4/5 stars
There were some plot holes, but overall I thought it was a great read. I enjoy the characters and great characters usually help me overlook smaller issues. Can‘t wait for the third book!
4/5 stars
There were some plot holes, but overall I thought it was a great read. I enjoy the characters and great characters usually help me overlook smaller issues. Can‘t wait for the third book!
This #ARC is the 2nd book in the series with Annabelle Schwartzman, Medical Examiner, it picks up shortly after the 1st. Schwartzman is recovering from her double mastectomy & undergoing chemo which is slowing her down but not stopping her. A new case has her oncology surgeon murdered with a drug used in treatment & she has to wonder if her ex, Spencer is involved. A solid 2nd book, I liked it even better than the 1st. Tight pacing & good twists👍
It's a Sunday morning win when your 🥑 is the perfect ripeness and you can enjoy the home version of your favorite coffeeshop Avocado Toast with Spicy-Garlic Aioli--along with some green juice & breakfast reading time with a mystery/thriller #ARC-second in a series. Happy Sunday! #🥑🍞📚💚
Day 28 #JubilantJuly #ReadingHabits If you see my posts you know all my reading habits & are likely bored by them!😆My most needed habit for a good day is to start it with reading whether at home or at my hangout coffeeshop. On days I have to rush or be somewhere early & miss my 20-30 minutes of me-time I feel out of sorts so I try to build it into breakfast-like my Friday coffeeshop Acai bowl, coffee & book 2 in this mystery/thriller series.📚💜