No joke, I had no idea Book Depository sent out boxes bigger than their one-book mailers. 😁 Also FYI - they pack way better than Amazon. The bubble-wrap is EPIC.
#bookmail #bookhoarder
No joke, I had no idea Book Depository sent out boxes bigger than their one-book mailers. 😁 Also FYI - they pack way better than Amazon. The bubble-wrap is EPIC.
#bookmail #bookhoarder
This book has mixed reviews on Goodreads—a lot of DNFs—many of which bemoan a lack of explanation about the magic, bad dialog, & a lack of connection with some characters. I didn‘t think it was as bad as all that. I enjoyed the book though it isn‘t as polished as other things I‘ve read recently. That being said, a post-apocalyptic fantasy in which LGBTQ+ characters are the norm is a welcome addition to the YA book world. 3/5⭐️s
Don‘t remember how I came across this book—almost certainly an author I read recommended it or referenced it or something—but if it‘s even half as good as the blurbs on the back say it is, YAY! Seriously. Carrie Ryan writes its “A roller coaster ride through a world of chaos and blood,” & Delilah S. Dawson writes, “...the deliciously dark love child of an epic fantasy and a stark dystopian,” to quote just a two of them. Ahh, yes please!!!
This is my current read and the 11th read of the year. 😅🤓 What are you reading this weekend? 💜