Great short story. Esmeralda and Charles meet several years after he disappeared but as a perfumer she knows his scent immediately. He is trying to buy back his freedom and she is looking to apprentice with a master perfumer. Enjoy!
Great short story. Esmeralda and Charles meet several years after he disappeared but as a perfumer she knows his scent immediately. He is trying to buy back his freedom and she is looking to apprentice with a master perfumer. Enjoy!
This historical romance novella just released today, and it's another winner from Katharine Ashe. A sweet, romantic story of Charlie and Esme, who while initially attracted to each other, do not connect with the other until 2 years later after they've both been through some obstacles in finding themselves and going after what they truly want. Great banter here! Ashe is a go-to author for me! #romantsy #osrbc
Dinner and a walk in the nature park with friends. Now we're back home in the lovely air conditioning and starting another ARC. This time it is a historical romance novella by Katharine Ashe. #currentlyreading #romantsy #historicalromance