Soo, I started this beauty two days ago and I'm loving it so far!
Did you read the series yet, if yes what are your thoughts about it?
#lunachronicles #cinder #marissameyer
Soo, I started this beauty two days ago and I'm loving it so far!
Did you read the series yet, if yes what are your thoughts about it?
#lunachronicles #cinder #marissameyer
Starting this babe now! I loved the first book A LOT and now I have high expectations on this one ☝🏻
Did anyone read it already? If yes, what are your thoughts about it?
And isn't that the most beautiful cover ever?
I just finished this AMAZING book! I'm so sad it's already over because I'd love to read more about Celestine and Carrick but on the other hand it has the perfect ending!
I just love these books and characters too much! And the short stories in this book don't disappoint me at all, perfect as always Mr Landy
This is, again, the German version and I just need to share some thoughts even tho I only read the first story yet but it's about the dead man and it's so sad to read about Vex, Ravel, Saracen and Ghastly as if nothing happened like YOURE DEAD IN THE END OF THE NINTH BOOK and now it's like idk I mean it didn't happen anything to this point since the story is set in the past but STILL... I just miss them all, except Erskine... he can rot in hell
This was my first book from Cecelia Ahern and I think it's so GOOD for a debut in that genre! I always loved dystopian novels and that's going to be one of my favorites, even tho it kinda reminded me of "matched" (loved that one too)
I needed like 4 chapters to get into her writing but after that, it was just awesome and I read it in one sitting!
I just finished the book and I am a freaking mess right now, the only thing that keeps me alive is that i know there'll be a new book later this year! I liked how everything turned out (beside the deaths but oh well) but I'm missing Val and Skul ALREADY I'm in love
If you have the tiniest interest in reading this series, just do it, you won't be disappointed, plot and characters are the BEST! I'll always keep this series near to my heart
So, this is the German version of the ninth Skulduggery Pleasant book! I'm already half way through it and it's just awesome!!! I loved the whole series so far and i cannot wait till the next book is going to be released later this year 😍 I'm totally in love