I‘ve seen heaps of praise for this one but it‘s just not working for me right now. The illustrative writing style feels overindulgent and my reading time is too scarce these days 🙃
I‘ve seen heaps of praise for this one but it‘s just not working for me right now. The illustrative writing style feels overindulgent and my reading time is too scarce these days 🙃
Finally feeling up to a little bit of reading since baby Hank‘s arrival… although my book choices look a little different these days 😆
Just popping in to share that baby Hank Wells Haldi joined us on 8/14/21 💙 He‘s a tiny 5lb bundle of cuteness. And while he proves to be a bit of a distraction from reading, we‘re quite fond of him!
Not the most exciting holiday backdrop, but I had to share a photo from this past weekend seeing friends in New York. We finally reunited after 1.5yrs - a long time for us to go without a visit!! We spent hours at this dinner catching up and laughing and having the best time 🥰
This started with such promise, especially as I read it during a rainstorm, befitting the mood of the book better than if I had been on a sunny beach 🌧 However, the writing quickly became repetitive and lagged on far too long. I am eager to discuss the mysterious ending though 🧐
Question 6: What do you make of the non-chronological sequence of the book? Why might Chase present the story this way? Did this make you feel outside of the clan or part of it?
Question 5: What does this book tell you about dependence and independence? Gram clearly values being self-sufficient (see page 70, for example), but she also opens her doors to her daughters and their families, buys them houses, and generally sets up a lifestyle in which very few people actually have to work. Is there any way in which she teaches her family independence?
Question 4: In her NY Times review of Chase's book, Atwood called it, "a Norman Rockwell painting gone bad." Do you think that this is an upending of domestic fiction, or a realistic portrait of the lives of the characters?
Question 3: How are male characters treated in this book? Are they well-rounded characters with nuanced motivations and conflicts, or are they merely supporting actors, propping up the real work of the female characters? Does this change section to section?
Question 2: Chase tells the story using the first person plural. The narrative “we” adjusts throughout the book. For example, Celia is sometimes a part of it and sometimes not. Do these adjustments and
separations make sense to you? What do you make of the very end of the book in relation to the separation and cohesion of the narrative voice?
Question 1: The book presents a cohesive clan, with Gram at the head. What do you make of the way Chase presents motherhood and mothering in this book? Does daughterhood ever take importance over motherhood?
Taking a moment to share the reason my reading has been a bit lacking the past several months... Baby boy is coming at the end of summer 💙
Any relevant book recommendations are welcome!
Dreaming of warmer days in Florida last week... still chilly back here in Ohio 😣
I loved this book! Compelling and unexpected and perfect for a day by the pool ⛱
Thanks to @BarbaraBB for inspiring this purchase!
A little dry in parts, but entertaining enough to listen mostly on audio. Hard to believe somewhere around 12,000 Londoners were killed by the great fog of 1952 😵
#doublebookspin ✅
This was a slow burn but the ending has lingered with me for a while... It reminded me a lot of Drive your Plow over the Bones of the Dead, but I preferred this. Written beautifully and with just enough creepiness & quirk.
This checks off my April #bookspin pick for #bookspinbingo ✅
What‘s happier than book mail on a lazy Wednesday! 🤗 Thank you Cindy for sending this my way... even if I‘m not sure how excited I should be to read it 😆
10 days into April and I‘ve read... 1 book. This tale of 2 sisters deeply intertwined in each other‘s lives was a slow burn. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Current read influenced by @BarbaraBB 😊 I‘m enjoying the creepy mood so far...
Well I didn‘t get to my #bookspin choice 🤨 (tagged) but I did read the #doublebookspin as well as a few others... I had a hard time concentrating this month 😣 but going to try again for April!
Ok friends, I‘ve pulled 3 NYRB classics off my shelf as nominees for May‘s #NYRBbookclub selection 🤓 Vote away!!
First quarter of #booked2021 complete! I tried to stick to Winter prompts only but got off the beaten track for 1 🙃 Clockwise from top left:
1. Set in Australia
2. Authors first name starts with A, B, or C
3. NF Science by a Woman
4. Translated into English
5. Baked Goods on Cover
6. #Covidheroes: Dr or Nurse MC
Thanks as always to our lovely hosts for the reading inspo!!
I think I‘ve read 50 pages in the last week. Lately I just cannot find the concentration to sit down and read!!! Trying to park myself here on the side porch and make some progress.. 🥴
My favorite of all the #tob reads! I loved getting lost in the magical world of Piranesi ✨
60% of the way through and I am still bored out of my mind! It‘s a bail for me...
Still counting it! ✅ #booked21 #setinAustralia
I love to read in the morning with my cup of coffee, but these knuckleheads are quite the distracting duo today 🐶😼 They‘re always going at it- wrestling, rolling around, batting each other on the head... it‘s a blossoming friendship 😆
March Bingo card ready to go! Really excited to read the tagged book for #bookspin 🌷 as well as #doublebookspin , Breasts and Eggs, once it arrives from book depository 😅 And I‘ve finished one very strategically placed book yesterday 😉
I‘m going to go ahead and give this #bookspinbingo a try for March and see if it inspires more reading! Excited to see how many books I can cross off this list 🤓
Oh this book! 😭 One that requires some underlining of passages and a moment at the end to really soak it in. Poignant ✨
Taking a little break from my #tob reading list to get to this month‘s NYRBBookClub pick 😊
This totally worked for me! The format and humor felt fresh and still very insightful. My favorite of #tob so far 🏆
Nope 🙅🏻♀️
If I had known the premise of this book I would never have picked it up at all... just doesn‘t work for me!
I love music, but my husband is the real enthusiast. He listens to just about everything, but since he worked for DefJam for years, hip hop is his true passion. ?
When we first started dating about 10 years ago he wooed me by making me playlists every few months- 1 hip hop and 1 “other". At the end of last year we made it to his 50th round of playlists for me ? He was quite excited as you can see in the title ?
#galentine #bestbuddyread
I‘m a day behind but joining in for #galantine #bestbuddyread anyways!!
Some of my favorite peeps starting at the top... my best friends at my wedding👰🏻♀️, my hubs and me on our last vacation exactly 1 year ago 🥲, sisters!, mom & dad, my sweet nieces, and of course little Herbie 🐶
Yearning for the days when I can travel again to see all of my friends, most of whom are still in NY ❤️
Feelings are very mixed on this one 🥴
I loved the atmosphere of 1930‘s NYC and found some of the character storylines fun to follow... but boy were there a LOT!
I skimmed through much of the second half, but the ending almost made me wish I hadn‘t 😆 Eager to discuss this weekend!
#galentine #bestbuddyread
When I picked this book up at the library a few days ago, the librarian told me she always has a laugh when she sees it... when she was a little girl (in the 1960‘s) her mother had a book club and let her read whatever books she brought home-including this one. She recalls this book taught her all she ever needed to know about the birds and the bees 😂 And now 2 chapters in, I can see what she meant!
#galentine #bestbuddyread
I wasn‘t sure about the premise of this book, but I‘m one story in and hooked!!! Thanks for the recommendation @Reviewsbylola ☺️
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday! It was one of my favorites... thanks to this new member of the family 🐶
Meet Herbie the mini Bernese mountain dog. He makes reading a tad difficult at the moment but he loves a good snuggle 🥰
Currently reading...and trying to decide if it‘s the right book for my current mindset. It‘s a bit too real 😷
Did not live up to the hype for me...
And while Shuggie is certainly an endearing character, I‘m not clear on why he was chosen as the book‘s namesake. His mother Agnes is the center of the story and actually I think I would have preferred if she had remained the sole focus throughout. Still a pick!
Was able to snag this one on audio as well, so I am listening while I take down the tree 🎄🙃
Finally narrowed down my #20best2020 list 🎊
There are a couple that I can‘t believe were read THIS year!! I devoured Into Thin Air in January during my beach vacation... back when I was young and naive and life was good 🍹🏝
We did get a lot of reading time this year though, didn‘t we! 😅
That feeling when all of your library holds come in at once 🥴
Bottom 3 books from @Reviewsbylola #newyearwhodis recommendations.
Everything else for ToB... I‘ve got some reading to do!
And with my final book of 2020 finished today, I completed #booked2020 🎉
✅Makes you LOL- My Family & Other Animals
✅About Genocide- Ordinary Men
✅Animal on Cover- Owen Meany
✅#wineorwhine- The Liar
✅Gothic Horror- Dracula
✅Bottom of your TBR-Frog Music
Gerry‘s tales of growing up on the island of Corfu are delightful and almost too crazy to be true. But the real hero of the book is his Mother, who I can only imagine must have been taking a steady stream of quaaludes in order to take in stride the antics of her moody teenagers while simultaneously allowing her house to be overrun with wild animals as pets 🐸🐶🦅🪱🕷🦂🐍🐢
3 lovely Christmas 🎁 and 1 mischievous outdoor cat (who is scheming how else to terrorize the house and it‘s inhabitants in revolt against icy snow & freezing temps 😼)
A lovely story that expertly contrasts the dependability and truth of math with the fleeting and precarious human life ✨ Definitely making it to my #20best2020 list!! Thanks @BarbaraBB 😘