3rd in the series. Great romantic suspense.
3rd in the series. Great romantic suspense.
This is not a stand alone novel so you will definitely want to go back and refresh yourself with what happened in the past books. Gage is the perfect blend of strength and humility which makes him a wonderful and entertaining match for Ella. Like in Warren's past novels the main characters are just a small portion of the novel, the side characters are well written, and the transitions back and forth between scenes is smooth and never feels choppy.
With so many characters I enjoy and relate to, it was a swift read and I eagerly await the next one! This one is a four on the en-JOY-meant scale and highly recommended!
New review @ www.bringingupbooks.wordpress.com This one is loaded with action, suspense, and freezing temps! #newblogpost #newbookreview #amatteroftrust #susanmaywarren
Doesn't get better than reading on vacation!
Loved this. Snow ❄️ cold setting 🏂🗻/ 💃🏻🚶🏻hot hot 🔥 story! Definite page turner with substance, perfect summer romance read. Brain candy 🍭 🤓I'm going to have to read the whole Montana Rescue Series. Hope you'll Check it out and enter the giveaway #lonestarlit https://sydsavvy.blogspot.com/2017/07/matter-of-trust-by-susan-may-warren.html
Here I go again, waiting like crazy on the next installment! A thrilling and adventurous tale, Warren does not disappoint. Her usual storytelling genius shines through in what is perhaps the best installment yet; one of heartbreak, adrenaline, and learning to trust. The romance is well done, believable. The side characters are so important that I don't want to say goodbye, I need their stories to finish now too. Another great Warren novel!