@Charlios The table of contents ia conveniently laid out to show when the short stories in the collection take place amid the larger series. So you don't have to finish the series in order to enjoy it. 👍📚💀
One of the few advantages of my boyfriend working the 8am shift on weekends is that I wake up early enough to spend a bit of time snuggled up in bed with a book 👌
Then, of course, the realities of working in hospitality sink in and it's time to get ready for work 😑
I just love these books and characters too much! And the short stories in this book don't disappoint me at all, perfect as always Mr Landy
This is, again, the German version and I just need to share some thoughts even tho I only read the first story yet but it's about the dead man and it's so sad to read about Vex, Ravel, Saracen and Ghastly as if nothing happened like YOURE DEAD IN THE END OF THE NINTH BOOK and now it's like idk I mean it didn't happen anything to this point since the story is set in the past but STILL... I just miss them all, except Erskine... he can rot in hell