Look what came in today!!
I decided to hop on the #litsylovelist train!
♛College Student
♛Painting, games (and of course reading)
♛Wolf, White Tiger (they have both been my favorite since I was young)
♛Hot Chocolate
♛Cactus (not really good with plants though)
♛RWBY, HP, Critters (although I am a fan of many things these are the only fandoms I follow)
@hermyknee #litsylovelist
I may need to up my goodreads challenge 😅
This is my current read and the 11th read of the year. 😅🤓 What are you reading this weekend? 💜
New year, new books! Here are all the books that I have bought in 2018 so far!
I loved this book!! 💜💜💜💜💜 check out my full review at https://mindydiazstorytellingandwriting.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/magic-misfits-r...
Hey Littens! Sorry for the inactivity! What are you all reading? I'm currently reading this eARC!
Starting the day off right. 🌲
I just needed to share this with you all. I think this is the best thing I have ever written 😂😂😂😂
Let me know if you have any suggestions! 😁 💜
The books that she has already read are:
Gentleman's Guide, Mask of Shadows, Six of Crows
The books I have already told her about are:
Of Fire and Stars and 27 Hours
OMG I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! THANK YOU @4thhouseontheleft !!!! 💜💜💜💜💜 #letsgetcozy
Super excited to open my #letsgetcozy package from @4thhouseontheleft !! 32 mins to go 😂
5/5 stars
I absolutely loved this book. Assassins are aways a way to win my heart but the way Linsey was able to normalize the main characters gender-fluidity is what really won me over. One thing I've noticed with many LGBTQ characters is that the author makes them being queer the only main thing about the character. Linsey made Sal more than just being gender-fluid. It was a bit predictible at times but I didn't mind it as much with this novel.
@4thhouseontheleft set up a really cool october reading challenge! Go check it out! #screamathon
TBR (as of this moment):
The Magnus Chase series
Spooky Hallow
Even the Darkest Stars
(I'll probably add more later in the month)
I'm obsessed with this bookmark 😍😍😍 💚🐍
I just posted a photo challenge on my instagram (@ghost_queen_storytelling). Unfortunately I can't show the full pic here (curse you litsy cropping) but if you are interested, check it out on instagram and please give it a share if you like it. The more people participating the more fun it will be!!
Are you on instagram? If you are go follow me at @ghost_queen_storytelling and find out what I am currently planning! 😈🤓
Hey everyone! Here are some of my #fivestarpredictions ! Thanks @4thhouseontheleft for the tag! I am going to take @scripturient @DebReads4fun @cobwebmoth (sorry if you were already tagged).
Reading this for my North American Archaeology class and I haven't been able to put it down.
Do fake books count? I went to Michael's today and got some stuff from their Halloween collection. 😂
Book haul! I picked these up when I went with my friend to Barnes and Noble yesterday. 🤓📚🐉
Moving on to Heir of Fire. I might actually be able to reread all of them before I get my Whimsify Tower of Dawn box.
Reading at the dining hall because I don't want to walk up 23 flights of stairs to get back to my dorm room. 🙃
Not quite sure if I'm in a reading slump or if I just keep picking the wrong books. I'm currently trying to read Roseblood but its not holding my attention. I was having the same issue with Crooked Kingdom too.
I am throughly creeped out right now because of this book. Also in awe of all the formatting that went into this book. Its so beautiful that it is making me feel even more spooked.
I decided to take a break from Crooked Kingdom and switch to Illuminae! I love how this book looks without the plastic dust cover!
I just finished Traitor to the Throne. 😱 That ending messed me up. A review to come later.
Had to switch my current read to Rebel of the Sands (the print in Crown of Midnight was starting to hurt my eyes 😢) and so far I love it! I also love this version of the cover. I will just randomly stop reading just to look at it. 😂😍😍
Just finished book one out of eleven of my vacation reading challenge. 😎 Ten more to go and only six more days left. 😅
My current reread 😍📚