So warm and easy to read. I needed a light, feel good book and I got just that! It might not be action packed but it does feel like a great friendly hug!
So warm and easy to read. I needed a light, feel good book and I got just that! It might not be action packed but it does feel like a great friendly hug!
Did not make it to my "pick" list. Many scenes are predictable and there isn't anything much to keep us wanting more. Although I enjoyed the evolution of the main character in terms of self-esteem, I think it should have been exploited further.
A recent discovery and I really enjoyed it. It‘s def worth a read. A great feelgood book.
Finished my 100th book.
A fun chick-lit read that was honest about life as a young single mum. Although funny and light, it did at times become predictable and I could see the ending coming a mile off. Overall, a good first debut novel!
Admin done and dusted - and by done and dusted I mean I've ignored the pressing email from the accountant and spent forty-five minutes adding things to my ASOS if-I-ever-win-the-lottery-and-can-afford-to-treat-myself list... #WildeLikeMe - #LouisePentland