the book look like a quick cash-grab or an attempt at airing dirty laundry.