Books read in July. Five in one month has to be a new record for me! 3 non-fiction and 2 novels. Write for Your Life was my favorite.
Books read in July. Five in one month has to be a new record for me! 3 non-fiction and 2 novels. Write for Your Life was my favorite.
I absolutely loved this book! It isn't a practical writing guide; it's more of a metaphysical approach to identifying and removing the self-inflicted negative beliefs that block your creativity and hold you back from accomplishing your goals.
I've read a lot of personal growth books but few that deal directly with writing. So even though some of the processes here were familiar to me, applying them to my writing felt like a fresh approach.
Really enjoying this, even if it is outdated (he states in the intro that he didn't have the time or the inclination to revise it, so he re-released it as is). He funny, and the exercises are valuable-- it's sort of like an abbreviated version of The Artist's Way. This is not a practical writing guide -- it's all about getting out of your own way so your creativity can flourish. Love that. #24in48
TFW you get a personal development book you really want to read but you have to finish the 411-page book you're already reading 😭