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Weather For Dummies
Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
9 posts | 1 read
Whats going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in and the lightning flashes? How do hurricanes arise and where to tornadoes come from? Why do seasonal conditions sometimes vary so much from one year to the next? Our ways of life, our very existences depend on knowing the answers to questions like these. Economies have been wiped out, civilizations have risen and fallen, entire species have come into being or gone extinct because of a temperature shift of just a few degrees, or a brief shortage or glut of rainfall. With so much riding on the weather, it makes you wonder how youve lived this long without knowing more about it. Dont worry its never too late to find out about what makes the weather tick. And theres never been an easier or more enjoyable way to learn than Weather For Dummies. In know time, youll know enough of weather basics to be able to: Identify cloud types Make sense of seasonal differences in the weather Understand what causes hurricanes, tornadoes, and other extreme events Make your own weather forecasts Avoid danger during severe weather Understand the global warming debate Get a handle on smog, the greenhouse effect, El Nio, and more Award-winning science writer John D. Cox brings the science of meteorology down to earth and, with the help of dozens of cool maps and charts and stunning photographs of weather conditions, he covers a wide range of fascinating subjects, including: What is weather and how it fits into the entire global ecosystem What goes into making a professional daily weather forecast The basic elements of weather, including air pressure, clouds, and humidity Storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, and other extreme forms of weather Seasonal weather effects and why they vary Lightening, rainbows, sundogs, haloes, and other special effects Featuring clear explanations, stunning illustrations, and fun, easy experiments and activities you can do at home , Weather For Dummies is your guide to making sense of the baffling turmoil of the ever-changing skies above.
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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I thought it was good, but it didn‘t have as much humour as the other “For Dummies” books I‘ve read; I usually really like the humour, so I missed that. In all honesty, even though it was simplified, I still had trouble fully understanding some of the explanations and had to reread a few paragraphs more than once. Even so, I definitely learned things. Cont in comments...

LibraryCin There was some repetition but that‘s because it is meant to be a reference, so you don‘t need to read it front to back; the repetition didn‘t bother me, but I wanted to mention it. 9mo
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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Ah, yes. The most apt description of summer in South Florida ever. And I get to spend the morning outdoors with a group of ESE students at the botanical garden. Nobody will want to come near me this afternoon. 🙄

BooksForYears Agreed! 7y
AmandaL 😂 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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It's so gorgeous outside, I did not want to come back from lunch. Do you think they'd miss me at the office if I spent the rest of the afternoon in the park across the street reading?

OSChamberlain Hahaha what weather app is this? 7y
DGRachel @OSChamberlain It's called What the Forecast!?! You can adjust the level of profanity you're comfortable with, but even "some" is too much to post on Litsy. I don't want to offend anyone. ? 7y
Aseleener I appreciate your editing. Agree that app is hilarious though. My husband got it and loves to share with me. 😁 7y
DGRachel @Aseleener I've been known to swear and I work in construction so I'm around people who swear loudly and enthusiastically all day, and even I can only have this app set to "some" profanity. 7y
OSChamberlain I got it, and have the profanity to on, and am now actually enjoying weather forecasts 😂 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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At least it's cooler and less humid than yesterday, which was all kinds of miserable. Not that I've left the house yet, though ...

Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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Even the weather is saying to stay in and read for #Litsypartyofone😄

Debiw781 😂😂😂 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat I agree with this forecast! 🙋🏻 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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A what??


PurpleyPumpkin That's quite something!🤣 7y
brilliantglow Omg that's the funniest thing I've read all day😂😂😂 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @brilliantglow I thought so also! 🤣🤣 7y
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Books_Wine_Repeat 😆🤣😂👍 7y
DebinHawaii I am pretty sure I am going to have to call someone that very soon! 😂👍😂 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DebinHawaii Let me know how that goes! 😜 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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This may be my favorite one thus far.

LauraBeth 😂😂 7y
Laura317 I love it!! 🙃 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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Yup! And I'm about to go for my morning walk. If I melt, then my students were right when they called me the wicked witch😄

britt_brooke 😆 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat 🤣😂👍 7y
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LisaJo What is this app everyone is using? #ineedthisinmylife 7y
Lynnsoprano @LisaJo It's called WTForecast, and it's so much fun😄 7y
LisaJo @Lynnsoprano THANK YOU. 7y
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Weather For Dummies | John D. Cox
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#BlameitonLitsy and WTForecast, but this app is going to get me into trouble. I can tell...