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Alexa | Maggie Osborne
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Alexa | Maggie Osborne
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Do any of you #Littens have an echo? Worth it? Does it play audible books?

Thndrstd We have the Dot and we like it. I often use it as a kitchen timer or for music. And it does play Audible books. 7y
Sace @Thndrstd is it the professional reading or a computery voice? 7y
Vbrrgirl I love our Alexa. We use it to answer questions and play almost any music choice. The sound quality is spectacular. She will read from Audible with the proper connections. News, weather, daily trivia and she is always so pleasant!! Can‘t say enough. 7y
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Sace @Vbrrgirl daily trivia?? 🤓❤️ 7y
Sace @Vbrrgirl proper connections? 7y
Vbrrgirl You have to have an Audible account. I‘m an paper reader so I have not tried to connect but when I asked her this morning - she explained how to set it up and read a sample of A Tale of Two Cities. 7y
Sace @Vbrrgirl okie dokie. I've got that. 7y
Vbrrgirl And yes, we say good morning and get trivia and I think there is a game also. Got ours at Christmas and still exploring. 7y
Sace @Vbrrgirl I think I need this. 7y
Vbrrgirl She‘s been a fun addition to our house. 7y
Laura317 I have the Dot and we love it! I play my audible books, get weather, check my calendar, and news flash - it is my alarm with my phone as backup. ❤️ it! 7y
8little_paws It'll read your kindle books out loud too 7y
Sace @8little_paws @Laura317 @Vbrrgirl @Thndrstd thanks everyone! My birthday is coming up and this might be my gift to myself. 😁 7y
Bks4Wrms ⬆️ What everyone else said. I love mine! My husband got me a dot for Christmas and I love it so much he got me another one for Valentine‘s Day (one for my bedroom/master bathroom; I use the other one on the main floor of our house - kitchen/living room). 7y
Q84 OK I need this if it will read my Kindle books to me @8little_paws is it this exact one that you have? 7y
Q84 Thanks for asking this @RestlessFickleBookSlut 7y
8little_paws @q84 i have the original echo but I'm sure it works with this one 7y
Q84 @8little_paws Thank you! 7y
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Alexa | Maggie Osborne
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Littens, does anyone have experience listening to Audiobooks with Alexa? I am considering getting an Echo Dot, mainly to listen to books, but I heard the sound isn't great 🤔
#alexa #echodot #audiobooks

Alicia I use the larger echo to listen to audiobooks and if it‘s at top volume I can hear them nearly everywhere in my apt. Even when I wash dishes etc. (through the speaker is next to my sink) I don‘t know if the dot is as strong but I like the echo!!! Probably there is something better out there but I generally like the echo as well. 😁😁 7y
Reviewsbylola I‘m pretty sure @Booksandcooks does! 7y
GarthRanzz The volume on the Dot isn‘t quite enough but the Echo is pretty good for listening to podcasts and audiobooks. We got two Dots and one Echo for Christmas, put one each of the Dots in the office and bedroom and the Echo in the kitchen. Works pretty good! 7y
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tessavi @GarthRanzz @Alicia @Reviewsbylola thank you! I live in a tiny Japanese apartment, so your comments convinced me the sound should be good enough for that. I ordered a dot ✌️ 7y
Megabooks Sound is okay if you‘re in a small space. You can link it to a Bluetooth or wired speaker. My big beef is that you can‘t choose a speed for playback. I think there‘s an interesting algorithm that make the dialogue sound more natural, but maybe that‘s wishful thinking on my part! Overall you‘re probably better with a decent Bluetooth speaker if you don‘t care about other parts of Dot. 7y
tessavi @Booksandcooks Thanks for the input! 7y
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Alexa | Maggie Osborne
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In many ways, this novel is a retelling of Gone With the Wind, you know, if Margaret Mitchell was into sex dwarves, genital deformities, and the Inquisition. I wish I was kidding.

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Alexa | Maggie Osborne
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Summer Lovin' had me a blast!