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The Big Four
The Big Four | Agatha Christie
Hercule Poirot is preparing for a voyage to South America. Looming in the doorway of his bedroom is an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust and mud. The man's gaunt face registers Poirot for a moment, and then he collapses. The stranger recovers long enough to identify Poirot by name and madly and repeatedly scribble the figure '4' on a piece of paper. Poirot cancels his trip. An investigation is in order. Fortunately, Poirot has the faithful Captain Hastings at his side as he plunges into a conspiracy of international scope -- one that would consolidate power in the deadly cabal known as 'The Big Four.'
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Another great installment in the Poirot series. This was one of my favorites I think, it kind of gave me James Bond/Sherlock vibes with a dash of supervillain evil global plotting.

The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Hastings returns from South America to see his old friend but arrives to find Poirot in the midst of packing. Poirot is about to leave for overseas on a case, but plans change when they both become embroiled in the latest scheme masterminded by a group called 'The Big Four'.

This book is a series of short stories arranged into a narrative which revolves around 'The Big Four'. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Chases, set-ups, disguises, misdirection, & Hastings going undercover all feature. I found it a little bit of a let-down after 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' & some reviews said it was rather over the top & ridiculous, but I found that I enjoyed reading it. Hastings was not quite as irritating as usual although he still can't help doubting Poirot's methods. 5mo
OutsmartYourShelf Overall it was action-packed for an Agatha Christie book. Not sure I can quite envisage the famously rotund Poirot climbing down ivy on the side of a house though! 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6018108122
Read 12th-14th May 2024

#ReadAway2024 #BacklistReadathon #SeriesLove2024 #192025 (1927)

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
@clwojick @thearomaofbooks
@TheSpineView @Librarybelle
Librarybelle Glad you enjoyed this one! This one is not one of my favorite by Christie, but I still like to read it! 5mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 5mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This one was…interesting. I liked it okay but definitely another that is not a favorite.

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Good old chauvinistic Agatha Christie 😂

CSeydel Well, Hastings 1y
Jeg Perhaps a woman of her times. Though she does surprise me. 1y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @CSeydel yes you're right, would have been better phrasing 1y
CSeydel @Jeg she often has characters say things like that to illustrate how certain types of people thought. 1y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie

This one is a bit confusing.. it‘s not one murder but many all connected to the 4..

The Big Four | Agatha Christie

Up next in my reading challenge #agathachristie#readingchallenge#murdermystery#queenofmystery

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Books 17 and 18 of the year.

The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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What a strange book this is. But then, so far I've found all of Christie's "international intrigue" plot lines strange. I do enjoy the relationship between Hastings and Poirot, but this one is hindered by an anti-Asian bias that, while probably true to the time and location, is still jarring and unpleasant to read, especially the accent/pidgin Christie has her Chinese characters speak. Or I guess maybe one could argue that it's Hastings's bias?

Scochrane26 I didn‘t like this one as much as her others. 4y
ImperfectCJ @Scochrane26 I have been looking at reviews and that seems to be the consensus. I read one review that suggested that it was Christie's least favorite, too, and the only book she wrote just because she needed the money, so the story was a bit forced. 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Misty morning audiowalk. After an hour listening to the adventures of Poirot and Hastings, I came home noting clues. "You must have made the coffee within the past 30 minutes because your mug isn't in the sink. Ah, yes! Your mug is by your side and the coffee is still hot! And someone had eggs for breakfast. An omelet, made with onions."

I commend my family for taking my dorkiness in stride.

Deifio That's what's so fun about books! 😆❤️ 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie

This was not a Poirot novel, this is a collection of short stories. Of Poirot going after the Bug Four of the world‘s conspiracy network. Interesting group of individuals, granted the diversity there. But it lacked greatly in a solid through plot. Let alone the horrendous Asian stereotypes. Poirot was more all over the place than usual, too, being Obsessed with taking the group down. Not good one if you have to force yourself to read #whodunit

The Big Four | Agatha Christie

Our next source of information was the famous Madame Olivier. I was quite excited as we mounted the steps of her villa at Passy. It has always seemed to me extraordinary that a woman should go so far in the scientific world. I should have thought a purely masculine brain was needed for such work. - Hastings
There‘s so much old time stereotypes in plain sight thrown throughout. So eye pain wrenching. Like excuse YOU. #whodunit

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Always need a cup of tea with an Agatha Christie novel. (Also with a spoonful of honey) so far this seems like an all over the place mystery with a super villain group conducting murder around England. Don‘t understand the link Poirot has to the group though. Nice to have Hastings as company to bounce ideas off. #whodunit

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Just finished my first #24in48 book. I can‘t say I liked this Poirot mystery. It felt exceedingly disjointed, and I wasn‘t surprised to learn that it started as short stories that were combined into a novel. Despite being action-packed, the plot was far-fetched even for a Christie—a powerful, international cabal called The Big Four orchestrating murders across the English countryside—and it featured a lot of gross, old-timey racial stereotyping.

The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Another good one from Agatha Christie. I liked this one because of the relationship of Hastings and Poirot. It brought more humour into the novel, which I really enjoyed.

Crazeedi So glad you're on Litsy, you will love this community🥰💟 4y
SarahBookInterrupted @Crazeedi thanks! I do love it...it‘s my favourite form of social media! 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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There were some good little misteries in the middle, but I still don't like Hastings very much and I found the overarching narrative very unconvicing, as well as Number Four's disguise habilities.

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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This was another fun installation of Poirot, but it's the first which really stretches the imagination - an evil supervillain group who run the world is way outside of the expected Agatha Christie cozy mystery... Enjoyable nonetheless, but not my favourite so far. 3.5⭐

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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Well, hello again, Hastings! Somehow, this felt more like a series of connected short stories than a novel. I liked how it seems to span over quite a long period of time and in some places, read more like a thriller than a mystery.

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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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4. The Big Four contains an arguably shocking twist: Poirot's death. Were you shocked? Does this fit with what we know about Poirot's character?


TheAromaofBooks I've read this one before, but I can remember being completely surprised the first time I read it. 4y
Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks I was a little surprised but I knew he was going to come back to life and wasn‘t actually dead. (And not just because there are more Poirot books 😂) 4y
hes7 I was surprised by it, but I also knew he couldn‘t really be dead. I mean, someone had to solve the mystery. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @hes7 - and it obviously wasn't going to be poor Hastings! 😂 @Laughterhp 4y
Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks Hahaha it definitely wasn‘t going to be. Luckily he wasn‘t too bad in this book. I usually can‘t stand him. 😂 4y
ferskner @Laughterhp @hes7 @TheAromaofBooks haha y'all hate Hastings so much! I think he's a great foil to Poirot. Thank goodness he's around to do all the physical chasing! I don't remember if I was shocked because I read this so long ago for the first time, but I do think this is VERY Poirot. I touched on this below in question 3, but he LOVES a trick to force a confession, and I really liked that he takes it to the extreme here. His tricks crack me up! 4y
Librarybelle @ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @hes7 I don‘t recall being shocked by his “death,” though I read this for the first time awhile ago, and I‘m not sure if I remember my impression! Sadly, also knowing that he was in other books I kinda suspected he wasn‘t dead. And, yes, so Poirot! 4y
Linsy @ferskner @hes7 @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp I mostly just feel really bad for Hastings! Poirot is always pulling one over on him. 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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3. Poirot joins Christie's espionage thrillers with this book. Did you find him to be a good fit? How did this compare to the other thrillers we've read for you?


Laughterhp I wouldn‘t say this is my favorite thriller by her but I didn‘t hate it. I think Poirot was a good fit because he‘s such a clever detective. 4y
ferskner @Laughterhp yeah he really shows his ingenuity doesn't he! I think it feels a bit disjointed from his regular cozy mystery style of small set of suspects, not much action on his part (Poirot as action star is as comical as it gets to me!) but his fake death is sooooooooooooooo Poirot! He never met a trick to force a confession that he didn't love. 🤣 4y
Librarybelle @ferskner @Laughterhp Poirot surely brings his own version of espionage thriller to the genre, but isn‘t that so Poirot? His own style and his cunningness make him fit the mold in his own way. 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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2. This book takes a different form than we've seen so far in Christie's writing, in that they are linked short stories. Did you enjoy this style?


TheAromaofBooks I don't always like this style of storytelling, but felt like it worked here, with each mini-mystery adding another layer to the big mystery. 4y
Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks I didn‘t realize they were linked short stories. I just thought there was a lot of time in between each chapter. I think the style was fine in this book because they were all linked and weren‘t actually short stories. 4y
hes7 @Laughterhp I had no idea, too! And I agree that because they were linked, it didn‘t necessarily feel like a short story. The mystery overall felt complete. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @hes7 - yes, I would agree that short story is a bit of a stretch in terminology since I don't think any one of the chapters would stand on its own - they really have to be read as a whole in order to make sense. But the book is definitely episodic in nature, which I don't always like but did enjoy here. 4y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @hes7 yeah short stories may not be the exact right term, but they did start out that way and were adjusted into a novel. I think this can be a really fun technique, and I'd probably be more enthusiastic for it if this were a straightforward mystery instead of a thriller. I feel like she uses this style more? Maybe in Partners in Crime? 4y
Librarybelle @ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @hes7 I like the term episodic! I think if I were better engaged in the story I‘d it appreciate more, but I do think it works with this story. 4y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Another month has gone and it's time for #agathachristieclubR2 questions!

As usual, please tag all previous commenters to keep the conversation flowing.

1. Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not? (I will always lead with this question. :) )

@TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @hes7 @AnneCecilie @Charityann @linzy @Laughterhp

Laughterhp I did like this book. I liked it because it was different than the typical Poirot story. It was like a spy novel/James Bond film. It was fun. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I did enjoy this book. It's a little campy at times, but I still found it fun and engaging. @Laughterhp 4y
hes7 I thought it was okay, but not my favorite Poirot. Some aspects of definitely didn‘t age well. 😬 4y
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ferskner @Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks @hes7 I confess that this is my least favorite Christie I've ever read! I'm just not a thriller girl. I remember when I read it the first time about 10 years ago, I felt so betrayed because I'd thought any Christie was an automatic 5 🌟 read for me, having grown up on the TV series. This time, I did think it fit together in the end in fairly fun way, but yes, the racism is hard to get past. 4y
Librarybelle @ferskner @Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks @hes7 This is definitely not one of my favorites. I chose to listen to it for a reread, and while I liked the voice actor, it didn‘t help with the story. Maybe it‘s because it‘s a tad bit more politically incorrect than some of her other works. 4y
Linsy @Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks @hes7 @ferskner @Librarybelle I know I‘m a bit late to the party, but I agree!! Not my favorite, but fun, and the politically incorrect parts were a bit obvious, unfortunately. 4y
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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I‘m going to give this a pick, even though as far as Poirot books go it‘s a little out there. It‘s very different than any of hers I‘ve read. There are a lot of characters so it tends to get confusing, but still, it wasn‘t bad. Not her best but worth reading if you enjoy her books. 3.5 ⭐️


The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I enjoyed this mystery. It doesn‘t have the best reviews, but I thought it was a great big mystery. Probably the biggest and most intricate mystery that Poirot has had to deal with. I‘ve never really not liked an Agatha Christie book. And Hasting wasn‘t too awful in this books, I usually can‘t stand him. I also knew the reveal, but I‘m not sure if it was supposed to be obvious or not, even if Hastings didn‘t know.


The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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I really enjoyed this one! 😊📖 #Agathachristieclubr2

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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Putting together a small #AprilTBR - Not sure what I‘ll actually be in the mood to read but I do want to read all these books. Luckily I own all but 1, so I do have to wait for an audio hold to come in.

The tagged is for #AgathaChristieClubR2, 3 are #BOTM, and 1 is for #swordandlaserpodcast

Beachesnbooks Beach Read is on my TBR too, and I love Magic Burns 📚 5y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Day 21 - #FavoriteLiteraryFriendships #MagnificentMarch
#PoirotAndMe #DavidSuchet

I love the books where Poirot and Hastings are featured!

OriginalCyn620 I‘m sorry, but what is the deal with that mustache? 😕 5y
EadieB @OriginalCyn620 That's Hercule Poirot's style from the 20's and 30's. He is very proud of his mustache.

(edited) 5y
GHABI4ROSES As soon as I saw the mustache, I was like oh! Poirot! Before I even saw what you wrote. It worked😅 5y
EadieB @GHABI4ROSES Right! It is definitely his trademark! 5y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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It pains me to give a Christie book a so-so, but it was weird. It held my attention, but the very end was so quick. I read on GR that this was originally a series of stories for a newspaper, & I could tell because it seemed each chapter was a separate murder that only had the Big Four as a tie-in.

LiteraryinPA I totally agree with you! This is NOT one of hers that I like. So weird! 5y
batsy I agree, didn't like it either... Gave it a pan 😬 5y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Four miles 🏃🏻‍♀️with friends ✅
Tea and books ✅

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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This one is so weird and un-Poirot-like. It‘s not terrible... but it‘s not great. #jesshowreads2018

Pruzy But is chess involved? 6y
Trollkonstnaren Oh, I remember. It was different, but somehow I liked the book.Perhaps for the reason. 6y
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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie

That one was fun! But it's not the usual Poirot novel!
A lot of plot twists, Hastings (I don't like him, but it was ok this time), big international organization and a huge body count.

Sometimes it was as if this was a short story collection with a villain in common, but I enjoyed the James Bond "feel"

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Hastings shows up on Poirot's doorstep as the latter is about to leave the country on a big case. After a man stumbles in giving Poirot a clue about something he has suspected – 4 criminals working together to cause unrest in the world, aka the Big Four. Poirot fakes leaving England to take them on.

Like super villains against a master sleuth. At times it seemed a bit cartoony.

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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At the end of the book Poirot called this the great case of his life. This was a great mystery. Poirot and Hastings stay one step behind a criminal organization called The Big Four but Poirot always has tricks up his sleeve.

Jaimelire Haven‘t read this one. 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Oh Agatha, this was not one of your best! I found the whole mystery to be extremely convoluted, and the racial and rather mean characterizations throughout were a bit off putting. What should have been a fast few hour read turned into a several hour, eye rolling adventure with Poirot and Hastings. Out of all the Christie‘s I‘ve read, my least favorite indeed. #agathachristieclub

At least I got to spend time with #Vladimir and #Zeke . #catsoflitsy

Sarah83 Yes, yes, yes and yes. 👍😊 6y
MinDea 😻😻 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Over halfway through this book, so hope to finish it today. #Vladimir came out of hiding to spend some time with me! Since adopting Sebastian in December, Vladimir doesn‘t come around me anymore for hugs and cuddles, though I do get lots of purrs when I pet him. At this time, this is the closest I get to Vladimir alone time and cherish these moments greatly!#catsoflitsy

Bookzombie Aww. 💕🐱 6y
Aleida Love this quilt! 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Good to know...don‘t commit murder on a Monday???

Swe_Eva 😂 Wonder why? 🤔 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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I‘m waiting to head out on a long day involving many hours in the car. Brought along a couple Christie‘s to read, as I am woefully behind in the #agathachristieclub read. This one is the first up; I admit to being a tad apprehensive, given all the feedback regarding this book‘s content. Oh Agatha!

LiteraryinPA Yeah, this is not one of my favorites of hers, but she‘s still a master! 6y
batsy But at least it's a lovely edition! 6y
Bambolina_81 At least you can make an informed opinion! Good luck with that drive. 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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An author as prolific as #agathachristie is certain to have some books that bomb. The Big Four definitely fits into that category. The racism alone had me fuming. Christie does not do international spy thrillers well, and if I read one more derogatory comment about Chinese people, I‘ll scream.

Poirot was almost clownish, Hastings an imbecile; it is hard to believe this is the same author that wrote her previous book, TMoRA. #agathachristieclub

batsy My thoughts exactly! 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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I WILL finish this book this morning. 🤓

If it wasn‘t for my goal of reading every Christie mystery in publication order, I would have bailed on it already. 😫

On the plate: GF everything bagel flats, local strawberries (yay strawberry season!!), black pepper salami and OJ. 🍓 🍊 🥤

#booksandbreakfast #glutenfree #agathachristieclub #agathachristie #poirot

ephemeralwaltz YUM!!! 6y
alisiakae @ephemeralwaltz It was yummy! 6y
MarriedtoMrT I want that breakfast! 6y
Soubhiville Strawberry season is the best! 6y
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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Got the chance to start reading this book while waiting for the bus. So far, I'm digging it!

The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Every time I read “The Big Four” - and it is mentioned constantly in this book - my mind goes to “The Big Three” from This Is Us. 😃

Honestly, I like the Big Three better. This #agathachristie is really dragging. #agathachristieclub

HKGirl Yeah, I remember The Big Four being one of my least favorite of hers. 😕 6y
DGRachel Someone suggested turning it into a drinking game, where you take a drink every time someone says “the big four”. You‘d be passed out drunk before the halfway point, but at least you wouldn‘t be feeling the pain of reading it anymore. 🤣🤣🍾🍾 6y
emtobiasz Yeah, this is the only one of hers I wish I'd skipped 😬 6y
alisiakae @DGRachel I‘ve been avoiding the book all day, lol! I might try to skim through it tonight to be done with it. You‘re right, you‘d be drunk really quickly! I‘m glad I‘m not the only one that struggled with this one. @HKGirl @emtobiasz (edited) 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Afternoon reading time. It is a gorgeous day! Although the birds hanging around the bird bath are super chatty, so I keep getting distracted. 🐦😊#agathachristieclub #poirot

Amabear Is that a book sleeve? Or a cover? 😍. It‘s gorgeous!! 6y
alisiakae @Amabear It‘s my iPad cover! I‘m reading an ebook. 😃 6y
Amabear @4thhouseontheleft oh ok! I love it! 6y
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Amabear @4thhouseontheleft I think I need to do some outside reading today. 6y
Cathythoughts Oh such lovely weather 💕💫 6y
stacybmartin Your outside area looks so pretty and peaceful! 😍 6y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Driving to and from the vet gave me time to finish this one for the #agathachristieclub. Like many others, I found the racism to be over the top and uncomfortable, and Poirot was insufferable. I actually found myself feeling sorry for Hastings, and if you‘ve seen my earlier reviews, you know I abhor Hastings, so this is a big deal. 😂 The only thing that saved this was the audiobook narrator, Hugh Fraser. He‘s superb.

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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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So thankful for audiobooks. I can get through this drivel for #agathachristieclub while being productive. The problem is, I find myself rolling my eyes so often that I lose focus on my crochet. 😂🤪🙄

At least this is a short audiobook- less than 6 hours. Sadly, I have 4 hours left. You know what would make this better? If someone went “dunh dunh dunh” every time Poirot says “the Big Four”. 🤣🤣

Suet624 😂😂😂 7y
dsfisher OMG you are so right! 😂😂😂 7y
Leftcoastzen Make it a drinking game!😂🥃 7y
DGRachel @Leftcoastzen 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I‘d have alcohol poisoning before the book was halfway over! 7y
Bambolina_81 I agree...it's not one of my favourites! 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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"I felt wrapped all around with the atmosphere of the East - tortuous, cunning, sinister" Oh FFS. Sorry Agatha, but no. Too many quips strung together without a plot, with a strong whiff of racism & orientalism ? I was ready to push Poirot & Hastings off a cliff if they said "the Big Four" one more time. I think you need more than four people to take over the world. Gah! Let's pretend this book never happened. #agathachristieclub

readordierachel ? There's only so much that can be overlooked with "it was a different time." Grr. 7y
batsy @ReadOrDieRachel Yes, exactly! This is why I'm wary of her "international" novels... 7y
RohitSawant Because obviously the only approach to anything foreign is to exoticize or demonize. 🙄 FFS indeed. Will naturally be skipping this. 7y
batsy @rohit-sawant I don't know if you've read any of her espionage novels but they're all pretty disappointing in this way. I definitely recommend skipping this one. 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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#agathachristieclub @Bambolina_81

Definitely not my favourite Poirot. Poor Hastings is the dump guy again and Poirot got me on my nerves several times.

The idea was really good, but I had to think about Sherlock and his stories some times...

Bambolina_81 I'm behind on this one! Not good! I love that bookmark, we're bookmark twins :) 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 I thought, you already started? 😉 7y
Bambolina_81 Started...not finished! 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Finished my #agathachristieclub for February! Her international intrigue novels are not my favourite, and the stereotypes and racism is something terrible 😂 but I ended up enjoying it more than I expected.

batsy I just started this. Hope I can manage it before the month is out 😆 Love that cover. 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @batsy yes and my little one tore it off! The book needs some serious TLC. I love the history behind my secondhand books - sometime way, way in the past it cost 33c, I seem to have bought it for R8 and nowadays it would probably be R20, maybe R15 because it's pretty battered. 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Trying to get some reading done, before I fall asleep, it was a terrible week... 😥😴 #fridayreads #agathachristieclub @Bambolina_81

Bambolina_81 Kick back, relax and enjoy you deserve it! 7y
ju.ca.no Hopefully next week will be better for you? Pombären usually help with that, they are so very yummy? 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 trying to reset my 'little grey cells' to solve the case. 😊 7y
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Sarah83 @ju.ca.no pombären are always great. 😊 My aunt bought them for me, when I was little, every year around this time of year I buy myself some packages. 😉 My aunt died last Friday 17 years ago. My half life I am now without her. 😪 7y
Bambolina_81 I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt, she had great taste in crisps as they are Rose's favourite x 7y
cobwebmoth *hugs* 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 you know pombären in England? Or only something like that? This time of year is always a bit hard. She did on her birthday 7y
Sarah83 @cobwebmoth thank you. Feeling better in a just second. 😊 7y
Eyelit 💜💜💜 7y
Bambolina_81 @Sarah83 Yes we have them, they're Pom Bears here. Rose can't eat a whole bag so mummy has to help! 7y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 loosing someone important is always hard... but she‘s staying alive in your heart and with the Pombären tradition you will savior her memory? 7y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no that's really true. But I don't eat them, like I ate them in those days. 🙈🙈 When I was little I had a cup of cacao and the pombären were dipped into the cacao. 🙈 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 which size does the package have? In Germany are two sizes. 😍😊 7y
Bambolina_81 @Sarah83 Just the one regular size I think. 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 I will have a look for the small one. 😊 7y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 ah well... I‘m not sure what to think of that, but it doesn‘t sound as if it tastes good😅 but maybe I‘m just jugding too quickly here😂😂 7y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no well... Once it tasted, but I won't try it again. 😂 7y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 haha who knows, maybe we‘re missing out not giving it a try now 😂😂 7y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no some things I don't want to try again 🙈 7y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 understandable 😂😂 7y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no 😂 do you like the first Mary Poppins book? 7y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 I can‘t really say, I‘m not very far in! But I will have a lot more reading time next week! And I think I will be able to finish it so if you want, we can start the second one the week after next? 7y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no sounds great. 😊 7y
Gissy I like that mug! ❤️ 7y
Sarah83 @Gissy in reality the lighthouses are blue. This looks even better. ☺️ 7y
Gissy @Sarah83 I can imagine it. I like the shape of it. I have some mugs, most of them came from book box subscriptions or I received them as a gifts. There is no such thing as too many mugs, bookmarks or totes😊I select my mug, bookmark and tote in accordance with what I am reading at that moment. I think I'm not normal😱😂🤣 7y
Sarah83 @Gissy I like arranging books, book totes and bookmarks aswell. 😍 The mug is from a German seller: http://www.cup-mug.de/online-shop.php 7y
Gissy @Sarah83 I will check this right now. 7y
Gissy @Sarah83 They are beautiful!😱😍❤️But I don't see the prices or if they deliver international. Maybe is there but I don't understand German 😊But they unique! They have for every taste, sports, flowers, scenes, seasons, really they are beautiful. A high temptation for you to not buy few of them, I can imagine 7y
Sarah83 @Gissy yes indeed. I mostly don't visit shops, where they sell these gorgeous mugs. If you want a special one, I can get one for you. ☺️ 7y
Gissy @Sarah83 I will check very carefully 😊the catalog and I let you know. I can send you a money order plus the shipping cost in case they do not do international delivery. You will be my mug mediator😃They are beautiful but also like classic very well designed👌🏼I will really appreciate it. Don't you think this is like too far just because of the love of a mug?🤔Nah, I will do it! ❤️I love this community😍 7y
Sarah83 @Gissy is there anything too far to do something you love? 😉 7y
Gissy @Sarah83 I guess not❤️ 7y
Sarah83 @Gissy definitely not 😍😘 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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I remember listening to this about ten years ago and being totally shocked that there could be an Agatha Christie I hated. I enjoyed it more this time around, but I'll never love her international intrigue novels. It's a good thing I'm already a fan because I would have probably bailed if they were my first taste of her style.

(I love Hastings!)

#agathachristieclub @Bambolina_81 #pop18 #nextbookinaseriesyoustarted

LiteraryinPA I completely agree. I didn‘t like this one and I hated Postern of Fate. But she‘s still a favorite author of mine. ☺️ 7y
ferskner @LiteraryinLititz When someone is that prolific it makes sense that there'd be some duds. 7y
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The Big Four | Agatha Christie
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Waiting for the updates. I hate the new year and the new taxes... I am using the time for some #agathachristieclub reading. 🕵️

The Big Four | Agatha Christie

More Poirot!! Loved it as always. I feel like Roger Ackroyd should have come after, as Poirot mentions retiring and growing marrow.
@shanebeth #ssdgmchallenge Agatha

CSeydel Yes I was so confused by his “retirement” in Roger Ackroyd. 7y
benchley1 @CSeydel my brain took a minute, but do you use the Dana library? I worked there until about 1 1/2 yrs ago, and how many Seydels .ca there be?! 7y
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