#TBRtemptation post 5! Founder & CEO of Venture For America, Yang, places top college grads in start-ups for 2 years in emerging US cities to create a new wave of entrepreneurs who will help create jobs for the next generation. Many grads earn degrees with a vague sense of what to do with them & few goals set down. As a "recovering lawyer" himself, he hopes to change that. He presents success stories & recommendations. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
mabell ?from a fellow "recovering lawyer" 8y
Linear I wish building things was as easy as making children. I mean whoever gets drunk and then wakes up the next day going oh I accidentally made a shed last night, nobody. No people just walk around going hope my children are my happy accidents. Where I love my children, I would like my happy accident to be that I cleaned my house or I tripped and fell and built a garage. 8y
Linear By the way my comment is from watching the movie Idiocracy and then seeing this book cover LOL. If you seen the movie it's basically saying that the world is populated by idiots because the only idiots were reproducing. All the smart people were too busy having careers and going to school 8y
MrBook @Linear 😆👏🏻! Loooooovvvve that movie!!! 8y