This was a fun read! Very reminiscent of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. They were a couple of profanities sprinkled in, so I wouldn‘t give this to a younger child; I‘d stick with teens for this one.
This was a fun read! Very reminiscent of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. They were a couple of profanities sprinkled in, so I wouldn‘t give this to a younger child; I‘d stick with teens for this one.
I don't usually read YA (which I think this is?), but I'm really enjoying Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror. It's not a graphic novel, but it has illustrations that are strongly influenced by Gorey. The stories have a classic feel to them while still being original and totally scarifying.
Snapped it up for the princely sum of 10p from a library sale, largely drawn by the very Tim Burton'esque artwork throughout. It's actually a surprisingly chilling set of tales. Definitely something I would have lapped up as a child 😉 #childrensbooks #spooky
Current book pile - some already read, two currently ready, a lot to go.
#chrispriestley #talesofterror #undeaded #davidgrimstone #marcussedgwick #lunaticsandluck #barrytrotter #michaelgerber
Joseph wondered if it was old Mr Farlow trying to frighten him, but even as he clung to this feeble straw of hope the THING swished into view. He could not make out any features on the black shadow that was climbing faster and faster towards him, save for the the huge curved claws that it used to grip the bark.
#chrispriestley #talesofterror #spooky
Reminder to self: This is intended for a younger audience. The world building was wonderful. Priestley knows how to build suspense. The problem I had is that after all the suspense was built and he was ready to hit you with something, anything, nothing happened. The story just ended. "Oh". 3/5